Anyone have a snow blower big enough for this job?

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Buddy of mine in Alaska had this little 100′ tall slide on FB. At over 100′ pile up from an avalanche, I wonder how big of a snow blower it will take to resume road traffic?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    better get a run at it !!!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    better get a run at it !!!

    Hey big G dont you guys a Dodge big enough that will push that snow out of the way

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409



    better get a run at it !!!

    Hey big G dont you guys a Dodge big enough that will push that snow out of the way

    If you have a dodge we just drive over it!

    Cottage Grove MN
    Posts: 283

    Look up mountain taxi in iceland they got a truck or 2 for that problem and I want one

    Posts: 7348

    Too bad it’s so far from the southern border, could round up a few illegals and some hand shovels and $100 that would be gone in half a day.

    Sabin - Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 20

    Looks like my driveway after the snow plow goes by

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    with the wind we are having just wait a day and will be blown into my drive way like it always does even from Alaska

    Central SD
    Posts: 109

    I’m just glad I wasn’t driving down that road at the time of the avalanche. It would definitely have ruined your day!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    Hopefully summer will come early

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    Heard on the news that it may take a week to open that road. Sure hope they have a good supply of bread and beer.

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