garage door opener help

  • buckshot
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I have a craftsman 1/2 horse opener and the door is opening too far and the chain is getting bound up so it won’t close. When I push the button the opener is trying to open the door further but its all the way up and tight to the stop bolt. When I pull the cord and release the door it goes up and down very easily so there are no issues with the door.
    I’ve also checked the eyes and they are fine.

    It is definitely an issue with the door trying to open too far.

    I loosened the chain and moved it a couple links and played with the settings so the door would close tight and just open above the top of the frame of the garage.

    I just did this on Friday and the garage has only been up and down 5-6 times since then and it is bound up again.

    I made sure the chain tension was good so I can’t believe its jumping on the drive and creating the problem.

    Anyone have this happen and if so what did you do to correct the issue.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I already tried Sears chat and they sent me to another Sears chat site where the chat option isn’t enabled so they are either closed today or their site is having issues.


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    It sounds like you just need to adjust the travel. There should be screws on the motor unit. I don’t know what else it could be.

    Posts: 37

    I agree – there should be a button on the side of the opener that will allow you to adjust the travel of the chain.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I had the open and close heights set right after I got the chain reset on Friday and nothing changed so I am confused why it would happen again so quickly.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m not sure. It’s just the only thing I can think it would be. I put in a new opener a few years back and about lost my mind trying get it set right. It was super sensitive. I’d give it a try.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    If you had the travel set and how it is not working right. One thing to check is the gear that travels along to the mirco-switch. It sounds like it might be strip. You can buy parts if you are handy at repairing thing.

    Unplug opener and take the cover off and you should be able to see the little gear. Most likely it will be plastic. Good luck!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I got it reset and its working again now….I did take the cover off as well and all the gears looked okay.

    I will keep an eye on it and if it looks like its starting to open too far I will just keep adjusting the open height.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    mine’s acting up as well. All since the coldest days. This adjustment thingy sounds like something I need to try.
    thanks:good thread

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