It sure felt like a mushball the first time i used one last year. Noticable, that’s for sure.
Still hurts when you get hit by either
Protect the face and the nuts.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Newest Softball Bats
It sure felt like a mushball the first time i used one last year. Noticable, that’s for sure.
Still hurts when you get hit by either
Protect the face and the nuts.
your juggy and freak will have about the same performance. both are top of the line asa bats. the 52 cor ball does put the hr’s back into the hands of the big guys now. they certainly don’t fly as far but it feels like they last longer. 44’s feel like socks after a handful of games/bp sessions. the 52’s don’t fly as far but i don’t have an issue throwing one that is 4 games old into the game.
your juggy and freak will have about the same performance. both are top of the line asa bats. the 52 cor ball does put the hr’s back into the hands of the big guys now. they certainly don’t fly as far but it feels like they last longer. 44’s feel like socks after a handful of games/bp sessions. the 52’s don’t fly as far but i don’t have an issue throwing one that is 4 games old into the game.
That makes me feel quite a bit better.
Some of you guys know waaaaaaaaaay too much about softball bats.
on a website where some guys have 50k+ tied up in fishing equipment, having a few hundred tied up in some other sport is “too much”?
on a website where some guys have 50k+ tied up in fishing equipment, having a few hundred tied up in some other sport is “too much”?
Ha! I never said you spent too much on softball equipment. I’m not one to judge.
on a website where some guys have 50k+ tied up in fishing equipment, having a few hundred tied up in some other sport is “too much”?
Ha! I never said you spent too much on softball equipment. I’m not one to judge.![]()
haha. my wife is always like blah blah too much blha blah fishing blah blah softball blah blah tools. i just point at the wall of scrapbooking crap we’ve accumulated over the years.
<font class=”small”>Quote:</font>
<hr>Some of you guys know waaaaaaaaaay too much about softball bats.on a website where some guys have 50k+ tied up in fishing equipment, having a few hundred tied up in some other sport is “too much”?</font>
You must be trying way to hard to justify your spending. He never once said anything about cost.
@Andyisder, as a fellow pitcher you will appreciate this picture of my leg. I bet I flinched for the rest of the game after that one.
Right upper thigh ? As a RH pitcher, the worst place to try to catch/defend quickly or to get the heck out of the way fast enough… had more than one of those
Ouch. Bet that will hurt in a week.
I had one end up in my glove Thursday night and didn’t see it happen! Lol
I have an opportunity to get back in the game next year playing in the 50+ league. Back in the day an illegally end loaded Easton aluminum 26oz bat was the bomb for preferred bat speed. Is the lighter weight bat still what is preferred? I have been swinging my 30 year old 10lb lead weighted bat everyday thinking of the glory days when we won the MPLS city championship in 83.
technology is totally different. most of the older bats were built to hit blue dots which is like hitting a golf ball compared to todays bats.
our pitcher last year suffered a blowout fracture do to a shot in the face. everyone around here this year has started to wear masks. i don’t pitch but once in a while, when i do i wear a faceoff.
i haven’t owned a miken since my warranty return freak 98 broke at the taper like 6 or 7 years ago. i don’t know why that is!
my current sticks are a bryce olivera Combat Wanted and the Monsta DNA.
I am Demarini all the way! The mercy and aftermath are straight fire with the 52-300 balls. And those of you that prefer an end load go with the future.
I can’t get a demarini to pass a compression test on the weekends otherwise i would. grey and maroon aftermath a guy swings during league is a firestick.
granted, this monsta and some of my combats barely pass but they do pass.
at an asa tourney a few weeks back, not one demarini passed. guys were pulling mercy’s, juggy’s, and aftermaths out of the wrapper and having them fail. even with the new compression settings. none of my combats passed but 1 but they are broke in.
When buying a new bat makes you a better hitter there is something wrong with the sport, errr activity. What about hand/eye coordination and timing(not like there is much of that is slow pitch anyways). Limit the bats and balls, play with 3 outfielders and let defense have an impact on the game.
Uhhh. Having better technology makes you better in almost evry sport.
He said it’s not a sport, it’s an activity. Technology comes into play in everything we do. Buying a new bat is no different than buying a high end St. Croix or new electronics. And yes I also own high end St. Croixs.
Trying to compare how technology helps in athletics vs fishing is just silly. Does technology help fisherman….sure, but don’t compare it to softball. You could be a mediocre hitter, but spend a few hundred on a new bat and suddenly your a stud homerun hitter. Put a $500 driver in the hands of a 30 handicapper and you still have a 30 handicapper who hits it farther off line. Now technology does help in golf, but it really only aids those who have a decent swing anyways.
My point is, slow pitch softball is one of those sports where technology has an enormous impact on the game. I have seen guys who couldn’t hit one out of the park from 2nd base suddenly hit one out seemingly every other at bat.
Not sure how much has changed since I played, but when I started, the fences were anywhere from 255-285′ and 6 foot snow fences. When I quit they ranged from 285 on the low end, to 310′ and 10′ high. You still had to “hit ’em, to get ’em”.
Trying to compare how technology helps in athletics vs fishing is just silly. Does technology help fisherman….sure, but don’t compare it to softball. You could be a mediocre hitter, but spend a few hundred on a new bat and suddenly your a stud homerun hitter. Put a $500 driver in the hands of a 30 handicapper and you still have a 30 handicapper who hits it farther off line. Now technology does help in golf, but it really only aids those who have a decent swing anyways.
My point is, slow pitch softball is one of those sports where technology has an enormous impact on the game. I have seen guys who couldn’t hit one out of the park from 2nd base suddenly hit one out seemingly every other at bat.
yeah i’m not sure what backwoods jenky softball leagues you’ve been around. I love watching people talk about slowpitch like its a cakewalk hr fest. Usually its college kids with a little baseball background. They are always at the park…hitting sky high popups and weak dribblers to 3rd base. thought it would be easier right? then they are in the field trying to stop missles from 60′ at 3rd as opposed to 90′.
bats are hotter thats for sure, but the balls are effectively balled up socks wrapped in leather compared to the enlarged golfballs they used in the 70’s and 80’s.
i’ve seen 300 dollar bats turn mediocre hitters into….the same mediocre hitters… if you are good, a good bat will help alot. If you are bad, you will still be bad. sure every once in a while pop up paulie will hit a hr occasionally but if you think that didn’t happen when the boys were swinging aluminum with 50 cor balls, you’re kidding yourself.
well now that you brought it up, softball is a cake walk. If you can’t hit a softball you should play soccer. I played baseball at a pretty high level and the occasional softball tournament, hitting a softball is NOT difficult. Play softball because you enjoy competition but don’t tell me it’s a hard game to play
Have you ever lobbed a ball at a guy 35 feet away who wants to break that ball in half…? I played plenty of baseball at many levels and even more softball… I wouldn’t call either one easy. I will say one has WAY more “action”.
they always played “high” level baseball. its certainly not hitting a 75 mph hanger after seeing 2 90+mph fastballs and your avg should certainly be double that of a baseball average so getting on base is certainly “easier” but defensively its played in much closer quarters and balls are moving just as fast off the bat.
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