Duck Dynasty Shoots own Foot

  • hl&sinker
    north fowl
    Posts: 605


    I call it the “pile on”…. Waiting for the Reverends to show up in the feeding frenzy…

    Not to belittle the subject but this has been blown way out proportion by many on all points of views. It is winter and a few extra pounds are put on so its understadable undies get wound up.
    Seems like taking a subject to an extreme has become ritual and almost needful until the wind stops blowing then a respit occurs until the gas builds up again then on to the next subject.
    Has it become so bad that people look to argue to be heard for what ever reason?
    I’ m just glad I was able to hear Palins point of view but I am waiting on Baucman point of view to be fully swayed.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Ditto what Tom said…. and I hope whoever this guy is has the wound in his foot heal quickly.

    Always treat a firearm as if it’s loaded.

    Brian if you and Tom have never seen the show you both owe to yourselves to watch at least one episode it is awesome!

    Posts: 331

    Confusing freedom of speech with freedom from consequences of said speech.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I’ m just glad I was able to hear Palins point of view but I am waiting on Baucman point of view to be fully swayed.

    Yeah, bettter not wait for Obama’s point of view. He’s knee deep in code trying to get a website up and going.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559



    Ditto what Tom said…. and I hope whoever this guy is has the wound in his foot heal quickly.

    Always treat a firearm as if it’s loaded.

    Brian if you and Tom have never seen the show you both owe to yourselves to watch at least one episode it is awesome!

    I have seen one “performance” and am happy to say just the one. Aside from Buzz’s reply the only other comment that made any sense was from Desperado when he said “who cares what a reality show performer says”. Moreover, I have enough hobby stuff to do to keep me from getting married to a tv.

    Posts: 63

    A&E needs Duck Dynasty more than Duck Dynasty needs A&E Just look at what there top show would be (hoarders)Besides it is just one mans opinion. Most of the people who watch this show really do not care. Just a group that thinks they have to be reconsidered. O well! In Jesus name. O I am sorry I offend you. and if I haven’t that is OK to.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The guy made some comments based on a question asked of him. It was not his reply that’s the problem, its the media who feed on anything to stir the pot. Reform the media and then life will get back some decent perspective.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    The guy made some comments based on a question asked of him. It was not his reply that’s the problem, its the media who feed on anything to stir the pot. Reform the media and then life will get back some decent perspective.

    I could not agree more!

    Posts: 331

    Actually. Out of the 8 to 11 million people that watch the show he offended quite a few along with sponsors of the show with his coments.
    Obviously’ here on a predominantly white middle age male. fishing forum the percentage would be much lower.

    “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more. desirable than a man’s anus.” Robertson responded to backlash about his comments by saying, “I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from m



    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Could it be that he could give a rats a– what money and influence thinks because he’s already made his own destiny when it comes to money and being able to make a living. I don’t think he cares at all about the repercussions when it comes to who’s going to air their show. If I had his well earned money and a show decided to not air what I said I could care less, The truth is the truth and I’ll bet he thinks so too. Who ever picks up the show I will definitely be watching it there instead of a channel that thinks its not right to supposedly offend someone, what a bunch of crap. Can’t anyone stand up for telling the truth? When it comes to repeating the words of the man up stairs who cares who he may supposedly offended as its not for us to decide.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19021

    All I want for Christmas is this post to fade away..

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