BOYCOTT Casino’s and Business Partner’s

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I voted yes, I haven’t been there for years. They also own Eddies, The Marathon station on HWY 169, Subway on 169, The Bank in Onamia, the printers in Onamia, The hotel in St. Paul and many more places.

    Will a boycott make a difference?? Not a bit. There is a better chance I could find flight 370 then a couple of fisherman can influence anybody connected with the Casino. As you can see people talk out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to Mille Lacs. They protest and complain about whats happening to the lake, but they are right there with their nickel’s to gamble and eat at the Buffet.

    My opinion only.


    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I am really really surprised that the “no” votes on the poll are as high as 21% …. unbelievable!

    Posts: 406


    I am really really surprised that the “no” votes on the poll are as high as 21% …. unbelievable!

    The results would probably look different if they did not say business partners. I am not going to boycot cabelas because they rented space at the casino. They are not business partners they are a company that did business with them. I agree that it was a stupid decision by Cabelas. I have never gone to the Casino and will not go in the future

    Posts: 0

    I voted no also, I do not gamble, but I do shop at cabelas. This boycott would be about as effective as boycotting the new Vikings stadium…. Sometimes you have to know when to way when..
    As far as Millie Lacs, I think it’s more of a mgmt. issue than a harvesting issue, and it should get corrected, but it won’t happen because you refuse to play blackjack.

    Posts: 7348

    Cabelas decision wasn’t stupid, it was arrogant. It was we know whats going on, but could care less and we rock so we know all you sheeple will just fall back in line after the little complaining that will happen. 21% so far won’t, who knows how many will actually go through with it, in the end big business spits in the face of its consumer and could care less, and we are as usual waiting for their next sale flyer to come in the mail.

    Sorry, not this guy, its about time I made my first order to AGHQ, and step into Throne or one of the other dozen small shops around town for all my tackle. Might have to save up instead of 1month to 2 for that new rod, but at least it ain’t going to a company who makes such an egregious error in judgement.

    Posts: 207

    urine poor management. There are many lakes in northern mn that get netted and none that get pi$$ pounded by anglers the way mille lacs does. Don’t get me wrong I am in no way for the netting durring spawn or the netting of 75000 pounds but then we the angler get 175000 pounds.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Boycott? I say we name all our sports teams after indians. That seems to really get their goat. Then we will offer a peace treaty where we stop using the indian names in exchange for them to stop netting.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    what percentage of the population is native that fishes ML?????? they should actually get < 1% of the allotted poundage if we are going to play that game!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248



    Ok, seeing a few people won’t boycott the Casino’s,
    Please explain Why NOT?

    Ok since you asked

    I guess I see it as something for the MN legislators to fix.

    If the impact is what you say it is then the number one priority for your legislator should be to get some sort of $ buyout of the treaty rights. If they can not get results then vote them out.

    Great theory, but there is no way on Earth that the tribe would ever agree to a buyout. They waited over 100 years for the treaty to actually be enforced, so it’s a matter of pride.

    Just like we have political games, so does the tribe. It would be political suicide for anyone in tribal politics to even consider a buyout.

    I totally agree that if the goal is to bring the tribe to the table, the leverage is their source of revenue.

    I disagree with the idea that somehow “business partners” can be held to account for the way the Band has chosen to conduct itself when it comes to managing Mille Lacs.

    Bottom line is it isn’t Cabela’s employees out there netting walleyes.

    Also, I think going after so-called “business partners” is a distraction that leads to a lack of focus and could hamstring the efforts by alienating potential partners. Only the Band can implement a stoppage to the netting, so putting pressure on ANYONE other than the Band is a waste of time and resources.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    Why not boycott Lake Mille Lacs? As a nonresident a group of us went up there last winter I spent $350 for the weekend and caught no fish I could legally keep. Won’t come back till they straighten that out. Resort owners will be hurt but if I’m spending that kinda money there I want to bring home a meal of fish.

    I admit I don’t go there anymore. Maybe once every 1-2 years now. Of course I have no intention of going again until the controversy dies down. So yes the issues surrounding Mille Lacs have driven me away and I’m sure many others.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Does boycotting work? Are there any examples of boycotting having an impact on the target?
    I’m not trying to be a smart a$$.
    It’s a term I hear a lot and I get it. I’m pissed and I’m not going to buy their product. I’ve done it but just for the personal satisfaction that a business isn’t getting my money or referral.
    I think the massive number of people it would take to boycott casinos to the point of them even noticing is logisticly impossible.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 204

    Pug, That idea is so simple it is purely genious. I wish I had thought of it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    97% of all boycotts fail.

    If I was a business on Mille Lacs, I’d change my marketing. I wouldn’t tout it as the walleye capital of the world. I’d focus on drumming up business from bass, pike and musky fishermen. Hopefully some of the businesses aren’t passing up this great opportunity.

    When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aide.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    The casinos have never made money off sportsman and outdoors people therefore they will never feel our impact of not going to the casinos.. its easy for me to boycott casinos, helo I have never been to Vegas so its just a regular day. now how about the retirees with nothing to do and get enjoyment from the casinos.. they are never going to boycott casinos because of fishery management concerns..

    beating my chest on these websites about how they’ll never see my money is completely laughable to them.

    what the state could do is open up state run casinos and resorts with all the procedes going to pay for healthcare for everyone in the state of MN. Now everyone would have a ton on incentive to turn their businees away from the natives.

    Posts: 813


    Will not make one bit of difference IMO.The casinos have to much coin.

    X2 and they have law makers in their pocket .IMHO

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    97% of all boycotts fail.

    If I was a business on Mille Lacs, I’d change my marketing. I wouldn’t tout it as the walleye capital of the world. I’d focus on drumming up business from bass, pike and musky fishermen. Hopefully some of the businesses aren’t passing up this great opportunity.

    When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aide.

    I was just talking with some friends about this. Let the Walleye angle go, everyone knows it’s Walleye story. Resort owners should be at the Muskie expo etc…

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Wonderfull, now you want the rest of chicago to move here.

    Posts: 6687


    Ok, seeing a few people won’t boycott the Casino’s,
    Please explain Why NOT?

    I clicked NO

    1, because i rarely, if ever, actually support any casino anyway.
    2, because i’m putting only a small amount of blame for the current state of the fishery on netting.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    I guess I don’t get your comment??

    If casino goers get a free or much reduced health care from their visit to the casino that they were already going to anyway. explain the downside again? let the FIBS come and pay for my healthcare.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    Well, I just think it’s not a very well thought out event by an important retailer in the industry. Of course it’s business but as stated earlier, the timing seems to ignore the issues at hand. In the grand scheme of things I have little issue with the treaty, rather the timing of the harvest. I don’t care what anyone says, you reduce the available biomass when you net before spawn combined with a focused size harvest, is it any wonder. Cabela’s is a good retailer but there are others just as good that support sportsman’s causes, it makes good sense. So why not have it at Izaty’s, or set up something at a high school, McQoids, somewhere where they can support the local business’s being affected by the current state of Mille Lacs. I know they are offering tables for local business’s to participate at the show. Boy, that’s a slap if I’ve ever seen one. I suppose when your business is down by 70% because of the mismanagment, you might try anything. The only way that I can change things is to vote with my money and let them know how I feel. I refuse to go into the Casino and I will stop shopping at Cabela’s until they get their priorities straight (in my mind)….will it make a difference, I guess to me it does.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Minnesota is already a welfare state. Free or reduced healthcare only serves to draw more folks who have no interest in working to the state. My back is getting tired from carrying the deadbeats the way it is, we don’t need more.

    Wanna give reduced costs? Tie it to income taxes paid in.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    I won’t boycott them because it won’t do anything to resolve this issue. The main reason because I find it a fun time to go out for something different to do with my wife for concerts, gambling, night out, ect…so no I won’t boycott casinos or their business partners. I don’t like to see how the population on Mille Lacs is being handled but until it completely hits bottom or is done there won’t be a change in place and as mentioned this is a much larger issue then mille lacs lake

    Posts: 0

    If we really want to talk about something that will never happen…. how about a State casino for the outdoors Or would our state find a way to mess that up too

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974


    I won’t boycott them because it won’t do anything to resolve this issue. The main reason because I find it a fun time to go out for something different to do with my wife for concerts, gambling, night out, ect…so no I won’t boycott casinos or their business partners. I don’t like to see how the population on Mille Lacs is being handled but until it completely hits bottom or is done there won’t be a change in place and as mentioned this is a much larger issue then mille lacs lake

    There’s a lot of people who think like the above poster, if you choose to bury your head in the sand and think this is just a Mille Lacs problem, think again. If the tribe can’t net enough to feed the elders from Mille Lacs, they can go to a whole list of lake and wipe them clean. I feel for the businesses, we have the lodging already figured out, but I will for sure hit the bait shops and restaurants when ever we can. It would be cool if we could get several hundred truck and trailer rigs to fill up the casino parking lots and not go in, just take up all the parking so paying customers can’t park. I’ll never visit a trbe operated casino no matter how desparate I could get for intertainment or something different to do!

    Tim Mc
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 19

    I will miss my spring, fall and Christmas trips to Cabelas. A man has to stand by his principles. I believe we are all created equal and should be treated equally. Stop the netting and no more 10 walleyes a day angling with no size restriction for tribe.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Read the treaty and follow the money and this all ends.

    The treaty says we will pay them for a specific amount of years and they get the hunting and fishing rights. Follow through on this and eliminate the beurea of indian affairs and their huge budget each year. Me thinks the natives would be much more willing to talk if their welfare is cut off completely.

    If they want to claim treaty rights, we have to use the entire treaty and not only benefitial parts.

    Posts: 98

    My mother sold the family farm to – well not really Grand Casino, but the developers who implemented their plan and there is a Grand Casino on what used to be our farm. So does that make me a business partner?

    I’d hate to be boycotted, I’d end up fishing by myself a lot.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I cannot find anything online about Cabelas and a sporting show at the casino.

    I am interested. If true, it is enough for me to stop buying anything from them.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    If a person plans on boycotting Cabelas due to some sort of connection I think it would be hypocritical to do business with any corporation that is somehow tied to the casinos or tribes.
    I think if a person spent the time to create a list of all business’ that do business in one way or another with the casino, be it advertising or whatever that the list would be surprisingly lengthy. You should then stop all transactions with all of them.
    This is not to defend Cabelas, just an opinion

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