question about wisconsin fishing regs

  • mike_j
    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I was reading up on Wisconsin fishing regulations and came across the it is illegal part and saw this (it is illegal to motor troll except in counties and waters listed in the section titled Special Regulations—Listed by County (see definition of motor trolling on page 19). Page 19 (Motor Trolling “Motor trolling” is trailing a lure, bait, or similar device used to attract or catch fish from a boat while being propelled (forwards or backwards) by a motor or a sail or while being towed by a boat being propelled by a motor or sail. Motor trolling is illegal except in some counties and waters as listed in the section titled Special Regulations—Listed by County, beginning on page 23. Motor trolling is allowed for certain disabled anglers and their able-bodied assistant(s) who have applied for and received special permits with trolling privileges. Casting and immediate retrieval of a bait or lure while being propelled (forwards or backwards) by a motor or a sail or while being towed by a boat being propelled by a motor or sail is not motor trolling. NOTE: Trailing a bait or lure from a boat that is being propelled by motor or sail at the same time casting and immediately retrieving another bait or lure is considered motor trolling and is not allowed.) So am I reading this right that trolling is illegal in Wisconsin or is there something i’m not getting here?

    Posts: 4033

    That’s what it sounds like.. but I don’t have the regs in front of me to read it in the original context.

    Posts: 5099

    Yup, it is illegal for the most part but depends on county as well. Check the regs for each body of water you plan to fish.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    It is legal on specified bodies of water in the county listings. I think at least one county it is permitted to troll on all it’s lakes. Just be careful and confirm that trolling is allowed on the lake or river you are fishing on!

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Yes. Trolling is illegal statewide in wisconsin. But there are many exceptions to that rule if you read the lake-specific regs.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Thanks guys I did see in the specific county regs that many allow trolling on at least some waters. Just seams like an odd regulation to me.

    Posts: 6259

    Class A musky lakes will be no troll, most other body’s are OK but once again it is always best to check the regs for the boby you are on

    Posts: 216

    We can troll a lot of the southern WIS lakes.

    Posts: 22

    It is not correct to say no trolling is allowed on Class A lakes in Wisc. My family owns a cabin on a lake rated “Class A1” for musky, and trolling is allowed on that lake (Whitefish lake, Sawyer county).

    fishing regs (see ‘specregscounty’ section):

    musky classifications:

    Look up the lake you plan to fish in that first link (regs) and see what the “special regulations” are – it will say “Motor trolling is permitted” if you can troll there.

    May winter end soon!


    Posts: 6259

    Like I said, its always best to check the regs on any given body of water

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Been that way for years

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Quite a few years back, we had a MWC event on a “no troll lake”. We bought portable oarlocks and some oars and did just fine and the law said we were fine too. Took turns rowing…a ProV!

    Posts: 7348


    Quite a few years back, we had a MWC event on a “no troll lake”. We bought portable oarlocks and some oars and did just fine and the law said we were fine too. Took turns rowing…a ProV!

    Hope you ate your Wheaties that day!!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542

    As Steve said if you want to row that is legal on all lakes I have been on.

    Edited to add The no trolling law is being discussed now to open all lakes to trolling. The biggest hurdle SEEMS to be the Musky guys worrying about decimating the Musky, which is ludicrous IMO considering MN allows trolling for Musky.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    We had back trolling legal for one year but I was told the Muskie people were against it because it made it to easy to catch them. They are suppose to make trolling legal again but the northern 16 counties will be one line per person.

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