At one point in time my farm was underwater, and at another point in time my farm was under a glacier…..DAMM SUV`s. I am waiting for the Coconut trees to get here.
April 4, 2014 at 3:34 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Global Warming….
At one point in time my farm was underwater, and at another point in time my farm was under a glacier…..DAMM SUV`s. I am waiting for the Coconut trees to get here.
and believing every thing you hear makes you____________?
a loyal subject
I can not even begin to imagine how ignorant one must be to echo sentiments that “climate always changes” and the like disputing the fact that global warming is happening.
There is no scientific dispute over whether or not this is occurring.
Google Jeff Orlowski if you feel so much doubt… if you don’t like doing research simply rent the movie Chasing Ice.
I simply can not believe there are intelligent people in this world who in good faith continue to try to argue that global warming is not occurring and using the fact that their backyard in January has 2 inches of snow more than the year previous… it is so damn obvious…
The real question is whether or not there is a real option to help… I don’t know the answer to that.
mplspug dared me to read this thread. So I Bumped it and added a link just as evidence I did read it.
You know what they say. The truth is a b*tch. We can’t expect to keep consuming and consuming and consuming like we’re damn wendigos. The earth will be here a long time after our dumb asses kill ourselves off. We’ve got a bit of time yet, so what the hell, let’s go fishin and leave the problems to our kids and theirs, right?
We can all make small changes, contact our local/state/federal gov’t with as much gusto as everybody has about gun legislation, and support more sustainable forms of energy and usage.
Can’t convince the fat guy to lose weight if he doesn’t think he’s fat. (I know from experience)
It is hard to believe global warming exist with the last few winters, particularly last year. However global deforestation in Canada is a damn crime. I’ve seen hundred upon hundreds of squares miles of boreal forest clear cut. Looks like a moonscape. And you should see the size of the equipment used to take down these forest. Forest don’t grow back quick up there. Unfortunately it’s the only way many up north can make a living.
Interesting read JD
I thought global warming was going to be repealed:???:
Or was that a different topic?
Joc, I’ve said that rain forest deforestation would have more to do with climate change than CO2 emissions. Forests are thrmostats that trap moisture. Yet no one ever talks about that.
…and support more sustainable forms of energy and usage.
If they only existed. I am all for cleaner forms of transportation and energy that are just as cheap as fossil fuels as long as they cost about the same as fossil fuels and don’t disrupt the landscape.
Put it this way, since I was in elementary school about 35 years ago they talked about the green house affect and cleaner energy. In all that time they haven’t come up with a viable option. No one tell me the Koch brothers and big oil are suppressing them. That’s a cop out. There is a will where there is $$$ to be made and in fact oil companies do invest in alternative energy research.
In any event, Florida is flat so I am all for global warming. I always wanted a house on the ocean.
I think there may be some issues that are affecting the atmosphere and climate to some degree but these scientists have learned to prey on the bleeding hearts in this country while Asian countries support the most damning pollution. China….I wouldn’t need much education to say that China has air quality problems big time, but since China, and a few other countries like India and Pakistan, don’t live under a bubble. What they generate for air pollution does not stay there. Just about every developed country today has a program for controlling emissions from power generating plants, refineries, industry and motor vehicles. Certainly the developed nations contribute to some of this global problem, but these scientists should be leaning on China and some of those nations that don’t attempt to curb emissions that cause the problems.
Yellowdog, Pug and joc have mentioned the deforestation issue. Most of the time this is not because there is a wood shortage, but is due to what lies under the soil. Much of what is removed in clearing the land is simply burned, probably more so in rain forest situations.
Instead of publishing these reports hinged on here, why not take the theories to where the real problems are? Convince those places to change how they do things.
Oddly enough over the past few years, we usually don’t start this debate until late February. Must be a cold winter.
Climate change is real. Just watch your outdoor thermometer, its always changing and always has……
Had a CNG mini-van in the other day.. bumper sticker said “this CNG van makes your Prius look like a HUMMER”…
Oddly enough over the past few years, we usually don’t start this debate until late February. Must be a cold winter.
The new Farmers Almanac.
Climate change is real. Just watch your outdoor thermometer, its always changing and always has……
Come on man, weather is not the same as climate…unless there is a natural disaster.
The real problem is:Scientists who have been saying this for yearsare the only ones getting “paid” in research dollars to provide results proving “global warming” or it’s latest iteration.
Money makes the world go round and adding politicians F’s everything up for good. Your exactly right. If your job doesn’t appear justified you get fired, the people making these claims are typically making money off of them, being elected because of them or are complete hipsters reading books about it at coffee shops every weekend so they can have something modern to bitch at others about.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Palerider77 wrote:</div>
Oddly enough over the past few years, we usually don’t start this debate until late February. Must be a cold winter.The new Farmers Almanac.
Climate change is real. Just watch your outdoor thermometer, its always changing and always has……
Come on man, weather is not the same as climate…unless there is a natural disaster.
the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
Temperature is the main issue when it comes to climate change BS. thus the phrase “Global Warming”
I’m not EVEN going to touch this one. Some chat rooms won’t even let this topic be discussed.
Lets Fish!
We basically forced China into becoming a industrialized country back in the 70’s. They adapted so quickly with so many factories that Wal-Mart was born. Wal-Mart and China closed 100’s of polluting U.S. factories thus cleaning up the air and water of our country.
How this relates to Global Warming I don’t know.
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