Another closed school day

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Who are all these made up orphan kids?

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469

    This is the hottest thread since ” no need to ask if the ramps are open” this perhaps the results of “global warming” or ” cabin fever”

    Any how the real question is….are the ramps open…

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644


    School or no school you can still make them stand out side. And teach them something to. No need to waste a day in mn.


    Who are all these made up orphan kids?

    Posts: 207

    I will keep you all posted. My kids HAD school today… everything around us is 2 hours late or closed.I will see when they get home this afternoon if they survived with out their bubble wrap protection and helmets on from the government….

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    My child isn’t old enough for school yet, but I know it would be much easier for me to take her to school and be a little late rather than take a whole day off of work. I’m sure we could also get a couple parents to warm up their vehicles and sit at the bus stop with a car full of kids. I get it when they cancel school because there is too much snow to safetly operate a bus.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    No school closings in ‘greater’ Minnesota….guess us rural folks are just a little bit tougher! And I’m guessing it’s just as cold and probably colder here than the concrete jungle.

    Come on sunny and 75….

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471


    Just a tad bit selfish…. just sayin….. [/quote

    IF sleeping on a window ledge or chair in a hospital for 10 weeks, Working 2 jobs at times so my child gets some things she wants, walking/ holding a sick child in a steamy bathroom for Hr’s so she can breath better, Getting up in the middle of the night after only 1 hr of sleep to change a child and bedding because she vomited all over, driving and sitting at Gymanstic and dance 2-3 nights each week, Ect, Ect, Ect. is A tad bit selfish. Then yes I am.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    And I know a couple that sees it as a great extra day with their kids…. vs some terrible inconvenience. Yup, a parent misses a day of work, but instead of complaining, they look at it as an opportunity, and make the most of it before the kids grow up and hate the idea of being stuck at home with parents. Glass half full thing… look at it like no schedules, no running out the door… just time with your children, yea that is a terrible thing? Oh, and they are safe… and so are the kids without the decent clothing, or transportation options.

    I love the, “we had it harder…. we did it this way” mentality. Before seat belts, life jackets, when it was seen as harmless to smoke, yea, we never learn and do things better now. At one time we all would have lived in caves, and ate each other if needed to survive the winters… yup those were good times.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    Seat belts? There where no seat belts riding in the back of the pick up truck. Just lots of wind chill back there. If you got cold dad could pull over for a second and give you a smack in the head to warm up. Life was good back then.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    No school but Not No Fishing. Looking out my window just after daylight there is a guy ice fishing outside. 16 below with 38 below wind chill.!! And I mean outside no shack. ..rrr

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317





    Just a tad bit selfish…. just sayin…..


    X2, Have a few kids and then feel free to tell us all how it should be

    Wouldn’t I be more qualified to speak on the issue than you? Since it was only 10 years ago when I had to walk to school vs 40 for you (just guessing there). I remember how cold it was, I remember getting to school and not being able to feel my toes or fingers under boots and gloves. I also remember kids that had it much, much, worse than I did. Some of them would walk to school in a sweatshirt and old tennis shoes because that’s all they had. Others would take the bus and be standing in the cold for an hour or more because their parents had no choice but to go to work, they were poverty families. The kids would be outside in raggy old cloths and shoes waiting on the bus because their parents had to go to work and didnt have the option to take a personal day. I knew these kids personally, they were some of my best friends. They would come to school pale white from the cold. On days when school was closed they would go to friends houses because the parents still had to work, or there wasn’t going to be food on the table. It is sad thinking about someone being so cold, by no choice of their parents.

    These would be sick for a week after that, and the teachers would always call the parents to see if they could give the child a ride home so they didn’t have to suffer through the cold again. We would hear the teachers calling parents on lunch break.

    I may not have children, but I remember being one. And I remember the kids who had to suffer in it.

    That was what I meant with my comment. Yeah you had to stay home with your child and lose a day’s pay, but that probably saved a kid from suffering in the cold by no choice of him or his family. Duke mentioned his child will be sledding and wanting to ride the snowmobile, great. The kids I know would be at a neighbors house watching TV because their parents still had to work to put food on the table, and couldn’t afford to keep their children warm enough to go snowmobiling or sledding when it was this cold.

    “There will always be someone less fortunate than yourself, think of their problem’s and not yours”

    Now do you see the selfish part?

    You are not qualified to speak on how a parent is affected by this PERIOD. As I said have a few kids and then come back and tell us all how it should be.

    I am reminded of a line from Polar Express… A movie I have watched with my children many times. Not because I wanted to but because they wanted to

    Sound Bite…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    If some kid is “special” enough to go uncovered and not feel the need to cover a patch of skin when it gets cold or breath through their jacket when their lungs sting or nose flaps close then maybe they shouldn’t be in public school with normal kids in the first place? I have never heard of a kid freezing to death or getting frost bite on the way to school. They are blowing this temp thing way out of proportion just to cover for the moronic parents out there that don’t know how to dress their kids or give them a ride. There’s a great sense of accomplishment when a person overcomes such an adversity that will stick with them for a long time.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You guys really getting bent out of shape and chest thumping over schools being closed?

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    i guess i’ll throw in my 2 cents.

    I think most of us agree that the closings are for the safety of less fortunate kids. (ie, have to walk or wait in the cold and don’t have parents with the means or who care enough about their kids to protect them). that being said, the days that those kids go to school they get a warm building, warm food (breakfast and lunch), and people who do care. i think it is in those kids’ best interest to brave the cold vs get whats coming to them sitting in a cold house with little food or love.

    Now, my biggest pet peive!!. My elementary kids had school canceled today, so the kids in St. Peter can remain safe or whatever. But every other adult (other than the ones that have to stay home with thier kids) had to go to work today. Tomorrow in St. Peter is a scheduled off day for teachers “workshops”. So why in God’s name can’t they go do their “workshops” today and let the kids go to school tomorrow and no planned days will be missed??

    i have a real hard time listening to how hard teachers have it because of this crap. never work a weekend, never work a summer, never work a holiday, a vacation every x-mas, numerous days off during the school year. and to top it off get paid in most school districts 30-60K per year with the same or better benefits than over half of America.

    whew…. Glad i got that out!!

    i guess the closings don’t matter to me because my wife stays home. but when they add extra days on the end of the year My kids will NOT be there. they have MORE important things like b-ball, camping, and fishing to be done come June.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    Yes Pug… rub your eyes all you want… this is really happening. Thank goodness someone created the internet so I can learn how to parent from folks who are bitter they were not dress appropriately as children… ON A FISHING FORUM.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 133

    You could always stop relying on the government to raise your kids and have them home schooled.

    Problem Solved.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Live report from the frozen tundra of Rogers, MN…2 kids across the street are playing in a snowbank, the sledding hill had 3 kids on it this morning at 9, and the high school boys down the street took off on their snowmobiles earlier. I’m sitting inside working on my computer so I don’t freeze to death.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586


    You guys really getting bent out of shape and chest thumping over schools being closed?

    Pug, isn’t getting bent out of shape and chest thumping what IDO is all about these days? Seems like there’s far more discussion here about subjects like this as opposed to fishing.

    Hey, maybe you guys who can’t afford to take a day off of work to take care of your kids should get better jobs! You lazy, irresponsible parents that can’t afford to keep their kids at home for a day now and then make me sick. Go get yourself a real job with sick leave or save your money for a baby sitter. That’s part of being a real parent. Oh yeah, and I’m tired of my tax dollars going to pay for everyone but me. (this is sarcasm — I’m not at all serious with this comment)

    Posts: 331


    Kinda funny how all the old people say the 60s and 70s where way colder when the coldest temps ever recorded in Wisconsin and Minnesota were both in 1996

    Exactly… All the self bloviating BS stories about how you/we supposedly did things in the old days is just embarrassing. Believe it or not we’re not as stupid as we were back in the day we,re quite a bit smarter now a days in spite of the incessant whining about anything and everything that social media let’s us do.

    My brother lost part of his foot because he had the ignorant tough guy mindset that some you of have.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I propose a new, closed forum: “Societal Gripes and Self-Aggrandizement”. That way those of you who like to do this sort of thing can jerk each other off in private.

    Posts: 699

    What I don’t understand is that there is no consistency in what schools closed. One district is closed but the one adjacent and more rural is open. Schools up north are open and the temps are even colder and it’s just as windy but the metro schools are closed.

    Posts: 4033


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    As I understand it, each school district makes its own decision unless the Governor calls school off. And there are obviously varying opinions on whether or not school should be closed on an extremely cold day…

    Fosston, Mn
    Posts: 63


    Schools up north are open and the temps are even colder and it’s just as windy but the metro schools are closed.

    Yea, that is a joke. What gets me is everything posted so far is about the kids yet not one thing has been said about what us drivers have to go through. I can tell you from first hand experience it’s never any fun to be driving when the wind is blowing so hard you can barely see in front of you to tell where the road is or you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere cause the road is so drifted over that is sucks you right in the ditch trying to plow through it with the bus. So yes, it’s not all about the kids but the superintendent and transportation supe also have to take in to consideration road conditions and visibility for their drivers also.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Pug, isn’t getting bent out of shape and chest thumping what IDO is all about these days? Seems like there’s far more discussion here about subjects like this as opposed to fishing.

    With this winter and last winter, cabin fever is hitting a peak early this year. Its my favorite time of the year. I get to poke people with a stick. At least I have been telling people it is a stick.

    Get used to it. I think we might actually have ice every where for this years opener.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586



    Pug, isn’t getting bent out of shape and chest thumping what IDO is all about these days? Seems like there’s far more discussion here about subjects like this as opposed to fishing.

    With this winter and last winter, cabin fever is hitting a peak early this year. Its my favorite time of the year. I get to poke people with a stick. At least I have been telling people it is a stick.

    Get used to it. I think we might actually have ice every where for this years opener.

    At least there weren’t the extended rants about the wolf population on IDO this year.

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469



    Schools up north are open and the temps are even colder and it’s just as windy but the metro schools are closed.

    Yea, that is a joke. What gets me is everything posted so far is about the kids yet not one thing has been said about what us drivers have to go through. I can tell you from first hand experience it’s never any fun to be driving when the wind is blowing so hard you can barely see in front of you to tell where the road is or you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere cause the road is so drifted over that is sucks you right in the ditch trying to plow through it with the bus. So yes, it’s not all about the kids but the superintendent and transportation supe also have to take in to consideration road conditions and visibility for their drivers also. [/quote

    Suck it up cupcake! Just like the ones who walk uphill in a snowstorm both ways with no shirt on you’re not excluded toughen up that’s what shovels are 4 get out and dig as a matter of fact get all the little crumb snatchers on the bus and make them shovel 2 that’ll keep them warm

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