I buy old and antique tools to use, so I have planes, chisels, saws, etc.
I would strongly advise against doing anything to the tools as far as cleaning them, removing rust, etc. If improperly done (and what “properly done” involves, varies widely by tool) this can destroy the value of the tool. It’s simply not worth it unless you know what you’re doing. Blow the dust off of them and leave them as is.
As others have said, this probably isn’t a goldmine, but you could have a gem or two that will have surprising value. Molding planes and the related sets of irons, for example, can sell for silly prices.
If the tools come in a fitted, hand made case, they may be worth a premium as a full set.
The most money will almost always be achieved, however, by selling each piece individually on eBay. This will be time consuming and you’ll have to do your own research to figure out what each tool is, etc.
If you happen to have a Stanley #112 scraper plane, I would love to buy it from you for current market value and I assure you it would live a happy life doing what it was meant to do: Be used to work wood and NOT left to rust on a display shelf.