9hrs 45 min and 170 miles

  • dbright
    Posts: 1894

    We took of from Grand Rapids at 1030 yesterday morning with a snow rain mix. With temps around 34° tell we didn’t make very good of time with us having to stop every 10 miles or so to warm up. Just as we past thru Jacobson it started to rain hard. Luckily we both had just put on are rain gear on are last pit stop. About the time we past Big sandy the sun finally poked through. We setup camp at the Willow river campsite and settled in for the night with good food and a good fire. Some hot coffee and breakfast over the fire this morning we decided to make the run the rest of the way to my truck with the forecast for tomorrow.

    After getting off the water we burnt approximately 24.5 gallons in 9hrs 45min. Which worked out to a 17.5 mph average and 6.9 mpg and under 3 gph. I did forget to turn of my GPS a time or two so the time is off but within a half hr.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Where are you going and why?


    Posts: 1894

    We went from Grand rapids to just north of Brainerd on the Mississippi.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I’ve been told you can run a deep v about 25 miles north of neimeyers resort. Does that sound about right to you?

    Posts: 1894

    Right now without a doubt. 25 miles up you could tell there was a a lot more gradient and rock. I would guess that would be a bad area in low water for a big boat.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Thanks. Other then the weather it sounds like a fun trip!

    Posts: 1894

    After looking at the map that might of been further upriver then that. There was a lot of debris floating. I was picking sticks up in my jet every 5-10 miles

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    What was the point of your mission? Data collection?

    Posts: 184

    At normal water levels I would say anything more then 14 miles up river from neimeyers you had better know what you are doing and know the river if you are going to take a deep v. I take my bass boat way up all the time and there are several sections that is idle with motor trimmed all the way up and you still have to dodge rocks. I’ve wrecked a couple of lower units myself and know of a lot people doing the same. One of mine was wrecked on a tree in 12′ of water so beware.

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