Ice out Polk co WI area

  • slab-hunter
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    Hi all,
    Any info on the lakes in the Amery area? How much is left? I would think with the rain predicted over the next week or so that should take care of it.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Lakes are still locked up tight around Spooner.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Went out on Big Blake just to get an idea and there is a thin layer of ice, about 3 inches of slush and then 12 inches of soft ice. Without some sun and some warm weather it is going to be close. I have my fingers crossed.

    Posts: 26

    Snow did not help the ice thaw. I’m like 30 mi south of amery ..we got no snow. Now Luck had school canceled thur. Cuz of snow. I heard well over a foot ! Lake menomin yesterday over half off

    Posts: 10

    Blackbrook Flowage is the only one open

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