Do not get Sprint phone service

  • J.K. Outdoors
    From West Michigan, Stationed in California
    Posts: 11

    Avoid Sprint Wireless at all cost. I won’t get into detail on how terrible they are, however, I will say that I would rather have no form of communication with the world at all than have a Sprint phone. Please do yourself a favor and get AT&T, Verizon, or anybody else other than Sprint. That is all.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 191

    Really!? Sorry to hear of your bad experience. BUT, I’ve been with Sprint for 10 years now and have never had any problems. Good luck in the future.

    J.K. Outdoors
    From West Michigan, Stationed in California
    Posts: 11


    Really!? Sorry to hear of your bad experience. BUT, I’ve been with Sprint for 10 years now and have never had any problems. Good luck in the future.

    I went back and forth in their store and they caused quite a hassle to shut off my phone without charging me a fee. I have my orders that say I’m deploying and under law they need to put a halt on my contract and wave any potential fees, but they had acted like I was a bad guy for suspending my contract on government orders. This is only the most recent of Sprint’s little stunts.

    Posts: 195

    First of all if you serve this country under one of our services, THANK YOU!!!!!!

    I feel the same way about T mobile.

    However, I know you many not have the time, but if you can run that up the sprint flag pole to the upper levels you should. That kind of reply by any retail store or any kind of business for that matter should be embarrassed and is a disgrace to American business. You and your peers protect their asses by going over seas and keeping the scum over there or even keep us protected here. I am one that fully supports not on ly the men and women like you that serve but also their families.
    Sprint has no right treating you that way.
    hope you have better luck getting it disconnected and when you come back, hello Vorizon or ATT
    Good luck and again from an IDO brother, THANK YOU for your service!!!!!

    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207

    Every cell carrier receives rants like this, sorry your experience with Sprint didn’t go better, I’d call Customer support and work it out.

    I’ve been with Sprint since 1999 and never had an issue.

    Posts: 928


    Really!? Sorry to hear of your bad experience. BUT, I’ve been with Sprint for 10 years now and have never had any problems. Good luck in the future.

    Over 10 years for me and nothing but great service. Every company has bad customer service from someone working the store. I would work your way up and tell them exactly what went on.

    Posts: 5139

    My boss has a a few lines on a business account with Sprint for over10 years as well. Never an issue until this year. Now every phone drops calls constantly. And when you use the phones for your business you can’t be dropping calls. Went to Sprint and they claimed they are updating the towers nearby, and problems should be fixed BY THE END OF THE YEAR. He then said he’d like to cancel his contract and find a new carrier and they said he’d need to pay over $600 ETF even though it is there fault. After a couple months of complaints to “managers” he still hasn’t been able to get those fees waived.

    J.K. Outdoors
    From West Michigan, Stationed in California
    Posts: 11


    My boss has a a few lines on a business account with Sprint for over10 years as well. Never an issue until this year. Now every phone drops calls constantly. And when you use the phones for your business you can’t be dropping calls. Went to Sprint and they claimed they are updating the towers nearby, and problems should be fixed BY THE END OF THE YEAR. He then said he’d like to cancel his contract and find a new carrier and they said he’d need to pay over $600 ETF even though it is there fault. After a couple months of complaints to “managers” he still hasn’t been able to get those fees waived.

    This is the kind of thing I’m talking about. I suppose if you never have to call Customer service for anything you might have a good experience, but as soon as you try to do anything other than pay your bill they jump down your throat and every time you call customer service somebody tells you something different. About a year ago I got a new phone because the lovely people at the Sprint store told me it would be cheaper than buying a battery (makes no sense) When I called and asked the lady at customer service she told me that it would be free to activate any compatible phone that I had but when I went into the Store they tried to charge me almost $80 to activate it. I called up the customer service lady again on speaker phone and her and the guy working there went at it for about an hour before I finally got it done.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    I sent you a P.M. with a number to Dan Hesse’s office. He is the CEO and I have personally spoke with him twice in the last year. He will take your call if he is in his office. If not they will put you in contact with a member of the executive team. I don’t deal with customer service anymore.

    J.K. Outdoors
    From West Michigan, Stationed in California
    Posts: 11


    I sent you a P.M. with a number to Dan Hesse’s office. He is the CEO and I have personally spoke with him twice in the last year. He will take your call if he is in his office. If not they will put you in contact with a member of the executive team. I don’t deal with customer service anymore.

    I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

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