Looks like you already chose… but I will throw in my .02 for those reviewing this thread later.
99% of the reviews/opinions you will get are based on personal opinions and bias. For example… I hate Fords… saw way too many problems with them from many friends/family. Dodge have always been excellent trucks when you don’t plan on doing anything heavy duty with them. Toyota’s have been too new to me to make any opinion. I know hundreds of people who haul trailers with horses, cattle, utility, etc… and Toyotas just aren’t in the mix.
That being said… My thoughts/opinions are just that.. my own personal view. I would not buy anything other than Chevy or GM trucks. My family have owned numerous types and the GMAC vehicles have been the only ones that have not broken down, had maintenance issues, or have not been up to par.
Personally, I have a 2004 GMC Sierra 2500 6.0 Gas with Crew Cab. I haul a pretty big horse trailer all summer long. I had to put in air bags in the back for suspension.. but what do you expect.. front weight was around 9,000 lbs. Overall weight was around 20,000 lbs. With the air bags to lift off of the axel, I have hauled all over MN with no issues. I have even taken it up a hill in WI that I wasn’t expecting and made it up (imagine the biggest hill in Duluth you can imagine and that was it). Foot to the floor… maxing out going about 6mph praying to god I didn’t stop because backing down that hill would have been very dangerous. After that hill, my trust in this line of vehicles was solidified for life. I still have no idea how I made it up and I had others around the horse show tell me thier ford F350’s could NEVER have made that hill.. but somehow, mine did (talking to others, I found an alternate route back home… thank God).
So.. that all being said… the ONLY way you will ever find the perfect truck is to find what works for you. Not everyone pulls a 20,000lb trailer like I do all summer. I am 100% sure there are trucks that get better gas mileage than mine does that don’t pull the loads I do. So, it all comes down to what YOU are going to do with it and what you need to get out of it.
Good Luck with your Ford (you are going to need it..
By the way… I heard Ford was now installing heated tailgates. To keep your hands warm when you are pushing them home in the winter!