Driving Rant

  • nhamm
    Posts: 7348

    Maybe we can get together a list of winter driving tips we can hand out fliers on in the local DMVs, customs centers, and others.

    1. Getting out of your driveway after the plows have come through requires a little momentum. Granted if you can’t see to the sides then you have an excuse, maybe. But if you get stuck pls don’t call the tow company who could be do be doing a lot more important tasks on days like this just BC your lazy A$$ doesn’t want to get out and shovel. Take off your skirt, and get er done.

    2. Stop signs become yield signs specifically on hills. You stop your momentum going forward you most likely won’t gain it again. And going uphill, don’t sneak your way halfway up then decide to step on it, it doesn’t work.

    3.If you are from a warmer climate 3rd world country do us all a favor and take a sick day. You can’t even drive in summer perfect conditions, take a bus in winter pls!

    4.If you drive a honds civic, and you see a truck blast by you on the unplowed lane you are not OK to follow him. You don’t have 4×4, or any other type of advantage, and now we all have to switch lanes which further backs it all up BC you thought you were the little train that could, you can’t, stop it.

    5.Carry a shovel in your car, and a good pair of boots, in the event you do get stuck, you can be a grown up and actually try to get yourself out of your mess. We have no pity for people who get stuck, then instantly hop on their cell phones to call superman to come save them. God helps those who help themselves, so they say.

    Am i missing anything? I don’t feel any better, probably BC I know on my way home tonight I’m gonna be inclined to help out again a couple other morons who haven’t figured it out yet.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5607

    Every day I get stuck behind some terrified idiot driving 9 miles an hour. Literally, 9 miles an hour. Usually in a hybrid too. Can’t electric cars go faster than 9 miles an hour? If you’re that freaked out about the roads, then stay home.

    I feel better now

    Posts: 3010

    you’ll see this kinda “lack of understanding how to handle the conditions” as long as this state continues to hand out driver’s licenses in Cracker Jack boxes

    Posts: 3010

    I guess the cold weather must severely affect the battery performance of those electric cars

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5429

    One to add to this list… back off! I followed one jack this morning who literally tapped his brakes like blinking Christmas lights. Just let your foot off the gas and leave some stinkin’ room! One problem with this is of course, is if you TRY to leave room, people take advantage of this and sneak in.

    Posts: 6687

    If it’s snowing, and you can see 1/2 mile, you don’t need to put on your flashers. Watched one of those this morning on the way to rochester.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11497

    Yes, you’re missing one item:

    6. Traction actually matters in the snow. Pry a few $ out of your wallet and instead of buying MileMaster 2000 dry condition economy tires for $39.99 each, get something with a freaking lug on it, you girlie man.

    I don’t care if it’s not the best gas mileage choice. This is Minnesota, you retread. Think of how much gas you’ll save when you’re not sitting in a ditch with the engine running while waiting for a tow truck.

    99% of the time, the guy that’s spinning out and blocking traffic in his EconoBox trying to get up the hill has cheap, multi-season tires that have 70,000 miles on them. Man up and get some tires with teeth.


    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 351

    #4 happened to me today, only it was one of those ugly new Fiat cars!

    Rogers and Longville, MN
    Posts: 64

    When there’s 4 tire tracks in the snow you can use the left two or right two, not the middle two…got caught behind that this morning.


    Posts: 776

    Turn your head lights on ,I can’t see your white car coming out of the blowing snow from, the logginig truck in front of me!

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Turn your head lights on ,I can’t see your white car coming out of the blowing snow from, the logginig truck in front of me!

    I can’t get over how many people drive without lights.

    Posts: 7348


    When there’s 4 tire tracks in the snow you can use the left two or right two, not the middle two…got caught behind that this morning.


    So true.

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    How bout quit whining about city drivers and move from the metro. No plows. No pre soaking roads. No salt or sand. Everyone out here drove 60 mph to and from work today. Noone in the ditch or any signs of trouble at all. Dont know how much snow we had 4-6? As more people flock to the cities the more problems you have!

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    If your scared STAY HOME. Drive with some confidence. It is Minnesota. If there is white stuff on the ground it don’t mean you have to go 20mph under the speed limit.
    Wallster ><((((>

    Posts: 128

    Just because you drive a truck (which I do) doesn’t mean you can automatically drive like the roads are fine. You may still suck at driving.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13370

    Been making about a 90 mile run on the interstate almost daily.
    I want to know who I can send a bill to for a premature brake job. This is just unbelievable that there are so dang many selfish, ignorant, air-headed, and just blatantly STUPID people on the road. Plus, I may need to add a change order to their bill for blood pressure meds….

    Well, now that I’m venting again…..I sure as heck am not going to re-type everything. Here is my RANT

    Sabin - Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 20

    Last storm we had there was a cute little BMW convertible blocking the middle of the road on a fairly main highway. I pulled him off to the side of the road & unhooked my tow rope – he was still stuck in snow but no longer blocking the road. As I was unhooking the tow strap I gave him the number for a tow truck & told him I’ve gotta get to work. I have sympathy for the unfortunate – not the stupid!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105



    Turn your head lights on ,I can’t see your white car coming out of the blowing snow from, the logginig truck in front of me!

    I can’t get over how many people drive without lights.

    I thought it was a state LAW that: if it is inclement weather or looks like impending inclement weather, one must turn on their lights. Can you imagine how much $$$ our state court system could bring in during just one rain storm! ?

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Spent all day plowing I hate the day time crap. I second the headlights. I also run with a strobe you would think people could wait a minute to let you back out clearing a driveway before they try and race behind you. People are so impatient.

    Posts: 329


    Relax it ain’t all about you and your Impatience.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    On my drive up from Missouri last night I can tell you this.

    The dark shiney stuff on a wind swept freeway is ice. If it goes all the way across the lane you are in, then drive accordingly.

    If the lane has two light colored tracks with no glare, it’s dry pavement. Drive accordingly.

    From the Minnesota Iowa border to the I-90 interchange people discovered it was ice. Maybe it was the jack-knifed semi that gave it away? I don’t know. I know the speeds went from 75mph to 5 mph in 200 yards.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18495


    Just get out of my way!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3518

    I listen to my tires when it just wet you can here the spray come off the tires. If it all of a sudden gets dead quit pucker up your cheeks.

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