Have had some venison in a brine for 6 days in prep for today. Gonna try my hand at corned venison and cabbage. If it works out, then heck yeah!!! But, if it doesn’t, im screwed out of a good St Patty’s meal!!! Oh, the perils!!!!!
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St Patty’s experiment
March 17, 2014 at 8:36 am #1396754
* 2 cups water
* 6 tablespoons curing mixture (e.g., Morton® Tender Quick®)
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 4 1/2 teaspoons pickling spice
* 1 tablespoon garlic powder
* 6 cups cold waternhamm
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348March 17, 2014 at 8:42 am #1396758Idk how you can go wrong with venison anyway you cook it. Sounds like you got a good meal ahead of ya
You having Jameson with ya for dinner?fishdale
Posts: 406March 17, 2014 at 8:47 am #1396760This is the recipe I used for the brisket that I am cooking today. Just spread the mixture over the brisket and put in a bag in the fridge for 5- 7 days and you are ready. I vac pack mine but it is not required. Corn beef and Cabbage and a guinness it does not get much better than that.
Place brisket in Dutch oven. Add pickling spice and water to cover. Bring to boil; reduce heat. Simmer until tender, about 3-4 hours.Ingredients
One beef brisket, 4-6 lbs
5 tablespoons Morton® Tender Quick® mix or Morton® Sugar Cure® (plain) mix
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground paprika
1 teaspoon ground bay leaves
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon garlic powderzooks
Posts: 938March 17, 2014 at 9:30 am #1396774Quote:
* 2 cups water
* 6 tablespoons curing mixture (e.g., Morton® Tender Quick®)
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 4 1/2 teaspoons pickling spice
* 1 tablespoon garlic powder
* 6 cups cold water
I think you’ll be just fine with that brine, looks really good to me. Let us know how it turns out!March 17, 2014 at 10:59 am #1396806I agree, you should be good with that brine. Can’t recall the brine I used but I do this annually with my venison round roasts. They come out nice and tender and full of flavor.
Good luck
March 17, 2014 at 12:20 pm #1396845Quote:
Thank you for that, Stuart.
It’s not “Patty”! Saint Patrick was a man. We’re not celebrating Saint Patricia’s Day.
In case you’re still wondering, in Ireland he’s Saint Padraig. Notice the third letter.
March 17, 2014 at 12:56 pm #1396870Quote:
Thanks for that! I’d better go throw my dinner in the snowbank…
Haha…tough crowd!
March 17, 2014 at 2:15 pm #1396911Quote:
Thanks for that! I’d better go throw my dinner in the snowbank…
Actually,you should.St.Patricks day meal for the Irish has always been pork and potatoes, not corned beef and cabbage.
It wasn’t until they immigrated to America that beef came into their homes and meals as it was by far cheaper than pork.
I know, TMI,but I do my very best to educate a Viking fan any chance I get.Kinda like the Packers do.
Enjoy your evening and your meal.March 17, 2014 at 3:32 pm #1396929Well, almost done. Just dropped in some red potatoes, cabbage, onions and peppers. Speaking of peppers, congrats on the Pack’s latest signing…he’s a pretty decent first quarter player…
March 17, 2014 at 4:33 pm #1396954Peppers were never part of any Irish dish,never have been never will be considered Irish.
So what you have is some meat and vegetables in a pot.
I don’t follow any sports at all.Thats why I’m on a fishing site.Was just pulling your chain a little bit.Honestly didn’t meen to step on your dick.
Did mean whole heartily for you to enjoy your night and your meal!March 17, 2014 at 4:40 pm #1396957The results are in….Meh…
Without the fat content of beef, it didn’t take the brine as well as it could’ve, and was a touch dry. Bummer!
March 17, 2014 at 6:19 pm #1371339Quote:
The results are in….Meh…
Without the fat content of beef, it didn’t take the brine as well as it could’ve, and was a touch dry. Bummer!
ive done corned venison quite a bit trying different things here and there trying to come up with something close (it will never be the same) so I can then put it on the smoker and make pastrami. My response has always been just about the same as your….ehh its okay.
March 17, 2014 at 6:50 pm #1396967I sent a text message today to someone saying Happy St. Patti’s Day, and my spellcheck changed the word Patti’s to Party’s.
I don’t think it really changed the meaning all that much!!
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