OK, so this frustration with cheap leather goods has been building for some time.
Everything leather I buy, belts, wallets, etc now in various department stores, etc, seems to be made out of cheap, “reconstitued” leather. So it falls apart within a few months. This cr@p says “genuine leather”, but I think it’s cheap ground up leather pressed into shape and then coverd with vinyl to make it look good.
I go through 2-3 belts a year, a wallet every year, it’s all the same problem.
The last straw was that I bought a new “Genuine Leather” wallet 3 weeks ago and paid almost $40 for it. And I look today and it’s got a freaking hole in it where a seam has split because the cheap “reconstituted” leather is so thin. What a POS.
Where can I get REAL leather goods that are 100% leather with NO reconstitued sh!# and NO viynal or pleather? The only thing I’ve had that lasts are Filson belts, but I like to have different syles and Filson doesn’t make a reversable belt, which is very handy for travel.
Where else can I get some freaking QUALITY?