April 24, 2014 at 12:08 pm
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law suit filed with Mn DNR
Posts: 331PB2
Posts: 331April 24, 2014 at 12:49 pm #1405995Quote:
Where do I donate to the DNR legal fund?
April 24, 2014 at 12:54 pm #1405997So if crime in your neighborhood is very high can you file a lawsuit against the local police?….. All MN taxdollars that are spent on DNR operations on Mille Lacs are not solely from the resort owners, not even close. How does the DNR owe resort owners anything even if they are proven 100% liable? Building a business around a finite resource has its ups and downs…. business is big risk and big reward, hope they saved some of that money in the good times to pay for the following bad times.
April 24, 2014 at 12:56 pm #1405998Someone want to give me the Cliffs Notes version? What’s the background on this?
April 24, 2014 at 1:00 pm #1406000Quote:
So if crime in your neighborhood is very high can you file a lawsuit against the local police?….. All MN taxdollars that are spent on DNR operations on Mille Lacs are not solely from the resort owners, not even close. How does the DNR owe resort owners anything even if they are proven 100% liable? Building a business around a finite resource has its ups and downs…. business is big risk and big reward, hope they saved some of that money in the good times to pay for the following bad times.
In my opinion, this video doesn’t do a great job of explaining what is going to come out of this. A person has think a little harder about what the long term goal of this lawsuit is. During litigation the DNR will have to explain its reasoning for managing the lake the way that it did. We all know why…
If the DNR cannot manage the lake effectively for both citizen fishing heritage and for ‘other’ heritages (e.i. tribal), something will have to give. This lawsuit is hoping that the right of citizen fishing heritage will prevail.
The stuff about modifying this years regulations is just a place to start.
My .02…
April 24, 2014 at 1:06 pm #1406002Quote:
So if crime in your neighborhood is very high can you file a lawsuit against the local police?….. All MN taxdollars that are spent on DNR operations on Mille Lacs are not solely from the resort owners, not even close. How does the DNR owe resort owners anything even if they are proven 100% liable? Building a business around a finite resource has its ups and downs…. business is big risk and big reward, hope they saved some of that money in the good times to pay for the following bad times.
Well said. How about suing your local farmers for running out of milk. This seems a bit frivolous to me. However I don’t know enough about the fishery to fully understand the severity of the issue.
April 24, 2014 at 1:08 pm #1406003This video is extremely confusing. If I am hearing it right, what this lawsuit attempts to accomplish is to throw out this year’s regulations and go back to what was last year?
If so, it makes no sense to me. That doesn’t accomplish too much even if it happens.
April 24, 2014 at 1:09 pm #1406004Quote:
So if crime in your neighborhood is very high can you file a lawsuit against the local police?….. All MN taxdollars that are spent on DNR operations on Mille Lacs are not solely from the resort owners, not even close. How does the DNR owe resort owners anything even if they are proven 100% liable? Building a business around a finite resource has its ups and downs…. business is big risk and big reward, hope they saved some of that money in the good times to pay for the following bad times.
In my opinion, this video doesn’t do a great job of explaining what is going to come out of this. A person has think a little harder about what the long term goal of this lawsuit is. During litigation the DNR will have to explain its reasoning for managing the lake the way that it did. We all know why…
If the DNR cannot manage the lake effectively for both citizen fishing heritage and for ‘other’ heritages (e.i. tribal), something will have to give. This lawsuit is hoping that the right of citizen fishing heritage will prevail.
The stuff about modifying this years regulations is just a place to start.
My .02…
Good explanation.
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348April 24, 2014 at 1:09 pm #1406005Its all about the language used in courts, bit if I heard the word heritage one more time I was gonna bang my head on the wall.
Good luck to the parties involved, best effort put forth yet to get something done about this circus. I’ll be donating sometime this weekend. Like he mentioned at the end, if this prevails, it will have a trickle down effect for many other areas, and that’s what might make it so hard.
April 24, 2014 at 1:14 pm #1406007It’s going to be very interesting how this plays out in the courts….
From watching the video it seems they have a case. Whether they win or not who knows.
April 24, 2014 at 1:17 pm #1406008And so it begins…don’t think for a minute the the word “Heritage” wasn’t chosen for a reason.
Staying tuned.desperado
Posts: 3010April 24, 2014 at 1:18 pm #1406010Quote:
Where do I donate to the DNR legal fund?
well, if you live/work in MN … guess what ?
April 24, 2014 at 1:19 pm #1406011Quote:
This video is extremely confusing. If I am hearing it right, what this lawsuit attempts to accomplish is to throw out this year’s regulations and go back to what was last year?
If so, it makes no sense to me. That doesn’t accomplish too much even if it happens.
What it is getting at is “mismanagement” if they would change reg’s now, would you think mismanagement with the other reg’s they had ? I would…. to the neighborhood crime scenario, if the cops knew their was gonna be a rape on saturday night, knew the time and location and they chose to turn a blind eye to it, would you cry foul ?
Raping the lake, is what has happened at Mille Lacs since the early 90’s. Netting during the spawn is allowed where… Mille Lacs. Who allows it ? THE MNDNR…only they could protect the lake and did not.
April 24, 2014 at 1:20 pm #1406012Quote:
They should sue the indians….they ruined the lake.
Not… they did what the MNDNR allowed.
April 24, 2014 at 1:57 pm #1406022The point is what is our fishing heritage? The lake is open to fish and keep fish if you can catch one of legal size. Maybe tough but possible. Yes it is not as desirable travel location but at this time it isn’t closed. I agree there are issues with management but this lawsuit is in my opinion a lost cause. Just costing us tax payer even more.
April 24, 2014 at 2:02 pm #1406027Quote:
They should sue the indians….they ruined the lake.
Not… they did what the MNDNR allowed.
X2 MN DNR’s fault all the way….. allowed too much over harvest for to long now anybody affiliated with the mille lacs economy or recreations will suffer, everyday fisherman, business owners, and yes the native american netters will suffer too. if the harvest limits were kept the same or enlarged by smaller amounts over the years we wouldn’t be in this situation. and guess who sets the harvest rates oh thats right the MN DNR…..
Posts: 184April 24, 2014 at 2:25 pm #1406032What a waste of time and money. What do they think they are going to accomplish with this, well besides the lawyer getting rich. Maybe this lawyer should be in charge of the lake so the next time there is a natural downswing in the fish population we can all sue him. This is pretty typical for today’s give me society, protect my walleyes but let me do what ever “I” want to do.
April 24, 2014 at 2:33 pm #1406036When was the last “downswing” you speak of ?
Have you even heard of Mille Lacs ???
I suppose Red Lake had a natural downswing in the 80’s & 90’s too….
Set the bong down
Posts: 3010April 24, 2014 at 2:39 pm #1406038Maybe the DNR has an opening at their PR (oops, I mean “spin”) desk
April 24, 2014 at 2:53 pm #1406040Very interesting, if it doesn’t do anything else it will be the first attempt to use the Hunting and Fishing Amendment to protect a resource. Not sure if the lakes history of producing more walleyes falls within the definition of being a right, but maybe an individuals right if seen as a heritage. Does a persons past history/ability to catch more walleyes constitute a right that needs to be protected and restored. Good Question
April 24, 2014 at 3:37 pm #1406045I believe I “pay” the DNR to manage a sustainable resource… you don’t do your job, what happens to you ? Some people are trying to pick corn out…
to some of us, it has been obvious what has been happeneing to the lake the last 20 years.. this didn’t just “happen” yesterday
April 24, 2014 at 3:40 pm #1406046I am glad I don’t fish Mille Lacs much. All of this would be exhausting.
April 24, 2014 at 3:44 pm #1406048I believe the point is to prove that management practices over the past 20 years have not been in the best interests of preserving the heritage/resource that is Mille Lacs Lake and instead were in place more for political reasons.
It will be very interesting to see how this plays out… I’m no legal expert but it sounds like the success of this approach will hinge on two things – What exactly is the definition of Heritage? And can they prove the the DNR has not acted in the best interests of “Heritage” when they’ve set their previous regulations?
April 24, 2014 at 3:56 pm #1406051I only wish there would have been more notice of the meeting, I would have liked to attend.
Posts: 928April 24, 2014 at 4:06 pm #1406053Quote:
I only wish there would have been more notice of the meeting, I would have liked to attend.
Exactly, it’s hard to get behind something when you hear about it the day of.
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