Yea what he said..
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Guy’s Weekend Mishap
February 17, 2014 at 9:17 pm #1389507
If I was tailing someone too close I would have a hard time expecting the rest of the group to chip in for my stupidity.
February 17, 2014 at 9:18 pm #1389508This is a really good post.
1. I think the driver should not pay gas when you gotta a group of guys together. But it blows my mind when I suggest this and some guys don’t agree ( this always when I am passenger).When I drive. Rarely if ever is this offer made to me. But when I’m a passenger I pay extra for wear and tear because I think its right. Plus I think it is still a great deal for me cause I’m not putting wear and tear on my vehicle.
The guy with the transmission failure expecting money. Well that would be the last time I would travel with him.
Regarding the deductible situation. I depends on the situation. If the driver is not at fault it would be a nice gesture and really appreciated and in the end with what a getaway costs these days with a bunch of friends $70-100 is a drop in the bucket. It is easy to follow close. We use two way GMRS radios and it helps eliminate the “tailgating”
I hope it all works out. Setting ground rules before a trip is a good idea but I have to admit it rarely comes up
Posts: 605February 18, 2014 at 9:37 am #1389598A couple years back a few guys in our fishing group took out a boat that wasnt theirs and drilled a rock just under the water and just about everything had to be fixed. They felt terrible that it happened and arent in the best financial situation so they were willing to pay for half the cost, while the rest of the group split the other half. There were no hard feelings or broken banks, solid end result i must say.
February 18, 2014 at 10:18 am #1389609Interesting, wow this is interesting. Truck #1 with the damaged trailer sounds like he got the short end of the stick in this whole deal. If I were the driver of truck #2 I would step up to my responsibility and be more worried about truck #1’s damaged trailer than my bumper. I would make sure his trailer was fixed before my bumper. If that means paying $500 in deductible than so be it. No way am I damaging a family member or friends trailer and not getting it fixed. You always find out who your true friends are when $ is on the line…
February 18, 2014 at 11:02 am #1389622Quote:
Interesting, wow this is interesting. Truck #1 with the damaged trailer sounds like he got the short end of the stick in this whole deal. If I were the driver of truck #2 I would step up to my responsibility and be more worried about truck #1’s damaged trailer than my bumper. I would make sure his trailer was fixed before my bumper. If that means paying $500 in deductible than so be it. No way am I damaging a family member or friends trailer and not getting it fixed. You always find out who your true friends are when $ is on the line…
Yeah, the wound is still pretty fresh yet, so we’ll see how things work out.
I have since sent a small donation to the owner of truck and trailer #1, as I couldn’t in good conscience let him opt out of receiving some of the pot, knowing the amt. he contributes on a yearly basis.
This is a good group of guys, and I’m confident things will work out.
February 18, 2014 at 11:14 am #1389629If I was the owner of the truck and was following to close to the vehicle in front of me and hit them, I would be using my insurance. It’s not the other guys in the vehicle fault.
I had a water pump go out on my truck just as we were leaving town on our way to western ND on a pheasant trip. I covered the $400 to have a dealership replace it…..I would never ask someone else to chip in on that.
Our group does not include wear and tear on vehicles when talking about gas costs. I guess I don’t even know what to think of on that one….you helping pay for their oil and tire wear?
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309February 18, 2014 at 11:17 am #1389632It all comes down to one core issue nobody has addressed. The cost of Obamacare was weighing heavily on the mind of the driver of truck #2, which is obvious by his not having gotten his faulty anti-lock brakes up to speed, nor having gotten the eye check he so obviously needs to get his depth perception problem solved so he could tell he was following too close. If anyone is at fault, it is Obama and he should pay for all damages and throw in a bag of donuts and a case of bud.
February 18, 2014 at 12:15 pm #1389659Quote:
If I was the owner of the truck and was following to close to the vehicle in front of me and hit them, I would be using my insurance. It’s not the other guys in the vehicle fault.
I had a water pump go out on my truck just as we were leaving town on our way to western ND on a pheasant trip. I covered the $400 to have a dealership replace it…..I would never ask someone else to chip in on that.
Our group does not include wear and tear on vehicles when talking about gas costs. I guess I don’t even know what to think of on that one….you helping pay for their oil and tire wear?
The average gas split is about $70/person, so the drivers isaving $70 is less than half what the govt let’s you deduct per mile. So I don’t have a problem with the gas split. The question arises, did the accident happen because his tires were shot, or because his ABS was faulty, or because his brakes needed pads? Because according to our plan, everyone had already covered those expenses.
The ABS not activating had everyone puzzled. 100% positive they didn’t activate as there was no noise and the tires locked and skidded. Not that ABS would have helped in this situation, and may have made the impact even harder. We tested them later, and they did work in a snowy parking lot.
February 18, 2014 at 7:05 pm #1389739Quote:
The average gas split is about $70/person, so the drivers isaving $70 is less than half what the govt let’s you deduct per mile. So I don’t have a problem with the gas split. The question arises, did the accident happen because his tires were shot, or because his ABS was faulty, or because his brakes needed pads? Because according to our plan, everyone had already covered those expenses.
The ABS not activating had everyone puzzled. 100% positive they didn’t activate as there was no noise and the tires locked and skidded. Not that ABS would have helped in this situation, and may have made the impact even harder. We tested them later, and they did work in a snowy parking lot.
I don’t have a problem with the gas part of it, whatever works for the groups is there own thing. It’s something I have never done, with either my group of friends or my dads friends on their trips. I bought the vehicle to haul people on occasional trips, and I don’t expect to be reimbursed for it for the small amount of total miles it adds to the truck. If it were for work, sure….I didn’t buy my car to use for work. But, again….to each their own.
As far as the rest of it and what caused it (brakes, ABS, worn tires), if it were me and my vehicle it’s still my problem… one elses.
Now if your backing my truck up and back into something…then things would be different. If someone else were driving your buddies truck and caused the accident, then I would expect that person to work with your buddy on getting it fixed….not the whole group. If the truck got hit in a parking lot while no one was in it….I could see everyone possibly chipping in.
February 18, 2014 at 10:03 pm #1389794Good discussion here for sure, thanks for posting it. This will be a good thread for guys to send to their fishing groups, might help them come up with a plan for there groups. Just out of curiosity have you sent this to the other guys in your group?
February 19, 2014 at 7:04 am #1389824At this point, there hasnt been much discussion amongst the group, yet. There is a mass gathering this weekend, in which i hope the topic will arise. As a lowly inlaw myself, I want to tread lightly in this situation. This conversation is more an attempt to figure out if my qualms were justified. At this point, I feel confident about speaking up.
February 19, 2014 at 9:15 am #1389857Good luck with the weekend gathering. Might wanna keep the liquid spirits off the table until the discussion is done, then break it out for the toast
I have used my truck and boat for many trips with my best friends, even family. I hold myself personally responsible for my driving, and the mechanics of both my truck and boat (both well insured!) I wouldn’t think of asking for financial help, unless I was in a dire need, but I add that if I were, they’d already know that and would offer to help.
We usually always split gas and food, rental of site or cabin. I would never expect them or anyone to chip in for my driving, or any mechanical failures. Even if my best friend or my brother is driving to help prevent driver fatigue.
Now about questioning those ABS brakes failure, IF, the driver even so much as slightly released initial pedal pressure and re-applied pressure, the ABS is OFF is my understanding. I’m more inclined to think that is what happened, based on that the brakes were later tested in a snowy parking lot and they worked fine. So in my mind, this still makes vehicle #2 and it’s driver, responsible, and his insurance.
Now about what seems to be being ‘guilt-ed’ into helping with those additional cost, I’m not sure, but I think the responsible driver would be held accountable for at least half if not all that cost. Then the others could divide up the other half.
Case in point, my older brother drives a POS of a pickup, and on our (‘brother’s)trip last fall, I flat out asked him if this POS falls apart or dies on the side of the road, what are you going to do? Shoot it and blow it up or what?
We decided it would be cheaper to shoot it and blow it up. I said I’d take the first shot.
Yes, all these things need to be out on the table before the journey begins. IMHO for what it’s worth.February 19, 2014 at 10:04 am #1389879Your take on the ABS is probably accurate as it corresponds to what the driver said after the accident.
As for the drinking…I’m not gonna be that guy, even if it is a good idea!
Perhaps his circumstances are more dire than we all know. I won’t pass judgement, but I’ll be paying close attention.
Thanks again fellas for the input, its helped a lot to put things in perspective.
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