Absolute prime time for used boat sales is the 6 weeks before the walley opener. That is CrazyTime on Craigslist with thousands of desperate buyers who will pay almost anything to have a boat so they can go up with their buddies on the opener or the first big trip north.
While you CAN sell a boat anytime, you will have the best chance of getting top dollar in the April/May timeframe because buyers will be lined up for the few decent boats on CL and they know that with guys lined up from the door to the curb, there isn’t going to be any chance to lowball.
I’ll be listing my boat in PrimeTime this year.
If your buying, later in the year is better, but there is a huge slowdown in sales after July 4. By then, the newbies who were all jacked up at the beginning of the year have all blown their money. This is where the finesse buyers move in, guys tend to be looking for very specific rigs and won’t be willing to overpay for junk. A good boat priced right will still sell after July 4, but the cycle tends to be longer and the price has to be right.