B92,the only reason for a frequent user pass is if access gets controlled. Sounds like you see this pass as a selling point for controlled accesses. Controlling access isn’t something I can support, even if someone can find a easier softer workaround.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Stop the AIS Central Inspection plan now!
Stop the AIS Central Inspection plan now!
February 14, 2014 at 10:24 pm #1388807
Why is this something being discussed for only for a few select SW Metro Lakes? Because it might help or because there are wealthy lake shore owners/associations? Cats out of the bag. Enforce universal rules and laws, but don’t limit my access because some see this a means to lower lake traffic. I check my boat and drain my wells. If you need a class or check point to follow those rules you shouldn’t have a boat.
February 15, 2014 at 7:19 am #1388832A couple of answers to your question
1. New grant money has been made available for pilot projects.
2. This group of 5 lakes have actively presented this model for about 5-6 years now because of there proximity to Minnetonka and Prior. Leading the charge has been the Christmas Lake association which has a long history of wanting to keep folks out. But it would be inaccurate to see just keeping folks out as their motivation.
3. Other Lake Associations are proposing similar models so it is not just these Five. Just last week the Bay Lake Assn, asked the LSOHC for 24/7 access guards. Pelican Lake and Hubbard County are looking in this direction.
Now after 15 years of sounding the alarm about cleaning boats, docks, water toys – the Lake Associations have been mobilized by a lobbying group that is (in my opinion) is using the threat of ZM as a tool for marketing its services.
February 15, 2014 at 8:23 am #1388851
Now after 15 years of sounding the alarm about cleaning boats, docks, water toys – the Lake Associations have been mobilized by a lobbying group that is (in my opinion) is using the threat of ZM as a tool for marketing its services.
Although our “opinions” differ, the end result is the same.
“It’s the end of fishing as we know it” Briank 2011.
Anyone have any idea why the check point is still on the St Croix River? The big Zeb scare is over with there.
February 15, 2014 at 10:14 am #1388888Quote:
Why is this something being discussed for only for a few select SW Metro Lakes? Because it might help or because there are wealthy lake shore owners/associations? Cats out of the bag. Enforce universal rules and laws, but don’t limit my access because some see this a means to lower lake traffic. I check my boat and drain my wells. If you need a class or check point to follow those rules you shouldn’t have a boat.
There are also groups around Green Lake in Spicer, Kandiyohi County and Wright County proposing similar Central Inspection Plans. Not just a select few in SW Metro. These groups are recruiting and creating more lake associations all over the state.
Start talking to your State Senator, State Representative, City Councils and County Boards. Explain to them how this stops or deters boaters from using their local lakes and does not stop AIS. Thus if it stops or deters boat traffic, it stop the flow of dollars coming into their communities.
PS: Note that they (Lake Association Groups) have a few people working full-time on this, including Joe S. from Christmas Lake Assoc. President.
Posts: 15February 16, 2014 at 1:28 pm #1389115Quote:
A couple of answers to your question
1. New grant money has been made available for pilot projects.
2. This group of 5 lakes have actively presented this model for about 5-6 years now because of there proximity to Minnetonka and Prior. Leading the charge has been the Christmas Lake association which has a long history of wanting to keep folks out. But it would be inaccurate to see just keeping folks out as their motivation.
3. Other Lake Associations are proposing similar models so it is not just these Five. Just last week the Bay Lake Assn, asked the LSOHC for 24/7 access guards. Pelican Lake and Hubbard County are looking in this direction.
Now after 15 years of sounding the alarm about cleaning boats, docks, water toys – the Lake Associations have been mobilized by a lobbying group that is (in my opinion) is using the threat of ZM as a tool for marketing its services.
The lake groups are also advocating for a trailer decal surcharge and fishing license surcharge for AIS. What will they use this money for……hmmmm……resticting access, gates, central inspections, closed hours, etc.
Groups like Lakes and Rivers Advocates, etc are organized and have the ears and pocket books of legistrators. Troll these lake groups websites and FB pages. See for yourself.
Go the DNR website and look who’s on the DNR AIS Advisory Committee. Read the bios. The deck is stacked. There’s a pretty good ‘voting block’ of lakeshore property owners/advocates on there.
………..not against the concept of doing something meaningful to protect lakes against AIS – but will not support anything that impedes my right as a responsible boater and angler to use public waters.
Posts: 15February 16, 2014 at 5:23 pm #1389140Quote:
The pilot Stop? Semi-fore at North Arms seems to be producing some good outcomes.
North Arm Link
Per the Hennepin Cty study you sighted – good info by the way – here is the data the ‘frequent user pass’ would be an idea that would work or at the very least discussed.Tournament anglers performed excellently in taking the necessary AIS preven��on steps. All 23 of the anglers observed by Hennepin County took the necessary AIS preven��on behavior steps, even trimming the engine downto get the last bit of water out. The recommended traffic patterns were observed by 20 of the boaters (87%), and two stopped early and off to the side to prepare for launch.
Now I am not a tournement angler but I would consider myself equally as conscience of AIS prevention stategy/boat inspection and taking personal responsibility. So folks like you and I, guides, and tourney anglers would be the ones who would benefit from having the option of the frequent user pass.
July 4, 2017 at 8:26 am #1702285Thanks brian. What wasn’t mentioned was the boat dealers. No group will have more skin in the privatizing of lakes then them.
July 4, 2017 at 8:56 am #1702297Thanks brian. What wasn’t mentioned was the boat dealers. No group will have more skin in the privatizing of lakes then them.
meaning they would support that agenda or be opposed to it? I would assume opposed…
July 7, 2017 at 8:54 am #1702867For ALL,
Last fall they found Zebea Mussels in Lake Minnewashta in Chanhassen.They spent $100,000+/- on treatment with staff & materials.
Follow-up inspection June 15th they found an Adult Zebra Mussel in treatment area.
Listen folks, this is a park with gated access & full-time $50,000+ per year inspections and still they got in. Same with Christmas Lake.
There is NO STOPPING this & the spending of our Tax Dollars continues to be wasted!
July 7, 2017 at 10:33 am #1702893Preaching to the choir. I said wayyyy back when this was a waste of time and money. Now it’s become a land grab by the lake associations.
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