
  • Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    We are looking at upgrading to smartphones. What do you guys do about insurance? The cost of it is outrageous when you figure in the deductible. If we go without and something happens to a phone, do we have to buy another from Cellcom or can we get them elsewhere? Looking at Best Buy all their phones are carrier specific, from what I can tell. Either Sprint, Verizon or AT & T.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 445

    Clearly Not the Best…..use of your $$$$!

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Im not familar with Cellcom, but with any major retailers you have to buy their phone. I have never paid for the extra insurance and have been lucky I havent had a problem yet.
    My plan if my phone breaks or i loose it would be to get one online. Theres websites that sell used phones that fit your carrier, also places like craigslist or use one of my old ones until i can renew and get a new phone.

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    Check out wirefly

    Posts: 649

    Typical carrier or Best Buy will charge you 9.99/month for insurance/protection.

    Add that over 2 years plus you are in for $240 for “insurance”

    If you have to buy a new smartphone without a contract at full cost, you are talking about $600 (give or take $100).

    Say you drop your phone at month 14 and have to replace it. You are in for $140 in premiums and $100 in deductible, so $240 gets you a working phone again versus $600.

    Keep in mind, that any functional failure in year 1 is still covered by the manufacturer, so you are basically paying to cover the risk that you will physically damage your phone to the point it won’t function.

    That is why I have coverage on my wife’s phone and not mine. I trust me

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ve always had it through Verizon. They told me if I lose it, break it, whatever, it will be replaced. The only caveat is that it will be a refurbished phone, but it will be the same model.

    Posts: 31

    I haven’t had a problem with cellcom yet and definitely the best coverage i have seen for out on a lake or what not. But i was reluctant on a smart phone but got an iPhone and immediately bought an otter box for it. It really can take a beating and it has held up for well over a year now. But if you have a problem or technical glitch with an iPhone within a year you can take it in and have it replaced. The cellcom people just need to check it out to make sure you aren’t lying. I haven’t had a problem yet so i guess i am a little biased.

    Posts: 149

    Have you checked out T-Mobile “Jump”? No contract, and the best coverage in town.

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    I have cellcom and they are good to me they have a ton of used phones so if you lose yours you can buy another for a little to nothing check with them they are good about that wish they didnt have a contract

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    We’ve had Cellcom for years and are happy with the service coverage ,signal and price.

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