Merc 200 efi alarm

  • redrnger
    Posts: 216

    I was running the boat when a continuous alarm went off.I shut the motor off and started it again and it went off again.I then started the kicker and went into the dock.I got home and checked the oil,it was half full and I filled it full.Hooked up the hose and started and it was pumping water.I loussened the reserve valve on the engine oil tank while running and oil came out.The whole time the alarm never went off. I then launched the boat ran around the bay with no alarm and loaded on the trailer.Went fishing the next day running and drifting for about 6 hours and when I start the trip back alarm goes off again and shuts down to a very slow speed and I shut down and use the kicker again to go in but start the 200 to load the boat and no alarm while loading.The motors a 2004 with a new impeller last spring,new water seperator last spring and plugs and around 600 hours.Even thou its kicking out water could it be the thermostats going bad,I beleive theres 2.Never had a problem with it till now.Any ideas what is going on.Any help appreciated,thanks.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Power trim fluid or lower unit oil levels?

    You may also be having a sensor malfunction.

    Posts: 1748

    you need to pin it down to oil alarm or over heating one

    there is a trouble shoot section in manual.

    thermostats are easy to get at and are around 40 bucks for 2 with gaskets

    the other thing is a cracked cap on the oil tank under the cowling

    if alarm is coming on when engine is not even warmed up

    inspect the oil cap

    lets us know what U find out

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    You have 2 alarms on that motor. 1. Continuous alarm is over heat. 2. The beep-beep-beep alarm is low oil.

    If you just had the impeller done, then yes I’d focus on the T-stats. Just replace them. (You have 2 on that motor.)


    Posts: 149

    I feel your pain…my OPTI has let me down sooooo many times. Goes into protect mode, and off to the mechanic I go…Like someone said…If you go BLACK, you might not get back.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    we were having the EXACT same issues on a buddies 200 opti. It was a low voltage issue. check you connections. one semi loose wire could cause the problem.

    Posts: 216

    The resivoir in the cowling is not leaking but I will check batt connections.I still think might be the thermostats.Will let you know when I find out.

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