truck acting possessed…

  • smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    okay my men of wisdom..again, I come to you.. my previous, number one truck, sat most of the winter.. it acted like gas line freeze.. and I just couldn’t get it going until after it warmed.. once the weather broke, about two months ago, I got it to run and put new gas in it.. but I just haven’t used it.. so I needed it to run two weekends ago.. as my wife took the other truck out of town.. Gees.. got in the truck, it started ran all over town , did the interstate, every thing.. and the more I used it the better it ran.. but I let it sit for a few days.. NOW IS WHEN THE TROUBLE REALLY STARTED.. I can get it to run.. until the cold idle stops. I mean, like tonight.. I ran it, and revvved it no problem, until it warms a bit..and then you cannot touch the accelerator.. one touch it coughs and spits and dies.. and then it doesn’t want to start.. and when it starts.. it runs for about one minute.. coughs spits shakes, and dies.. help me , my men of wisdom.. I put some Sea foam in the truck earlier this week.. but.. I am totally confused..

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 908

    Might help if you post the make model etc. cause there might be someone on here that had the same problem with there vehicle of the same make model etc. Hope you figure it out.

    Tim Reszler
    Posts: 182

    Agreed. Start with the fuel filter

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Muffler bearing from that description.
    Sorry, need make, model, engine and year to help you out more.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    If I remember right he has an older Chevy truck with throttle body injection.

    My first step would be to replace fuel filter if no help take a look at the distributor cap and rotor if good.. inspect the shaft on the distributor,they have been know to have the bearing go bad and cause side to side play causing a severe misfire and doing what you described.

    Make sure all plug wires are not mouse chewed also.

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Two things come to mind, unplug you vacuum line to your EGR valve and try running or possible bad injector. Carb spray down the throttle body when it’s acting up, if it runs better you have a fuel delivery problem.

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    this truck is a 99 with fuel injection.. so I don’t believe I can ‘spray the carb’… but thanks for this influx of info..I really appreciate it..

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Egr valve is a common problem with those Chevys. I have a 99 and have had the same thing happen more then once and the spring gets stuck in the egr from built up carbon. Had other mid 90s Chevys where the same thing would happen. Take it off and blow In It with an air compressor.

    Oxford, Wi
    Posts: 194

    well I guess my first question would be is the check engine light on?? I have also had numerous vehicles in the shop that would run good cold and like crap warm. I have replaced lots of mass air flow sensors in that case. but it should set a code in the computer.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Fuel pressure regulator

    Posts: 3010

    acting possessed is better than being repossessed, I guess

    Posts: 1493


    well I guess my first question would be is the check engine light on?? I have also had numerous vehicles in the shop that would run good cold and like crap warm. I have replaced lots of mass air flow sensors in that case. but it should set a code in the computer.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    he didn’t say “spray the carb”, he said “carb spray” down the throttle body (ie air intake)… you should have one of them and if you don’t, that’s the problem

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