Trout shocking numbers way down:(

  • mudneck_joe
    SE MN
    Posts: 409

    I was reviewing the latest DNR trout survey numbers and am basically scared at what I saw. Trout run had 8,700 trout per mile in 2010 and only 1,950 in 2013. No reproduction and not may adults. Gribben Creek went from 9,000 trout per mile in 2012 to just 1,517 trout per mile in 2013. Bee Creek went from 6,100 trout per mile int 2010 to just 1,500 trout per mile. Only two creeks stayed the same and they are both dinky head water streams consisting of Furgeson Creek and Trout Valley Creek. Consiquently my favorite brook trout stream had not brook trout last summer and now is registered on the MPCA impaired waters list for cow and pig “nutrients” Probably anhydrous ammonia too:( If you have fished trout the last 5 years you have probably seen the peak of trout fishing in the driftless area.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I have no background knowledge of this at all…. but 6-9,000 per mile sounds like way more than I would have guessed any system would support.

    Posts: 76

    Head to Iowa. We cleaned up @ North Bear on Saturday!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Our last couple of summers so drought like reminded me of the mid-eighties….Water temps killed a lot of fish, many relocated where they could find deeper water. Many of my haunts here in SE MN seemed desolate. Even Forestville state park, at the lower picnic shelter was awful. Didn’t help the dam beavers built one, causing even warmer water. So I went up and over to Cow Spring creek, better flow and better fishing. Bad news was very little fry survived, so possibly a whole year class or two are missing in many waters. It’s going to take some ‘normal’ years to recover…

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