FYB boat ???

  • mr. sauger25
    Posts: 148

    To those who boat in fridgid weather. So I plan on pre fshing Friday before the tourney next weekend and than staying at everts resort normally when I fish in below freezing temps I don’t worryto much cause I put my boat in a heated garage do I leave the boat in the water which is kinda what I prefer to do or should I trailer it up and let it freeze up any help would be great thanks in aadvance

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 197

    I would say taking it out and letting it freeze is NOT a good idea

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 197

    Definitely pull you’re graphs and battery and bring them inside with you overnight.

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    if you have a cover that you can put on while its on the water it should keep most things fairly warm due to the water warming the bottom of the boat and heat rising. other wise keep on water and pull graphs and put batteries on a charger.

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    Why pull your graphs? If you have power at the dock then just leave them run overnight, I would think that would be better than fumbling around with frozen electrical connections full of frost in the morning?

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    You are really worrying about nothing.

    Trailer the boat up.

    Tip the motor up/down a few times to drain it. (i even run for a few seconds)

    Pull graphs, plug charger in and cover if you have one to limit frost covering that is slippery, annoying and wet.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    On of the things I’ve started doing in the cooler months is turning the kill switch off, then turning the motor over.

    That way there isn’t any heat created while blowing out the water.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458


    Why pull your graphs? If you have power at the dock then just leave them run overnight, I would think that would be better than fumbling around with frozen electrical connections full of frost in the morning?

    pull your graphs because if they are in single digit temps, your not going to see anything except funky lines on your graph until the screens warm up. If they are warm when you start them up, they work and will continue to work when the screens cool to the outside temps.

    And don’t forget to have some de-icer for you trolling motor if you have one.

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