moral advice needed, you be the judge

  • BBKK
    Posts: 4033

    If he came on the forum with “moral advice needed” then he was obviously contemplating doing it, he just wanted our approval. SOMEWHERE down inside, he was thinking about doing it or he wouldn’t have made this post. I think we all convinced him otherwise. Which is a good thing, because if the wrong guy had drilled into sand around it, his perm would have paid the price.

    Posts: 1899



    So everyone with a permenant shack is supposed to just fish and open area with no stucture? Or are they supposed to pick em up and move them everytime they leave?

    No, you can park it on top of structure if you want.. but that doesn’t mean you just claimed it. If you park it over a fish crib, you better expect people to drill right next to it to still be able to fish the cib. Don’t be surprised when people drill all around it when you are not there.

    Stop being such a sore loser. There is no law about which spots you can or can’t park your perm on a lake. While you may feel it’s a bad move to park over a crib, it’s obviously not a moral quandry to a majority of fishermen. You snooze, you lose.

    What is a clear violation of etiquette in almost every fisherman’s mind is poking holes in front of someone’s door. If you want to poke a few holes near my house, that’s fine, but if some schlub parked his portable in front of my perm door, I can guarantee that “the wind would catch my door” repeatedly and let it slam into his portable until it was torn to shreds or he decided to move.

    Posts: 0

    Wow, there are so many wrongs in this thread, I don’t see how we can call ourselves sportsman

    What ever happened to common courtesy, or just a non confrontational conversation. If a portable is next to your door, maybe just talk to the guy/gal and point out that you can’t open the door?

    And the sand, fire, move the permanent,let the door blow open until the portable is in shreds, I really hope that’s just “tough talk” on the internet and hope none would ever happen.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    oh boy, I wouldn’t read too far into peoples posts and over analyze too much. people need to remember, we are not all the same… what might be true for you, does not mean it is true for all. seriously, was the guy so close to the front door, the door would really hit him ? if that was the case and it was me, he would have seen a bigger azz than he could ever even think of being I would not of had to ask anyone about that issue on here….

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    If he came on the forum with “moral advice needed” then he was obviously contemplating doing it, he just wanted our approval. SOMEWHERE down inside, he was thinking about doing it or he wouldn’t have made this post. I think we all convinced him otherwise.

    I disagree….From reading his posts he seems to be a reasonable person…

    Only a real jerk or a kid would actually do such a thing..and such a jerk would not give a hoot what anyone here would say…

    He was just venting that’s all…..give him a break for crying out loud…

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Where is the problem? You weren’t at the fish house and nobody else was using it. If the house is over a public crib on public water, people can fish where they want to when the house isn’t occupied. They have as much right to access the crib as you do….if you are there. If you happen along, they were there first on this occasion. You suck up and move. You seem to have fostered your own problem….no sympathy from me.

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    I don’t believe there is a law in Wi. You can not claim public water or land as yours. If on a lake expect company, If in the woods you get company or move. I’ve had people hunt my bear baits, why because if you bait on public the bait becomes public.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576


    Where is the problem? You weren’t at the fish house and nobody else was using it. If the house is over a public crib on public water, people can fish where they want to when the house isn’t occupied. They have as much right to access the crib as you do….if you are there. If you happen along, they were there first on this occasion. You suck up and move. You seem to have fostered your own problem….no sympathy from me.

    Personally I wouldn’t put a perm on a crib just because it will always attract company, mark it with the gps that way it is only marked by something you can hold in your hands. As for getting sick of “flies” buzzing in on your spots, its part of the sport. Multiple times guys come out and fish in holes that I’ve drilled, its aggravating especially when said person doesn’t even bring an auger out to the lake, just pretends like he is spudding an old hole open when you can easily tell there is no spudding to be done. Most of the time the fisherman that will catch fish are respectful and grant you space, the flies always seem to catch very few fish. As to the IDOer who claimed retaliation was only something a kid would do, I take offense to that. I was a kid not that long ago and never once did I ever even consider sabotage or retaliation over fishing, it is not worth it, just don’t lump kids into a group that is always lacking common sense, although I know a lot of kids are lacking in that respect. If I was in this situation I would view it as an opportunity to find a new bite and explore some new water. Just my two cents.

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    I read my log from last winter and I’m in serious need of mixing things up, granted from year to year patterns do change but this time last winter I was knee deep in giant perch and I’ve yet to fish them, I’m going to turn my attention to wissota for the before work missions, I have a personal vendetta with wissota to someday catch ONE just ONE walleye over 27″, it’s kind of a crappy lake but you could eat your 3 runt walleyes everyday from today til eternity and once in awhile find some seriously huge crappies, as for the permanent and its location I’m gunna do some looking for a 12 ft remnant of a pre-reservoir oxbow I saw on the lake map, and if I find it that shack is going to be strictly a landmark/adult beverage consuming warming shack placed a measured distance from the spot

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    As to the IDOer who claimed retaliation was only something a kid would do, I take offense to that. I was a kid not that long ago and never once did I ever even consider sabotage or retaliation over fishing, it is not worth it, just don’t lump kids into a group that is always lacking common sense, although I know a lot of kids are lacking in that respect.

    I’m sure I did not say “young people”…I said “kid”…..
    I know many so called “adults” that would fit the kid category…..
    I know quite a few young people ( and a couple here) that are responsible,true sportsman,good people but we both know there others out there that are not…

    I don’t judge a man by his age!!
    I judge him by his actions..

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

    also on that positive note if anyone out there wants to burn a few hrs on the ice weekday mornings pm me maybe a day before and I’d be glad to take ya out on wissota, popple, pike, lake ec, hallie… and I won’t try destroy your auger/slash brake lines/practice devil worship or any other atrocities, we’ll prob catch some fish too

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    So glad I don’t own a perm. Feces, fire, rude neighbors is enough to make me want to fish outside.

    These responses don’t surprise me, just surprises me a little on IDO.

    Bottom line is when people go out of their way to to prove some kind of point, it’s hard to look the other way. Your blood boils a little, you ask someone for a second opinion, and you go out as do what’s best.

    There is no right way to handle this. That’s a fact.

    If you back down and move, you give in to arrogance. If you pour sand on the ice, you are only escalating the situation.

    If you ask nicely, chances are you get your head bitten off.

    … This is reminding me of a directv commercial…

    In my opinion, you learned your lesson. You’ll have to pick a less conspicuous spot if you don’t want to be messed with.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1928

    After ice fishing all my life in MN I know how compact “shanty towns” can be on a hot spot. Then I went to Wisco two years ago on a “crib” lake and it brought fishing on top of one another to a whole new level. If you put a perm over a crib, then dont be surprised when there are others all over your shack fishing. Man what a joke. But I guess that’s how ice fishing is. How long till I can get the boat out?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    How long till I can get the boat out?


    Posts: 2596



    How long till I can get the boat out?


    There is this little place I know of that’s kind of a well kept secret and not well known. It’s on the Mississippi called Evert’s. You can google them. Due to some kind of warm water producing contraption the water stays open in winter. I think they have a boat launch that can get icy if some elaborate procedure is not followed so, talk to the guy in charge, I think his name is Randy…or is it Brian. anyways, good luck.

    Historic Mantorville
    Posts: 119

    Well that was an interesting read. Reminds me this old saying “Opinions are like buttholes…everyone has one and some stink worse than others.”

    Posts: 1899


    There is this little place I know of that’s kind of a well kept secret and not well known. It’s on the Mississippi called Evert’s. You can google them. Due to some kind of warm water producing contraption the water stays open in winter. I think they have a boat launch that can get icy if some elaborate procedure is not followed so, talk to the guy in charge, I think his name is Randy…or is it Brian. anyways, good luck.

    Oh, great. Now everyone is going to descend upon that spot like a plague of locusts and ruin the fishing.

    Way to spill the beans.

    Lake Wissota, Wisconsin
    Posts: 134

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    dbuchmann’s posts
    1/15/14 11:14 AM CST
    I was out on Sunday with my truck and didn’t get stuck but did watch a lot of others get stuck, with the strong winds we are going to have there will be a lot of drifting going on. Also be respectful of people’s shacks out there. I had a friend out fishing Saturday that watched a group of guys drilling holes in front of the door to my shack, peeing on it and littering around it. Pretty sad when I have to go pick up garbage from other people.

    guess what I had to deal with ain’t [censored], wow

    Posts: 2596

    Sorry, my bad. I guess I was just trying to divert attention away from Castle Rock. Last week these two “hot shots” did some kind of show called In Depth Outdoors, I think I got that right. Anyways, that place will be a circus with alot of “clowns”. Castle Rock is a small lake and everyone will be sitting in each others laps. Maybe that Evert’s place might take some of the load off.

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