What’s Your R/I?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Several years ago I was listening to Joe Soucheray talk about the beloved Cylinder Index on Garage Logic.

    Like Joe and his engines, I thought In-Depth Outdoors Logic needed to have a Rod Index or R/I if you will.

    Where’s your R/I at today?

    I’m at a miniscule 11 and that’s counting on Barbie pole.

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    I’m at 23 and I’ll bet there are many that are much higher than me. My wife thinks I’m nuts…….. I try walking her delicately through the explaination of why I NEED that many, but it doesn’t usually go well . I need rods for walleye pitching, walleye jigging, walleye rigging, walleye trolling, down rigger rods for great lakes trolling, Dipsy diver rods for great lakes trolling, lead core and copper rods for great lakes trolling, a few Musky rods, a few panfish rods, and about 5 bass rods. Makes perfect sense to me.

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    Update: I forgot about the ice rods!!!!! Make that 29 total

    Posts: 630

    Now there is a number I might not admit to in public……

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 412

    Oh my…I know I have exactly 80 ice rods…Carry 22 rods in my boat each day and prob leave behind another 30 or so…Just right in my book….

    Chris Beeksma

    Southern WI
    Posts: 933


    Oh my…I know I have exactly 80 ice rods…Carry 22 rods in my boat each day and prob leave behind another 30 or so…Just right in my book….

    Chris Beeksma

    And I thought I was getting somewhere with my 4 open water rods and my 2 ice rods lol wow I have some catching up to do

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    13 open water……8 ice……

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I can count 50 in my head, and know there are some backups I’m forgetting about. Probably somewhere around 60.

    Posts: 4033

    Garage rafters, a large rod rack, and a truck full. I’ve never counted them.

    Posts: 7348

    Are we counting all the kid rods too, yes that includes some spiderman, princess and sponge Bob rods?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Oh my…I know I have exactly 80 ice rods…Carry 22 rods in my boat each day and prob leave behind another 30 or so…Just right in my book….

    Chris Beeksma

    So if we show this post to our wives, it should be ok to get more!

    Just say…”I’m not as bad as Chris!”

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    Are you kidding me? My wife could see this.

    ^^^^Haha, you beat me to it B.K. ^^^^

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The higher your R/I is the easier it is to hide new ones.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I don’t want to count them Heck, I’ve got about 20 rod blanks sitting at the bench that I haven’t built yet. Looks like my wife will have a pretty good retirement program when I die….(Everyone knows that married men will die first)

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I think we had this exact conversation at the sprots show BK…

    I am at 53 open water combos and about 14 ice combos…

    I am sure I will find someting I don’t yet have this year also.

    Seems most who join me fishing have junk or nothing at all.

    South metro
    Posts: 134

    32 at home, maybe 3 at my Son’s house… thankfully the FW finally gave up asking about how many/ why… kind of like me just thinking good thoughts when she and the FD are off to the mall…

    Posts: 7348

    Another ? do tip ups count?

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Geez you guys are hoarders..lol..
    My count is 8, one exclusively for cats, 2with busted tips.

    Posts: 6687

    ~20 open water. That’s just a guess based on the fact that i store 15 rods in the boat and there’s at least 5 sitting at home. Suppose i should add the 3 bought last week.
    Make that 23 for open water and 7 for ice fishing.

    I gave 20 rods/reels away last year to a friend that was just getting started into fishing. He’s set for a few years.

    Might have a problem.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    My count is 8, one exclusively for cats, 2with busted tips.

    You have 6 until the tips are fixed.

    Tip ups are not rods.

    Gez, some of you people will do anything to inflate your R/I!

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874



    My count is 8, one exclusively for cats, 2with busted tips.

    You have 6 until the tips are fixed.

    Tip ups are not rods.

    Gez, some of you people will do anything to inflate your R/I!

    Posts: 7348

    I read over 50 rods I want hear that Duluth fog horn

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Can I participate?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Right around 20 open water.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Can we do a Sensey Index instead?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Can I participate?


    I recall a junk yard owner wanted to claim his cylinders and the Mayor wouldn’t have it. I don’t recall why though.

    Well, you can, but only with your personal rods that you actually use.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    20 rods (4 ice rods, 16 open water rods) including the fish magnet Spiderman rod!!!!

    I think I am getting rod envy.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    Can we do a Sensey Index instead?

    awww Pug are you talking about candles?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Can we do a Sensey Index instead?

    awww Pug are you talking about candles?

    I didn’t comment because I was afraid that’s what he was talking about.

    Posts: 3403

    I am at 28 after selling off much of the stuff I never use. I still have a few to sell off. If my wife is on here wondering how much I have spent on the rods and reels, I just added them all up and it came to $132.50.

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