Anglers as Rolemodels needs your help!

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Don’t skip over this post… this one is the most important ones you’ll read here in awhile.

    As many of you know we have the annual ARM (Anglers as Role Models) event coming up on July 30th. At this event we work in conjuction with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of MN and WI to take youths and their “Big” out for a day of fishing, education and instruction. The events of the day are highly laid back and the kids always have a blast going for boat rides, catching any fish that bites and learning more about our fisheries and recreational opporuntities that exist for them as anglers.

    These are kids that have little to no chance of EVER being exposed to fishing. ARM has found sponsors to donate new rods and reels for every child. Tackle boxes full of crankbaits, line, hooks and sinkers. We have pizza coming from Dominoes and treats from Kemps.

    But we’re short boaters! At present we have 35 “confirmed” kids planning on attending and we have 14 registered volunteer boaters.

    Houston, we have a problem! We need your help. You need not be a professional guide. You need not have a 20 foot boat with a 200 hp motor. What you do need is the willingness to invest a single day of your time to share your love of fishing and the outdoors with a child and their “Big” (chaperone) that likely has never caught a fish, been on a boat ride or seen the beauty of the Mississippi River.

    If you can help, please reply here. The event starts at 8 AM on Friday and will end around 4 PM.

    You may not catch a monster walleye but you will go home at the end of the day feeling that if for only one day, you made a difference.

    Posts: 649


    Where are you taking out of? Evert’s??

    Posts: 649

    Nevermind, I found my answer.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yes sir. Everts, 8 AM.

    We supply food, beverages and piles of equipment for the kiddies. Last year bait was even donated too. What we need are people who know how to laugh, have a good time, do a little fishing and keep an open mind to boat rides and bird watching. You never can tell what the kids will actually want to do but you can count on the kids being a ton of fun and having a great time.

    If yo ucan make it, that would be great. Maybe even make time to bring friends and family the following day to the Get Together.

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    I would be honored to be a boater. Count me in. Can you let me know any more of the details, unless all I need to know is to have my boat in the water before 8:00am. Thanks


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Everything is very straight forward. We introduce you to a “big and a little” and get them set up with their gear and goodies before heading out in the boat. It does help to show about 30 minutes early as we typically do a little group talk about what to do, where not to go and when lunch is going to be served, etc.

    We absolutely appreciate your help and guarantee lots of smiles and a great time to be had by all!

    Don’t forget about the Get-Together the following day if you’d like to get the family in on a fun family style event. We’re having a no entry fee tournament with lots of cool prizes (basically every last person will take something home!), tons of food, beverages and socializing.

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    We shall see you there then!!!!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    As of right now, You can count me in also, I’ll be coming off Midnights but will be alright. Like you said, The smiles and fun the bigs and Littles have is worth a thousand words.See you Friday next week.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks Chappy! Very much appreciated!

    You and the rest of the family going to make the Get Together on Saturday?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    No can do, I have a State tourny to go to for softball. Then the in-laws are having a pig roast Sat. afternoon they have every year that I’ve missed the last couple. If I want to keep them, I kinda need to be there!Wish I could be down there though! See you Thur. at the Gem?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yup.. I’ll be there!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Anyone who is on the fence about volunteering, I hope I can give you a shove in the right direction. I participated in this event last year for the first time. What a blast!!

    You don’t need to be a pro or a guide, just willing to meet a few new people and to have fun. These kids don’t care if they are catching carp or sheepies or 10 pound eyes, they just want to have fun. Their lives are much different than most of ours, so a day out in the boat is something that doesn’t come along very often.

    Please consider joining us next Friday, it will be some the best 8 hours of vacation time you use all year!! All you need is a couple rods and the willingness to give a child a memory they won’t soon forget.

    Please help this very wonderful event!!!


    John Kutz

    PS. I’ve been waiting all summer for this day, thanks ARM and IDA for letting me be part of such an amazing event.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Thank you for the update!!! I was a little hesitant after the problems Sunday last year with too many boaters since that is definitely not the case count me in…I scheduled that day as a vacation day last week hoping there would be a great turnout of kids…and it sounds like there will be. I am really looking forward to doing this again this year.

    I can vouch for everything Waterfowler said. It is an unbelievable experience for everyone involved.
    I also want to thank ARM and IDA for putting this event together.
    Not only will you be able to give a youngster a great treat by taking them fishing you will get to meet other IDA members. The event last year is where I met John and we have been fishing and telling fish stories over beers ever since.
    John “Buckshot” Blanchard

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Excellent Mr. Buckshot! We’ll count you in and we thank you!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I wish I could make it down this year but I cannot get out of work.

    Guys, this is a great event and a blast. I did it last year and it was one of the most fullfilling trips I went on all year. If you are free that day get on down there and take a kid fishing.

    Gator Hunter

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Sign me up. I also had heard in years past that were too many boats. That’s why I haven’t volunteered. I may need a little direction to a spot or two. I’ve never fished in the Summer down there. PFD’s for 3? What else?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m thrilled to hear it!

    We did have one day last year where we had a handful too many boaters but that is NOT the case this year. We’ll have everything the kids will need as far as rods, reels and line, etc. If you want to go cranking you’ll need to provide that gear but I’ll be willing to bet right now a light jig n’ crawler will be hard to beat.

    Here’s a brief synopsis of how the day will go:


    We’ll all meet a little before start time. 7:15 – 7:30 AM would work well.

    When you get there look for a tall guy with a clip board. that will be me. I’ll check you in and get started with trying to match you with a Big n’ Little.

    Shortly before start time I’ll do a short little talk on what to expect, what to do, not do, etc. We’ll post start time for lunch at that time and then begin introductions with the boaters and the “Bigs n’ Littles.” After a quick intro, IDA staff will help you set up your Little with fishing gear. they’ll each get a new rod, reel, tackle box with goodies, etc.

    Once this is done we’ll load the kids up and you’re off until lunch when pizza and ice cream treats are served.

    After lunch some of the older kids like to go back out fishing. Some of the youngsters are ready for a nap and that means you just earned a beverage of choice!

    Expect to be done by 3 – 4 PM. Also expect to hang out for food and brews with the guys afterwards if your schedule allows. We have one heck of a good time and the kids are usually completely blown away by the events of the day. Typically a top-notch outing for these kids is bowling or put-put golf and rarely do they get to be “king” for a day and get so much one-on-one attention and exposure to new experiences. Most are city kids. Well behaved but often new to any outdoor activity so they soak it up like little sponges.

    I hope I touched on the larger points. If you see an obvious gap, let me know and I’ll do my darndest to fill in the blanks.

    Thanks for the help SteveO! Any other questions, just holler.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Anything that would make a youngster happy. Last year I picked up a some candy/cookies and I had some pops and waters in the boat as well. It seemed like it was a hit.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Yep bottled water is a must in the boat so Jackie and I will be sure we have plenty of iced bottled Chippewa Springs water for everyone to take a couple of bottles out with them. As James said we will also provide lunch with the help of some of our sponsors. Domino’s Pizza, pop, Lays Chips, dip, Swiss Miss Pudding (Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl) it’s the best. We will also have Kemps MooMobile at the event and have ice crean sandwhichs. It is going to be a fun day for all so sign up to be a boater if you haven’t. Steve

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    I’ll check at the office but I think I can make it along with my two walleye pointers.

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    I will be there on Thurs. with the goodies from a few sponsers. Planned on doing shore work and fishing from shore for the two days. If things get very tight for boaters, I could bring the POC (piece o’ crap) boat but would need help with location, presentation, etc. Let me know later how your boater situation looks. Can’t wait for the weekend.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’ll bring a boat down James and have it ready for action. I don’t think there’s a shortage of shore help so I can switch roles upon a moment’s notice!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I’ll see what I can do. I was planning on coming to the get together on Saturday, driving up from Austin in the AM like usual; I need to be down at Eglin AFB (FL) until Thursday, but not sure what time my flight gets in on Thurs night, or what I may need to get done on Friday.

    Really wanted to make the ARM event this year… leave it to work to screw up my fishing schedule (again).

    Plainfield, IL
    Posts: 58

    Do you have to have a boat to help????
    I don’t own a boat but I would love to help out the kids if I could. Is there any four person groups or is it just twos? If I can get in with a boat owner and share the experience with two kids I might be able to get out of work to do it.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I’m sure someone could use a deck hand!

    Seriously, anyone out there open to a first mate on Friday? Might come in handy with a younger kid. I’d invite you in my boat but it looks like I’ll be on entertain the sponsors duty and will likely have a very full boat.

    If anyone out there would like a hand in their boat on game day just holler out here.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Great news… we need the help to get as many kids out on the water as possible. (It would break my heart to have to turn some kids away the night before ).

    I’ve got you down on the boaters list. Should you be unable to make it due to a change in plans please let me know.

    Thanks JBB!


    I’ll check at the office but I think I can make it along with my two walleye pointers.

    Posts: 649


    99.9% sure you can count me in as a boater.

    What do I need to have on board when I show up?

    Also, I can handle an extra person in the boat for someone without a boat that wants to still be involved.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Anyone else? We’re not at our goal yet. We need more boaters!

    Some things you won’t need to worry about if you volunteer to be a boater:

    1) – The kids being anything other than fantastically well behaved! Remember, these youngsters don’t get the chance to get out on major WAY COOL events like this one and they tend to be a little awed by the experience. They do of course have their “Big” chaperone along should some thing every happen but I’ve never heard of or seen anything but lots o’ laughs and big smiles.

    2) – Feel any pressure to catch a bunch of fish. Take our word for it, a white bass is as good as a carp is as good as a walleye to these youngsters.

    3) – You need not know the river like the back of your hand. The area chosen doesn’t have any wingdams to worry about or shallow channels to navigate. Dustin Stewart and I will be on-hand in the AM to give out info regarding productive locations and techniques.

    4) – You don’t need to have a big, hi-powered rig to show these kids a great time. One of our repeat volunteers takes kids out a short litte run in a jon boat to fish carp… and the kids have a BALL tussling with these strong fighting fish.

    5) – You need not have fishing gear for the kids. We supply all that and we kick in all the pizza, pop and ice ream treats you can eat as well.

    If this sounds easy, it is. It’s laid back. Lots of fun. And all for the greatest cause I can think of… giving children the chance to fall in love with fishing!

    See ya’ there?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    99.9% is better odds than I give myself most days so I’ll put you on the list. I thank you for getting involved!



    99.9% sure you can count me in as a boater.

    What do I need to have on board when I show up?

    Also, I can handle an extra person in the boat for someone without a boat that wants to still be involved.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Sorry bud, I’m hosed. I don’t get back until late Thursday. It’ll be all I can do to get unpacked, repacked, and up there by Sat AM.

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