Duck Dynasty Shoots own Foot

  • duke.harbaugh
    Posts: 207

    He clearly states its his belief. What a joke this country has become. Sad, truely sad.

    Posts: 4033


    If they do get dropped there will be 10 other channels ready to pick them up. Cuddos to Phil having a spine.

    Can’t. They wont drop DD and if they decide not to film they will still be under contract and will be sued if they film anything on any other station.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    If they do get dropped there will be 10 other channels ready to pick them up. Cuddos to Phil having a spine.


    Yes, I too believe if they fold it on A&E, they’ll be picked right up by another larger and even more mainstream network.

    The Robertson’s DO NOT need A&E, A&E along with ALL of the SPONSORS need the ROBERTSON’s and Duck DYNASTY.

    With the start of the last series, DUCK DYNASTY had the largest viewership of any TV Program, setting new records. ALL Advertisers/Sponsors need/want/desire those kinds of viewer numbers.

    MONEY speak huge volumes, much more the all of these other groups.

    Posts: 1493

    You’ve all been played. Don’t want to know, then don’t ask him. That’s his opinion. The opinion is in line with the Bible and he is 100% right, but it’s an opinion that was Fished out of him. In sorry, was somebody surprised by this??

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    Phil Robertson said it…. it’s not like the bible….. errrrr… wait a minute…

    at least he didn’t say, doing the show was like being a soldier or a police officer…

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    I just find this all rather hypocritical of hollywood. People can say things equally offensive with a pro-[censored] slant and it is embraced as edgy.

    We have freedom of speech. A&E had the right to ban Phil or do whatever they want. I would have preferred they wait and see if the comments negatively impact ratings before altering the show and suppressing free speech. Their job is to get ratings and sell ads.

    Comcast now has Al Jazeera (sp?) who is the channel of choice in parts of the world that execute gays and they ban a man expressing his opinions? Have you heard Bill Maher, Chelsea Handler?

    People need to stand up for freedoms, even when they dont argee with how others exercise their rights.

    Posts: 4033

    For everyone saying they shouldn’t have suspended Phil.. What would YOUR employer do if you were featured in an article in your local paper and you said what Phil did? You wouldn’t have a job today.

    Posts: 6259

    If I was suspended from my job for expressing my beliefs off job, and those believes had no impact or bearing on my job it would be time to move on. Free speech is a right. Freedom of religion is a right.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023


    He clearly states its his belief. What a joke this country has become. Sad, truely sad.

    We all have a few beliefs and momentary thoughts in our heads that need to stay there. Not to mention that a good father and family patriarch does not knowingly hurt his family. This man did.

    Posts: 1960


    For everyone saying they shouldn’t have suspended Phil.. What would YOUR employer do if you were featured in an article in your local paper and you said what Phil did? You wouldn’t have a job today.

    I call complete BS on that comment.

    In most industry, I can not fathom that many employers would terminate an employee for expressing a controversial belief outside of work.


    Posts: 80

    In the end the show will go on and Phil will be back. The show brings in way to high of numbers for an end to anything that involves duck dynasty.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If I were a betting man, the little time out will end unannounced after Christmas. There has been a lot of blow back from fans of the show. At some point they are going to have to bow and appease them too, while still saving face with GLAAD.

    This is a situation where wolves were lurking in the bushes just waiting for one of them to say something crass and politically incorrect and jump all over it. There are a lot of people out there who can’t stand the success of a show featuring dim witted, backwards bayou hill billies who pray at the end of a show and kill defenseless animals.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Yep, the public has a very short memory. I would guess that most people can’t remember half the scandals from the past six months that at the time infuriated them.
    The undisputed champion of the world will again prevail…money.

    Posts: 4941

    Why do so many people who believe in free speech, have such disdain for a man who speaks freely.

    Why does a true Christan judge a man buy his words,when it is truly the allmightys judgement that matters most.

    It does not bother me what Phil felt he had to say.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    How come the word “[censored]” is censored on IDO but “[censored]” is not?



    Posts: 1493


    How come the word “[censored]” is censored on IDO but “[censored]” is not?



    Good question…thats kinda [censored]

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830


    How come the word “[censored]” is censored on IDO but “[censored]” is not?




    joyless. just like my wife


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I just got a project in Monroe LA. How weird is that?!

    Posts: 4941


    I just got a project in Monroe LA. How weird is that?!

    It’s a God send

    Posts: 3010



    I just got a project in Monroe LA. How weird is that?!

    It’s a God send

    especially so from the Calvinistic perspective

    Posts: 630




    I just got a project in Monroe LA. How weird is that?!

    It’s a God send

    especially so from the Calvinistic perspective

    Now that’s funny right there!

    It is however curious that political correctness has trumped freedom of expression. Stinks of McCarthyism…..

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    Yep, the public has a very short memory. I would guess that most people can’t remember half the scandals from the past six months that at the time infuriated them.

    The undisputed champion of the world will again prevail…money.

    Fast & Furious, IRS Tax Exempt Status, IRS Release of Confidential Information, IRS Targeting Conservative Individuals and Organizations, Benghazi, Affordable Care Act Changes Outside of Legislative Process, Veracity of Affordable Care Act Implementation and Senate Presidential Appointee Confirmation Rules Change to name just a few. How am I doing? ;-)

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974



    Yep, the public has a very short memory. I would guess that most people can’t remember half the scandals from the past six months that at the time infuriated them.
    The undisputed champion of the world will again prevail…money.

    Fast & Furious, IRS Tax Exempt Status, IRS Release of Confidential Information, IRS Targeting Conservative Individuals and Organizations, Benghazi, Affordable Care Act Changes Outside of Legislative Process, Veracity of Affordable Care Act Implementation and Senate Presidential Appointee Confirmation Rules Change to name just a few. How am I doing? ;-)

    you forgot to mention that Bill did not have sex with that women again!

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116



    Yep, the public has a very short memory. I would guess that most people can’t remember half the scandals from the past six months that at the time infuriated them.

    The undisputed champion of the world will again prevail…money.

    Fast & Furious, IRS Tax Exempt Status, IRS Release of Confidential Information, IRS Targeting Conservative Individuals and Organizations, Benghazi, Affordable Care Act Changes Outside of Legislative Process, Veracity of Affordable Care Act Implementation and Senate Presidential Appointee Confirmation Rules Change to name just a few. How am I doing? ;-)

    Govt shutdown. You did great! I still stand by my rule of MOST PEOPLE though. Also Chris, thank you for mentioning the ones that matter! Not some multimillionaire spouting off his views on homosexuals.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759




    I just got a project in Monroe LA. How weird is that?!

    It’s a God send

    especially so from the Calvinistic perspective


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The fact of the matter is what Phil Robertson said on his own time has nothing to do with the show. I don’t agree with what he said, but it doesn’t matter, what he said has nothing to do with the show.

    It’s time to push back and show that it isn’t just special interests that have a voice. Just because they have their feelings hurt it doesn’t mean they can force a change to the show and affect the rest of us.

    If you want to show support to GLAAD and whoever else has a beef with Phil, just don’t watch the show anymore. Why should Duck Dynasty Fans be affected by something that has nothing to do with them?

    Sign the Petition:

    New Richmond, Wi
    Posts: 724

    I signed it. Who’s Phil?

    New Richmond, Wi
    Posts: 724

    I had to post again. To change my number of posts.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    I had to post again. To change my number of posts.

    You you

    Posts: 1493


    I had to post again. To change my number of posts.

    Funny, and off subject…but when they weighed my daughter when she was born it was 6.66, but I flipped a penny up on it and they were kind enough to call it 6.67! I freak out bout that stuff too.

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