This Year everyone really will freeze there butts

  • mr. sauger25
    Posts: 148

    So how many teams are gonna drop out looks like take off time for tourney it will be -9 degrees my partner already informed me if the weather forecast stays the same he wont be going with. Maybe we should move it a week back I know probably not possible with the permits and all. So I hope to see u all there im guessing it will drop from 60 to 25teams

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I was talking with Eric Rehburg about this last night. It is going to be brutal… suppose there’s a way to mount an Otter to a Skeeter and fish the Freeze Your Butt with the short rods and the heater set to high?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That is why it’s named “Freeze Your Butt Off”!

    I’ve been toying with the idea of having an award for the first person back to the bait shop…say a “Sally Doll” or something.

    Historically it’s been Lenny Jamison first in although if you count Eric Anderson and Jami Ritter not getting out until 11 am, they might be a contender as well.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I had -2 on the drive down last year. Not sure it will feel much worse.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The FYB has never been delayed due to cold or bad weather. Hopefully never will!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    The FYB has never been delayed due to cold or bad weather. Hopefully never will!


    Agreed. If you move the FYB to coincide with warm weather I think the whole concept goes out the window.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13378

    Anyone got the photo from about 10 years ago or the boats caked up with ice from the FYB? Good luck to you guys fishing it.

    Posts: 64

    Late last fall my wife says “Honey , would you mind putting your boat in the Back yard this winter so I can use the garage for my mini van, Your fishing gear already takes up the other half of the garage?” Being the loving husband I am I carefully wrapped my boat up and put it next to the shed for the winter. Wasnt planning on having 6 feet of snow buried around my boat and theres no way to even get to it with all this snow. If anyones Partner sissis out Id love to fish. I already have one very nice offer to be a last second replacment but Id love to get a forsure from someone. Thanks guys

    mr. sauger25
    Posts: 148

    Hey that’s a great idea ill make a flip over for the boat with an awning

    mr. sauger25
    Posts: 148

    Ill let u know on the partner thing eyesonly im fishing no matter what ill give my partner till tomorrow to give me a for sure decision

    Posts: 556

    No problem I actually did see the Otter set up in boat on the Rainy years ago….couldn’t find pic, but found this looking for it.

    Posts: 7348

    Its going to be colder than a witches titty!!

    Posts: 1282

    Here is our cold weather picture from last year:

    Posts: 74

    Has anyone ever seen the covered pontoon on P4? They basically framed a fish house to the pontoon dimensions, then covered the pontoon and made a hole in the center. Throw in a heater and you could at least fish vertically in -20 if you wanted!

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116


    Here is our cold weather picture from last year:

    hey im the boat on the left….

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    ….That’s my boat. But I didn’t freezer my Butt in it. That was son ROB. Oh ya Butt they won the …rrr

    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    I haven’t done much cold weather fishing from my boat, but fishing in these conditions has to hard on the equipment. You don’t dare shut your motor off or everything starts to freeze up doesn’t it? That’s a great picture, but I don’t think I would enjoy those temps.

    Posts: 3681

    The year of the record 48lb winning bag it was -3 when we left and -3 when we came in.Lenny stayed out with me all day.I have never been so cold and we only got a measly little 6 lb fish.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I haven’t done much cold weather fishing from my boat, but fishing in these conditions has to hard on the equipment. You don’t dare shut your motor off or everything starts to freeze up doesn’t it? That’s a great picture, but I don’t think I would enjoy those temps.

    Always keep your motor down. The water will keep it from freezing and if some freezes in the water jacket or lines, it thaws quickly when the engine is running.

    Plug your live wells and any other way for water to get in your craft.

    I think all boat/motor/trolling motor manufacturers should test there product on P4 in January before they go to market. Never happen, but I can think it.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458


    Late last fall my wife says “Honey , would you mind putting your boat in the Back yard this winter so I can use the garage for my mini van,

    You just lost your MAN card!!!

    and my partner is close to losing his!! FYI

    Posts: 64



    Late last fall my wife says “Honey , would you mind putting your boat in the Back yard this winter so I can use the garage for my mini van,

    You just lost your MAN card!!!

    Sadly I do believe your right !

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