looking at crew cabs

  • biggill
    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Wade, the one downfall to the discounts is when the vehicle price is higher. Say a $60k truck is discounted $8k and a $40k truck is discounted the same amount. The percent discount is much higher with the cheaper vehicle where you are getting a lower percentage with the higher priced vehicle.

    The main thing to understand is how the used vehicles are priced. On KBB, depreciation for mileage is 10c a mile. Not sure what it is for age though. When you 100k miles on a truck you can expect $10kin depreciation and some change. Say $13k.

    I just had my truck quoted for trade in, they told me they’d give $17k. A $33k truck worth $17k trade in value. Not bad for 95k miles.

    Point is if I were to trade it in today, I would have only paid $10k for using the truck for 4 years. After doing that math, it kinda shocks me. $2500 per year lease, not bad.

    A used vehicle will get you the same without warranty, needing tires, brakes and so on.

    I told myself before I bought this truck I’d NEVER buy new. I just couldn’t ignore the math.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    Yeah, I would skip the 1st ever 2 years in a row Motor Trend truck of the year… (I used to think they took turns) And with the best warranty (why pay later) you wouldn’t believe the late model “others” trying to trade in on a new RAM… unfortunately, they are buried in their “new” truck Stay away from RAM, they don’t deserve you

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I was just waiting for you to post
    Buy the Ford

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    Sorry I took so long, was fishing all morning….I agree…. he is too good for RAM (I would also like to know the people who have new RAMS that are paying for repairs ? ) Must be some dumb people he is getting truck advice from…

    (we did have a 2004 in the shop for repairs the other day though)

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    G, does your shop work on Chryslers? I have a 2010 that burns over 1qt of oil in 3000 miles. But dodge has told me that this is normal??? Good quality there, when I dump this POS it won’t be for another Dodge product. Guess I’m stuck with everyone else waiting to see what happens with the class action lawsuit.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    ALL vehicles burn oil… 1 qt in 3000 is ready…. NORMAL… and well below industry standards…your next POS will too Cheer up !

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    None of my other vehicles use anywhere near this and they have more miles. I’ve never had a vehicle use this much oil and I’m tired of the “it’s normal” excuse for poor quality. If that’s how Dodge wants to stand behind their product fine, I just won’t make that mistake again.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    google whatever vehicle you want and see all the misinformed consumers, complaining about oil consumption, check EVERY owners manual about “checking oil levels” people do not realize how an internal combustion engine works… it CONSUMES oil in the process. If you have an engine that does not consume any oil, that engine will fail prematurely. Pure science. Good luck finding the next one and be sure to report back your findings

    (I would be interested to hear what vehicles you have that burns less than 1/3 qt oil/1000 miles)

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I’ve built thousands of engines and understand better than most how they work, this POS Dodge is consuming 300% more oil than any other vehicle that I have or have ever had. Plain and simple there is something wrong and Dodge doesn’t want to fix it, not a company that I will purchase from again.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    I am going to have a hope you cheer up ! Better days ahead

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have a 95 Chevy 1/2 ton with the 5.7 350 with 160,000 miles, the body and interior are both in great shape it has been a great truck and my mechanic tells me I should be able to get 300,000 miles on that motor no problem. Fortunately for me I do not have to drive it every day as my wife works from home and does not need a car every day, before she worked at home I did have a beater car that I drove to work every day all of this added up has played a big part in keeping the miles off my truck and keeping it in great condition for the 14 years I have owned the truck. One of the things I use my truck for is to pull a 24’ camper and this truck handles it fine, with that being said I want the option to be able to trade up to a fifth wheel camper some day so obviously I will need a bigger truck. My next truck I would like a crew cab, with the talk here about the short 5’ truck beds on crew cabs my question is can you get larger boxes on newer crew cabs these days? I have seen older crew cabs with full size boxes but not sure that I have seen them on the newer crew cabs.

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    F-150s, Silverados, and Sierras are available with a 6.5′ box on crew cab models. I don’t know what Ram offers as I never really considered them when I was in the market this spring.

    Posts: 776

    I have a 2006 , 3500 chevy van w a duramax in it,208,000 miles, we run 15/40 amsoil, change oil filter, and grease it at 7,500 and complete oil and filter at 15,000 m and its never down a quart before change times, I have to add a quart of oil on my 1994 saburban w a 5.7 and 178,000m at around 4,000 m and I’m pulling my 18′ bassboat. no gripe there.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    My 2001 1500HD (6.0L) burns a quart every 3,000 miles. You can set you watch by it. 173,000 miles on it and no real issues.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    My 2001 1500HD (6.0L) burns a quart every 3,000 miles. You can set you watch by it. 173,000 miles on it and no real issues.

    Yep… My 2000 1500 with the 5.3l uses 1qt every 3k. Has done this since I purchased it with 60,000 miles. No issues.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Are you looking for a truck or a croossover to an suv? Seems the market trend is pushing for truck crossover leaving us that want a truck out in the cold. These things are huge. Why is that?

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Hope this one isn’t related


    Ohio Wife Torches Husband’s Truck After Getting Crock Pot and Cheap Lingerie for Xmas
    DAYTON — Police arrested 34-year old Tracy Waters yesterday morning after she allegedly set fire to her husband Dave’s 2013 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab in a rage over her Christmas gifts.

    “He gave me a slow-cooker and these red nylon crotchless panties with a push-up bra,” Mrs. Waters told police.

    “The bra had tassels for [censored] sake. Tassels.”

    Police have charged Mrs. Waters with arson, assault with a weapon (“a 4-gallon ceramic crock pot with corn-on-the-cob pattern”) and using foul language in public.

    Mr. Waters told the Dayton Daily News that he was excited about his gifts for his wife and doesn’t understand why she became angry and turned violent.

    “Good food, good lovin’, and a good truck were all I wanted for Christmas,” said the 37-year-old warehouse worker sporting a swollen-shut right eye.

    “Now the truck’s gone, the wife’s gone, and she even broke the crock pot.”

    Police and fire responded to a duplex in the city’s southeast after neighbors called emergency saying there was a vehicle on fire and a woman was observed throwing armfuls of what appeared to be men’s clothing onto the flames.

    Sounds like he wanted a stripper, not just a wife!

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099


    ALL vehicles burn oil… 1 qt in 3000 is ready…. NORMAL… and well below industry standards…your next POS will too Cheer up !

    I can’t tell how much oil my old jeep is burning…i think it leaks out before it has a chance to burn.

    Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once: “jeeps don’t leak oil, they mark their territory”

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756


    my question is can you get larger boxes on newer crew cabs these days?

    Until the 2013/2014 model year, 1/2 ton crew cabs were only available with the short 5.5′ box.

    I believe the 3/4 ton crew cabs have always had a 6.5′ box. I have a 2007 Silverado 2500HD with a 6.5′ box.

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    Ford had 6.5′ boxes on F-150 crew cabs before 2013. I’m thinking it was ’07 of so when they started that. Could be wrong though.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Now I know where RAM owners get their attitude from, starts at the dealership.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I don’t think so. G stated that the Ram would be a option. At that point somebody chimed in what a POS his van was. Had nothing to do with the original post, was more a attack on Dodge. I would have responded the same way (maybe )

    Posts: 4941

    Just parked my Brand spanking new Ford F-150 in the Garage

    An assist goes to IDO member Corey Waller,

    He even drew some blood during negotiations,

    He’s a good man to deal with.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    I would hope you take pride in your choice of work… sorry if it bothers you so much. Everything will be ok for me, we sold a couple new RAMS today again… had some other brands trade-in too Hey it makes the world go round !

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    Congrats on the Ford! If you enjoy yours half as much as I do my ’13, you’ll be thrilled to death.

    mike ice
    Posts: 101

    congrats on new ford, you’ll like it.

    Oil consumption. Some use it some don’t, I like to see little to no usage but I’d be okay with 1qt/3000, normal.
    Got a 180K Toyota, no oil usage, Old chevy 305, 310K no oil usage at 4000 Mobil 1 changes. New truck, depends on oil, sometimes it might use a qt, sometimes none.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Looks like you already chose… but I will throw in my .02 for those reviewing this thread later.

    99% of the reviews/opinions you will get are based on personal opinions and bias. For example… I hate Fords… saw way too many problems with them from many friends/family. Dodge have always been excellent trucks when you don’t plan on doing anything heavy duty with them. Toyota’s have been too new to me to make any opinion. I know hundreds of people who haul trailers with horses, cattle, utility, etc… and Toyotas just aren’t in the mix.

    That being said… My thoughts/opinions are just that.. my own personal view. I would not buy anything other than Chevy or GM trucks. My family have owned numerous types and the GMAC vehicles have been the only ones that have not broken down, had maintenance issues, or have not been up to par.

    Personally, I have a 2004 GMC Sierra 2500 6.0 Gas with Crew Cab. I haul a pretty big horse trailer all summer long. I had to put in air bags in the back for suspension.. but what do you expect.. front weight was around 9,000 lbs. Overall weight was around 20,000 lbs. With the air bags to lift off of the axel, I have hauled all over MN with no issues. I have even taken it up a hill in WI that I wasn’t expecting and made it up (imagine the biggest hill in Duluth you can imagine and that was it). Foot to the floor… maxing out going about 6mph praying to god I didn’t stop because backing down that hill would have been very dangerous. After that hill, my trust in this line of vehicles was solidified for life. I still have no idea how I made it up and I had others around the horse show tell me thier ford F350’s could NEVER have made that hill.. but somehow, mine did (talking to others, I found an alternate route back home… thank God).

    So.. that all being said… the ONLY way you will ever find the perfect truck is to find what works for you. Not everyone pulls a 20,000lb trailer like I do all summer. I am 100% sure there are trucks that get better gas mileage than mine does that don’t pull the loads I do. So, it all comes down to what YOU are going to do with it and what you need to get out of it.

    Good Luck with your Ford (you are going to need it.. )

    By the way… I heard Ford was now installing heated tailgates. To keep your hands warm when you are pushing them home in the winter!

    Posts: 1960

    And for every story like that, you can substitute any brand and somebody else will tell it…..

    I have a 05 GMC 1500 and it has been bad. It has left me on the road a few times including a blown tranny at 58k miles. It is my 3rd GM product in a row that has been a troublesome mess. My next truck will be ANYTHING but another GM product. Personally, you couldn’t give me another one, as being left on the highway is not my favorite pastime.


    Posts: 4941

    I have had many GMC trucks, now I chose to buy a Ford.
    I choose not to urine on any other Truck manufacturer,it was just the right choice for me.

    I don’t believe you could go wrong buying any of the top three trucks.

    Posts: 1960


    I don’t believe you could go wrong buying any of the top three trucks.

    I agree with this disclaimer: as long as you don’t get one built in Monday morn or Friday afternoon

    I have several buddies with GM vehicles that have had flawless luck. I am just ready to look at a different style dash. Could easily get a lemon or a gem on my next vehicle regardless of make. IMO


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