ICE OUT?????

  • pdl
    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    DNR ice out site says nothing open in MN yet but Modis Today satelite seems to show Lake Shetek open. Any news from there?
    Modis shows most of Lake Superior still icy…and it looks like south shore took quite a hit from the NW winds. GreenBay still white, as is WI’s Lake Winnie.
    Strange not to see any cracks in any of our big lakes except Superior…and no water running into LOW from Rainy yet.
    Cardinals and robins in our part of Mankato have been crazy for a week and the sump pump is clankin all the time in the basement, though ground has been clear several days.
    Anyone talk to plumbers, contractors, etc about the frost depth?

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Record snow falls and record lows this season… you will have that.

    I still have over a foot of snow in my backyard on Mille Lacs.

    The thinnest ice I drilled yesterday was 36″ and the thickest was 48″, most of ML had just over 12″ of snow on it.

    Rainy river is just open to Birchdale today and LOW has 36″+ ice yet.

    I think its going to be a few weeks yet.

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