I think the 1 vs 8 is cable vs network. I thought DD was 1 on cable.
It doesnt been The Voice, Survivor, Amazing Race, etc.
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I think the 1 vs 8 is cable vs network. I thought DD was 1 on cable.
It doesnt been The Voice, Survivor, Amazing Race, etc.
“I’m off to water my new Si Chia pet now…..”
Really. Where did you find one of those? Great xmas presents.
“I’m off to water my new Si Chia pet now…..”
Really. Where did you find one of those? Great xmas presents.
Walgreens, home depot, BPS, and a few other places are where I’ve seen them.
$30 for a si chia pet? Wow. Those boys are doing something right.
$30 for a si chia pet? Wow. Those boys are doing something right.
…and A&E has done a fine job exploiting their popularity in merchandising the DD brand.
I wonder if they get a cut from the tee shirt I won shaking dice a couple weekends ago?
Since when can’t a guy give his opinion without having to put gravy all over it, everyone knows what it means. He was asked about the subject and he gave his honest answer about all the wrong he sees in all the things he listed.
Can’t anyone say what they believe and know is sinful without worrying about who they might offend. All he was doing was giving the things he knows isn’t the best for us. Hes not judging anyone hes just saying whats wrong with those life styles. Does he and his family try to live by those reasons, I think they more then likely do. Whats the difference in him saying those things or a pastor infront of a congregation on a Sunday talking about sins, none to me. He was asked and he answered truthfully. Whats the [censored] croud want him to do, not repeat what he thinks the bible says, that’s not for them to dictate. God loves us all but he expects us to now and then repeat what the bible says, any sin in that? That’s called testifying, What a bunch of crap!
Can’t anyone say what they believe and know is sinful without worrying about who they might offend.
Anyone who is a public figure or a representative of a large corporation like A&E (like Phil) really should watch what they are saying. Just because you have a right to say it, doesn’t mean you should say it. If you are employed by A&E you can’t be saying something that might offend a mass group of people!
No, I’m not [censored], I don’t support [censored] marriage. I do support Phil’s right to say what he did. I do support A&E’s right to fire Phil if he says something that MAY reflect bad on their corporation.
Side note, just heard on the news that ABC owns part of A&E and will be broadcasting DD on prime time next year, but they haven’t said what kind of roll Phil will play in the shows already filmed and being edited. Sounds like they might edit him out of the shows already filmed as well as keep him from filming any more new shows.
And there you go, he did not just offend A&E, but also ABC, History Channel, and some womans channel I’ve never heard of. They are all partial owners in each other. Once you offend one of the Big 3, you are done.
It’s just the double standard, that’s all. A white male is too big of a target, to let a good scandal go by. Who else notices, on the BIG networks and most media outlets, they will wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS, but not MERRY CHRISTMAS.. but have no problem recognizing and going out of their way to let everyone know about Hannukah, Kwanzaa and even Ramadan. I see this every year and have to chuckle how dumb it makes them look, but I haven’t organized any boycotts yet It is their right to discriminate…
Kevin22.. confused on your posts as you posted on your first post he should “keep his mouth shut” but then in your next post after calling me a hypocrite you write “I will stand behind Phil’s right to say what he did until the day I die”. If you read my post I did write I assumed you are NOT IN FAVOR OF RESTRICTING FREE SPEECH ie… in favor of free speech.
You also said (aimed at me) “You’ll back him because what he says is also your belief” and you are correct. If his belief was not my belief then I would not back him but would also not keep him from speaking his mind!
And there you go, he did not just offend A&E, but also ABC, History Channel, and some womans channel I’ve never heard of. They are all partial owners in each other. Once you offend one of the Big 3, you are done.
They probably aren’t too offended when they see the $$$. They are just pandering.
There best course of action will be to reinstate him before the next season starts shooting. That’s how they will maximize their profits. Next season won’t start shooting for at least 6 months. By then no one is really going to care.
From what they said on the news, they have already shot all but 2 of next year’s shows. Phil is suspended from the last two, but they are unsure if the producers are going to cut him out of the already filmed ones or not.
Kevin22.. confused on your posts as you posted on your first post he should “keep his mouth shut” but then in your next post after calling me a hypocrite you write “I will stand behind Phil’s right to say what he did until the day I die”.
Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out. I’ll stand behind his right to say what he wants, but he shouldn’t have said it to begin with.
There are a lot of things you have a right to do, but shouldn’t. I’ll fall back on the most extreme I can think of. You can stand on your porch wearing a Nazi uniform and doing the hitler salute thing if you want, but that doesn’t mean you should!
Naw…your post was quite easy to figure out…just jabbing you… I guess after a very round about way we both agree then that he has the right to say what he wants…the only difference is you don’t agree with his views and I do.
Gotta love Freedom of Speech!
I do agree with his views, very much so! What I don’t agree with is his CHOICE to say them.
What gets me upset is how people are turning this around and making it a religion debate, and the people who are only in this “fight” because they think its about defending the bible. Its not about that, its about a man’s right to say what he wants. It just so happened to be a quote from the bible that not everybody worships. The days of being a white Christian country are gone, and some people refuse to let it go. Throw the bible part out the window, the issue at hand is a man’s right to free speech and if he is able to be terminated by his employer if the words he spoke offend a religious, ethnic, or civil rights group. Whether or not his words were from the bible mean nothing, he still spoke them when he should have held his tongue.
If I remember correctly, he was asked what is a sin to him? He could have named any of the 10 commandments or millions of other things that are a sin in this world.. he CHOSE to say those words. How many different sins could have been quoted from the bible? Thousands I’d say. He didn’t have to say what he did.
One to prove my point.. I just heard on fox news I believe it was, a lady was talking about it and said “Phil has probably never met a [censored], [censored], or black person”. Then she went on to talk about how he was just quoting the bible and shouldn’t have been suspended.
That right there is someone who knows nothing about Phil or his life, and is only in it because she wanted to take a religious stance.
(If you didn’t know, Willie has an adopted black son)
Fun fact: “Duck Dynasty” is the highest rated cable reality TV show ever.
Who Knew??
The term Reality TV Show is a misnomer and a contradiction….but I digress.
The only unscripted tv is sports.
I don’t think A&E was offended, I think they were concerned about a financial hit.
I get it but it’s funny seeing a certain word censored in a thread with so much talk of free speech.
After reading all the posts on this, I thought I’d weigh in. The right to free speech isn’t just a fundamental American value; it’s enshrined in the first amendment to our constitution. But many of us don’t actually understand what it says. Here’s what the First Amendment offers: you can say, write or publish pretty much whatever you want, no matter how offensive (with a few exceptions), and the government can’t step in and censor you or put you in jail. Here’s what the first amendment doesn’t do: allow you to say, write or publish whatever you want, no matter how offensive.
Yes, everyone is entitled to express his or her views and there may be consequences from this type of expression. If you decide to express views that are entirely odious and potentially costly to your employer you might lose your job. Certainly our constitutional founders didn’t mean “free country” as short-hand for “free to say anything you want to anyone and have total immunity” this is why we have slander and libel laws. The right to freely speak your mind without government interference is crucial. But few of us are permitted in the course of our employment to say whatever we want without consequence from our employer. Robertson is still entitled to say whatever he wants to GQ or anyone else who will listen. He is entitled to do so without fearing imprisonment, arrest, government censure or any other punishment from the police or the courts. Americans are fortunate to live in a country that offers us such openness. Robertson, like any of us, is entitled to the full enjoyment of that freedom.
Being on a reality show is Robertson’s job. He disgraced his employer and made comments so offensive that A&E would almost surely have seen an audience and advertiser backlash had they not reacted swiftly. Declining to continue filming someone for a reality television show after they let loose a series of asinine and bigoted remarks in a magazine interview is not “discrimination”, no matter how much some Christians might insist it is. It is not an indication that A&E refuses to treat faith-based consumers’ views “with equality and respect”. It does not mean A&E “excludes the views of faith-driven consumers and effectively censors a legitimate viewpoint held by the majority of Americans”.
Thanks Buzz. This explanation was needed.14 pages of could’a, should’a and would’a is enough. I’m happy to say I don’t watch any of these reality programs.
Ditto what Tom said…. and I hope whoever this guy is has the wound in his foot heal quickly.
Always treat a firearm as if it’s loaded.
It is still a little about religion and free speech, not to the point most people are monkeybuttizing it though.
Just like it is a little about double standards, political correctness and intolerance – directed towards Phil. There are groups who could and do say far worse but get away with it and yes the people are famous.
His words can be described as rough and abrasive, but certainly not hateful and derogatory.
Quiz time. What is wrong with this story? Don’t look too hard, it happens pretty quick. If you get to the end, you’ve gone too far.
‘Duck Dynasty’ Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep
I call it the “pile on”…. Waiting for the Reverends to show up in the feeding frenzy…
How did his comments become racist??
The “racist” rage is being drown by the [censored] rage. They are spinning his words about him working with black people, before Jim Crowe and entitlements, as racist. He also refers to himself as white trash in the same quote.
What gets me is the — croud can say what they want anywhere and almost anytime,,,and others can’t?, even giving their opinions truthfully?. When it gets so bad that the producers may discontinue a program because of an honest opinion, thats getting pretty bad. Yes you can say things but, if its going to offend anyone then you must put gravy all over it?.
My House is open to the whole family for dinner, He did not throw any bricks, just said what he believed.
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