walk on only lakes

  • jigmasterflex
    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    I’ve been doing some thinking about the pressure most lakes get icefishing and the ugliness it brings and the solution at least to me seems to be creating walk on only lakes, not every lake as the average joe should always have the opportunity to go out with his family and catch fish, this would make it at least a little bit of a chore to go out there and eliminate a large portion of the crowds, once again this should’t be a large number of lakes but I believe it would improve and promote quality fisheries, regulations of that sort would give the guy who wants some solitude a place to go and chase largely unpressured fish, speaking of that this weekend I’m going to start searching for some real gems in the county forest, I’ve got a hit list together and a buddy who has some pretty decent experience up there

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    It would make it hell for someone with a bad hip.knee,back etc….
    I know I would be SOL…..

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    That’s the reason I love early and late ice, once the shacks are gone its so much nicer

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    thats exactly what I wish there was more of, gotta say though your pig picture has to cause seizures

    Posts: 7348

    While I sympathize with d-bags ruining a good time on the ice, there are plenty of them who do it on open water too. Bittersweet about America is even though you want to pound their face in at times, they do have as much a right to it as you do. If you were to start squeezing that right just to your liking, well, that would just be selfish.

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    I get your point but there are plenty of walk in only hunting areas and people still have places to hunt

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    I understand where you’re coming from but, respectfully, I have to say this is the worst idea I’ve heard in a while. Imagine how much more pressure that would put on the lakes that were not “walk on only” What lakes are so crowded that you think people shouldn’t be able to drive on them? Making certain lakes available to only able bodied men and throwing kids and elders to the other lakes is just plain selfish and wrong. If you want to fish in solitude Mille Lacs, Red Lake, and several other massive bodies of water are not that far of a drive

    Posts: 420

    I bet with a little research, you could find lakes that are de facto walk on only. Small lakes with no designated public access but where access might be possible via an adjacent road right-of-way or via an easement. The Sportsman’s Connection is a good resource for exploring….

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    i got that book behind the seat of my truck, the wausau area sadly became a casualty a couple weeks ago, note to self use bathroom facilities before hitting the ice after drinking obscene quantities of leinies original, not that a thermos of coffee and a nice wad of redman helped

    Posts: 216

    I myself have bad knees and have a bad enough time walking any distance much less pulling something.The areas around me are thick enough now that I can drive on to go fishing.I could not go last year because the ice was never thick enough in my area.If its to crowded for you dont go on the ones people can go on with there trucks.Maybe we should ban all the boats on fishing the dams as it gets so crowded you could walk across them sometimes and they make wakes that bother the shore fishermen.What I’m saying is once you ban something and take away the rights of some its not long before every ones rights are gone.

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    I’m not talking about restricting gun rights I’m simply saying a handful of walk on only lakes per county would be cool, for people with physical disabilities or the elderly a class A permit to operate a motor vehicle on that water could be issued, we have more water in Wisconsin than we know what to do with, and you’re right everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, currently in Wisconsin there are no regulations (at least that I know of) that protect the interest of guys who don’t want to deal with cars/trucks/snowmobiles ripping around the lake all day, and I’m def not advocating against boats but a few more non-motorized lakes would be cool, sounds like I just gotta move to Ely

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    are you saying you wiped your bum with a page out of a fishing book ? you do need some relief….

    Posts: 6259

    Sounds to me like you need to explore a little more yourself. You will find literally 100’s of lakes you can walk into with little or no pressure at all just 40 minutes north of town in the Chippewa Moraine forest area, tons of kettle lakes some that dont get any fishing pressure all winter long. Give that a try for starters. If you seek solitude you can find it, you will just have to put in the effort.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099


    I’m not talking about restricting gun rights I’m simply saying a handful of walk on only lakes per county would be cool

    I’m guessing a few minutes of research with google earth would show you that there are at least a few lakes in each county that do not have access to vehicle travel and are only accessible by foot. Target those.

    Posts: 6259

    Truth is there is a spot you desire is right here in town: Dells Pond is mostly walk in, you will never find a truck though ATV travel and sled travel is possible some of the time most guys don’t bother. No permanents either. Big crappies, walleye, trophy potential….seek and you will find, of course it takes work to get there so 99.9% of the guys don’t bother .

    Posts: 105


    i got that book behind the seat of my truck, the wausau area sadly became a casualty a couple weeks ago, note to self use bathroom facilities before hitting the ice after drinking obscene quantities of leinies original, not that a thermos of coffee and a nice wad of redman helped

    Oh man you wiped your $@& with my hometown?! Come on dude

    Walk-in lakes – no go for me. Make your own luck, I’ve been walking about a mile and a half each way out to my spots lately, staying away from people and trying to be stealthy. Whenever I lift my shack up I end up seeing four or five trucks hanging around me anyway, even if I’m not getting fish.

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    You could always buy some land and dig your own private pond.

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