Global Warming….

  • Grouse_Dog
    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    After this past winter – hard to imagine…

    Climate Change that issued the 32-volume, 2,610-page report here early Monday, told The Associated Press: “It is a call for action.” Without reductions in emissions, he said, impacts from warming “could get out of control.”

    One of the study’s authors, Maarten van Aalst, a top official at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said, “If we don’t reduce greenhouse gases soon, risks will get out of hand. And the risks have already risen.”

    Twenty-first century disasters such as killer heat waves in Europe, wildfires in the United States, droughts in Australia and deadly flooding in Mozambique, Thailand and Pakistan highlight how vulnerable humanity is to extreme weather, according to the report from the Nobel Prize-winning group of scientists. The dangers are going to worsen as the climate changes even more, the report’s authors said.


    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 351

    This is why I have a bumper sticker on my car
    “Global Warming, The #1 threat to Unicorns”

    Posts: 556

    Here’s the best line from article….”We’re all sitting ducks,” Princeton University professor Michael Oppenheimer…

    I try to be open minded, a steward of resources and don’t flip my finger to science, but come on!! That entire article was a pop scare share through and through! If not for the Humor Factor, I’d have been embarrassed to admit I read the entire thing

    Posts: 3010

    If you give one of these an audience, it is his nature to squawk his danged fool head off

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    As opposed to ostriches who stick their head in the sand.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    If you don’t believe the climate is changing you are an ostrich

    The cause(s), severity, time frame, etc… those are wide open for debate

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Scientists have been saying this for years. My gut feeing is they are right and society lives in denial. At least those still alive.

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616


    If you don’t believe the climate is changing you are an ostrich

    Hasn’t the climate ALWAYS been changing?

    Posts: 395


    After this past winter – hard to imagine…

    Climate Change that issued the 32-volume, 2,610-page report here early Monday, told The Associated Press: “It is a call for action.” Without reductions in emissions, he said, impacts from warming “could get out of control.”

    One of the study’s authors, Maarten van Aalst, a top official at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said, “If we don’t reduce greenhouse gases soon, risks will get out of hand. And the risks have already risen.”

    Twenty-first century disasters such as killer heat waves in Europe, wildfires in the United States, droughts in Australia and deadly flooding in Mozambique, Thailand and Pakistan highlight how vulnerable humanity is to extreme weather, according to the report from the Nobel Prize-winning group of scientists. The dangers are going to worsen as the climate changes even more, the report’s authors said.


    For anything to be considered a scientific “fact” it has to be measurable and repeatable, time after time, with the same results.

    Given the fact that we went from Global warming to Climate Change shows the results are NOT repeatable.

    The Earth has gone through dozens of periods of warmer and then cooler periods. Its a natural cycle that can last for thousands of years.

    People think that we have a huge impact on the climate. We do have some, but its the arrogance of humans to think that we can control EVERYTHING! We can’t, and that includes the climate. Mother Nature prevails and heals herself. It just takes hundreds if not thousands of years to happen.

    The talking heads on the news were jabbering about how the climate will go into another Ice Age if Yellowstone’s volcano blows off a big eruption. Did my SUV cause that? I doubt it.

    Posts: 136

    Wow… I certainly hope you guys are correct. I am surprised by how confidently people who don’t believe global warming sound. So surprising considering to some degree we are all environmentalists/enjoy nature and have seen the harms of humans with the environment when it comes to fishing or hunting

    The melting of the polar caps is happening over the course of years… you realize that climate change should be happening over the course of millennia not from one human generation to another.

    To the naysayers: do you actually believe all the greenhouse gases have no effect on the environment?

    The term global warming is unfortunate. It is actually “global instability”. An exceptionally cold winter does not dispute the concept of global warming… it actually supports it.

    Basically every reputable scientist now agrees that there is global warming with a trend towards weather instability. I have yet to understand all these people who mock global warming… you have no scientific credibility and yet seem so confident. You all must watch FOX News?

    I think I disagree with about every political and social issue that has come up on this site recently.

    Posts: 3010

    anyone wanna buy a vowel ?

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    Posts: 5101


    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    More grant money for research

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629


    Wow… I certainly hope you guys are correct. I am surprised by how confidently people who don’t believe global warming sound. So surprising considering to some degree we are all environmentalists/enjoy nature and have seen the harms of humans with the environment when it comes to fishing or hunting

    The melting of the polar caps is happening over the course of years… you realize that climate change should be happening over the course of millennia not from one human generation to another.

    To the naysayers: do you actually believe all the greenhouse gases have no effect on the environment?

    The term global warming is unfortunate. It is actually “global instability”. An exceptionally cold winter does not dispute the concept of global warming… it actually supports it.

    Basically every reputable scientist now agrees that there is global warming with a trend towards weather instability. I have yet to understand all these people who mock global warming… you have no scientific credibility and yet seem so confident. You all must watch FOX News?

    I think I disagree with about every political and social issue that has come up on this site recently.

    Put a frog in water in boiling water… he will jump out

    Put a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat… he will boil with the water.

    Put a frog in cold water, slowly turn up the heat while screaming at the frog that the water is going to boil and he should get out…………. he will boil

    Posts: 3010

    put a frog on a table an scream; it will jump
    cut off the frog’s hind legs, put it on a table and scream; it doesn’t jump

    consensus is a frog’s hearing is located somewhere in its hind legs

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Something’s going on…my knee’s getting stiff.

    Posts: 3010

    is it making you scream?
    can you still jump?

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    is it making you scream?
    can you still jump?

    Temporary terrettes.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303



    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    More grant money for research

    Since it appears to be open for debate to you guys why would the climate change position hold more value for funding than the no climate change position? also I would think big oil would would be very interested in funding anti climate change research.

    Posts: 5101




    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    More grant money for research

    Since it appears to be open for debate to you guys why would the climate change position hold more value for funding than the no climate change position? also I would think big oil would would be very interested in funding anti climate change research.

    If you were the government, would you want to throw billions of dollars at something that can kill us or can’t kill us?

    We all know the climate is changing, there is no disputing that, but I have a very hard time seeing humans are the key factor, since there are studies showing the temperature has been rising for at leastthe last 2-3 hundred years. There weren’t any cars and very few human’s compared what we have now. And 1000 years ago we had what was called the “Medieval Warm Period” which some are estimating was warmer than we have right now a few hundred years after that it was what they call a “Little Ice Age”. This is the earth we have ebbs and flows of temperature and weather, it has been happening for billions of years, why does it happen to be humans fault right now?

    BTW… I’m all for pprotecting the planet, I just don’t believe we should be throwing billions of dollars at something we can’t stop.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    The ego is a powerful thing. If you believe in something and can others to believe and support it, that is an ego stroke. Why do people go along with things without question? Because being right by consensus is better than being wrong by fact.

    I’ve often wondered how so many people can say you are an idiot for denying global warming, when their only proof is they have been told there is a consensus. Then I remembered back in elementary school learning about the Green House affect. I also remember learning how solar and wind energy were going to replace dirty coal and dangerous nuclear energy…mind you I am 43 now. But I digress.

    I know there are a lot of people who learned about green house gases when they were in elementary school too. I think a lot of them want to believe in the consensus because by some subconscious extension it would validate that they are smart. Or maybe just prove to mom they did listen in school.

    There is a lot of danger in just blindly following others.

    Green initiatives, laws and regulation eat away at your standard of living. Why, because they are not economically sound or feasible. So I guess you need to decide what is more important, poorer, but greener or let the market place decide and weed out what works.

    No I didn’t get that from Fox.

    And if you really want to do something about climate change, don’t harp on carbon emissions, but instead try and get the world to stop destroying the rain forest.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303



    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    The ego is a powerful thing. If you believe in something and can others to believe and support it, that is an ego stroke. Why do people go along with things without question? Because being right by consensus is better than being wrong by fact.

    I’ve often wondered how so many people can say you are an idiot for denying global warming, when their only proof is they have been told there is a consensus. Then I remembered back in elementary school learning about the Green House affect. I also remember learning how solar and wind energy were going to replace dirty coal and dangerous nuclear energy…mind you I am 43 now. But I digress.

    I know there are a lot of people who learned about green house gases when they were in elementary school too. I think a lot of them want to believe in the consensus because by some subconscious extension it would validate that they are smart. Or maybe just prove to mom they did listen in school.

    There is a lot of danger in just blindly following others.

    Green initiatives, laws and regulation eat away at your standard of living. Why, because they are not economically sound or feasible. So I guess you need to decide what is more important, poorer, but greener or let the market place decide and weed out what works.

    No I didn’t get that from Fox. !

    And if you really want to do something about climate change, don’t harp on carbon emissions, but instead try and get the world to stop destroying the rain forest.

    As near as I can tell from your rambling you didn’t address the statement you quoted. But it may be because there hasn’t been a consensus for me to follow. You did say a couple of things I agree with though, going greener will make many poorer but it will also raise the standard of living for many others and I also deplore the deforestation that is going on.

    Posts: 420


    There is a lot of danger in just blindly following others.

    Green initiatives, laws and regulation eat away at your standard of living. Why, because they are not economically sound or feasible. So I guess you need to decide what is more important, poorer, but greener or let the market place decide and weed out what works.

    No I didn’t get that from Fox.

    Maybe not Fox, but you’re clearly repeating blindly some nonsense you heard somewhere…

    The cost:benefit ratio of federal environmental regulations are somewhere between 1:2 and 1:10. Hardly making anyone any poorer.

    Posts: 3010


    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    they REALLY like moths and butterflies ?

    (sorry, I just couldn’t resist)

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321



    I have often wondered what the motivation would be for scientists to falsely promote global worming.

    they REALLY like moths and butterflies ?

    (sorry, I just couldn’t resist)

    … And turtles. I like turtles.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    ‘Antarctic sea ice area the highest on record for the date, up 20% since the 1970s’ – Global sea ice expands to near all-time record

    2013 was a banner year for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent — ‘The highest maximum for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent of all time was set on October 1st 2013. The highest average anomaly for a year occurred in 2013. 2013 averaged 850,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean’

    Antarctica: IPCC Proven Conclusively Wrong By Newest Research – South Pole Cooling — ‘Evidence is irrefutable – the southern polar region is cooling, not warming as IPCC predicted’

    UN IPCC’s Claim That Antarctica’s Ice Sheets Are Melting Due To Global Warming Is Found To Be Fraudulent — ‘There indeed has been some slight warming in the area of the Antarctica Peninsula but the huge mass of ice sheets actually reside in East and West Antarctica, which measurements show to be cooling’

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    The real problem is:
    Scientists who have been saying this for years
    are the only ones getting “paid” in research dollars to
    provide results proving “global warming” or it’s latest iteration.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    Go skiing in the middle of the week at a hoity toity resort and talk to ppl on the lifts about what they do. I’ll bet you you couldn’t find one scientist on the slopes. So but you can sure as heck find plenty of people willing to pay big money to politicians to keep the status quo…

    Most big rich scientist stroking his ego… makes less than 150k/ yr… which isn’t bad except they have 100s of thousands in loans to get their degrees. If any of u think there is glamour in science… think again. there is about as much glamour as teaching. long hours… over worked… and underappreciated only to have years of research completely disregarded by ppl that… well i won’t finish that statement. I’ve tried to let these completely insulting threads about science and global warming go without comment but frankly its embarrassing. do we know the climate is changing…. yes. do we know how much… no. do we know what is causing it… not entirely. but just because we don’t understand something doesn’t make it false. If someone with zero understanding of your job walked into your office or place of business and called u a bafoon because some news station or political party said to… im guessing you wouldn’t be to happy.

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