Isn’t anybody going to defend the “drunkards” against Phil? Why are we only upset with what he says about gays?
December 18, 2013 at 2:06 pm
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Isn’t anybody going to defend the “drunkards” against Phil? Why are we only upset with what he says about gays?
The bible says allot of things that can be taken allot of ways. My interpretation of the bible is homosexuality in any form is sin and not the intention of God’s way. That being said we live in a fallen world and are all in need of redemtion
I believe in essence what Phil is saying is what most Christians believe and say, but get misquoted by the Liberal Press.
HATE the SIN, but LOVE the SINNER!
After all, we are ALL SINNER’S, and without the Love and Grace of GOD!, we are ALL condemned to HELL!
Yes, I have friends, acquaintances and former classmates that are living or have lived all of these different lifestyles listed by Phil & more. Do I hate them? Absolutely NOT. I show or at least try to show them the Love of Christ Jesus, my Lord & Savior.
Yes, I do Hate their Sin and Lifestyle, but I also Hate my own SIN for I am far from perfect, thus I repent and ask my GOD for Forgiveness and to make me a better man.
‘Duck Dynasty’ Under Fire Following Star’s Incendiary Anti-[censored] Remarks
By Elizabeth Durand Streisand
7 hours ago
Yahoo TV
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Yahoo TV link, Duck Dynasty
The stars of “Duck Dynasty” might be America’s most popular TV family, but that could change very soon — because Phil Robertson has made some seriously divisive anti-[censored] remarks that have sparked instant backlash.
Speaking with GQ, Robertson lamented that when “everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong … sin becomes fine.” So just what qualifies as sinful in his book?
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he declared.
[Related: How ‘Duck Dynasty’ Became Such a Huge Hit]
Phil probably should have cut himself off at this point (considering he’s a national TV star), but instead he paraphrased Corinthians. “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God,” he warned. “Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
What’s more, according to him, it’s basically incomprehensible. “It seems to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus,” he explained. “That’s just me. I’m just thinking, ‘There’s more there! She’s got more to offer.’ I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”
Within minutes of GQ revealing Robertson’s quotes (which will appear in the January issue), GLAAD issued a fiery response — and the [censored]-rights organization is none too pleased.
[Related: A Very Ducky Christmas — Robertsons Revisit Ghosts of Christmases Past]
“Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe,” said GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz. “He clearly knows nothing about [censored] people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed [censored] and lesbian couples. Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families.”
Cruz, who cited an August Public Policy Polling survey showing 56 percent of Louisiana residents supported same-sex marriage, stopped short of calling for an all-out boycott of “Duck Dynasty.”
Despite Phil’s strong words, however, he insists he’s a Christian who doesn’t condemn others — even if they are “sinners” in his mind.
“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” he told the magazine. “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus — whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”
Still, Robertson insisted that his family “really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and… everything will turn around.”
And it seems that the tide is already turning, considering the fact that once GLAAD issued its statement, Phil was quick to clarify — and soften— his previous remarks.
“I myself am a product of the ’60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior,” the TV star said in a statement released by A&E Wednesday. “My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
And there you have it — at least for now. While Phil is standing by his opinions, he might be feeling a bit repentant about the way he originally stated them.
The good new is, I’m certain the majority of Duck Commander’s business comes from hunters who feel the same. The Walmart/gas station Duck Dynasty junk will probably be the only hit they take.
Actually, the VAST majority of the Duck Dynasty family income is currently coming from sales of licensed products related to the TV show and not the “original” products targeted at hunters. Because of the agreement with the producers of the show, the family only gets a % of licensed merchandise sales, but a % of a huge pile of money is, errr, still a huge pile of money.
But that’s not the main point.
The main point is do the views and fans take this revelation of Phil’s views as seriously as the media do?
I find the show mildly amusing on occasion. I do NOT, however, look for spiritual or moral guidance from the likes of Duck Dynasty. Or any “reality” tv show for that matter.
Way to go Phil! All this political correctness has gotten way out of whack. Bravo for him for sticking to his guns. Phil couldn’t care less if this hurts the business anyway. He turned down the nfl to hunt ducks! I think his family will fine with this too. I hope he keeps it up!!
Paula Deen was similar though her comments were racial. They chopped her off at the knees. She lost all her credential, her sponsors and millions of dollars.
Some might not see it this way, but I don’t think we are talking apple to apples here. I would not put what he said on the same plane as using the N word. I don’t think he even used a derogatory term.
Also Paula Dean’s empire was nothing like DD. Sponsors will have to weigh, does sticking with DD make me more money than cow towing to gays and lesbians.
There have been many big name celebs who have used the F term (a cigarette in England) in public who are as strong as ever. All they did is back pedal which Phil (or his handlers speaking for him) have already done.
If this were to sink DD, it shows a great hypocrisy and favoritism when it comes to certain speech.
It wont sink them but it could rock them a bit. I know it negatively impacted me so I’m sure it will a lot more people.
It wont sink them but it could rock them a bit. I know it negatively impacted me so I’m sure it will a lot more people.
So you going to stop watching? He’s not even the main character. Now if Si said that….
Who cares what consensual adults do in there bedroom.
by the same token, who cares what reality TV stars say on YouTube ?
Tough. He’s as much the show as any other individual and now that I know how his draconian cracker mind works I have lost some respect for the whole shebang. He makes millions off of the public and leads a prayer at the end of every show then publicly condemns large segments of our society? *&$# him and the chariot he rode in on.
Tough. He’s as much the show as any other individual and now that I know how his draconian cracker mind works I have lost some respect for the whole shebang. He makes millions off of the public and leads a prayer at the end of every show then publicly condemns large segments of our society? *&$# him and the chariot he rode in on.
Read his message closer. He is not condemning anyone, he is simply stating his beliefs. Just not being led by the oolitically correct idiots who try to put words into everyone’s mouth and censor anyone’s beliefs that are not what the liberals and mainstream media believe. Our society needs a little redemption and a set of moral and ethical rules to live by again…….Amen
Bad idea Phil, but you have to respect a guy who stands up for what he believes in. I don’t think this stems from hate because he was a terrible drunk that did many bad things in his day.
That said, there is a lot of contradiction with the ultra-Conservative Christians which I don’t tolerate. I have distanced myself from some great friends because they can’t seem to see that their adulterous ways are no better that the acts Phil speaks of.
I think we should just all be friends and hunt and fish together regardless of our beliefs, keep those at home and let’s have fun!
Last thing, how can we get Si and James in an ice house together? That would be the all time best show ever!
Who cares what consensual adults do in there bedroom.
by the same token, who cares what reality TV stars say on YouTube ?
We would be better off working with this community on real problems then letting our faith divide use. A good person is a good person by action. Not what they do in the bedroom.
Doesn’t matter if his Sons and family are livid, if it wasn’t for Phil they wouldnt be where they are today
Since they are riding on Phil’s shirttail then the better be backing him all the way
I have always believed in the saying- Hole to hole, pole to pole, and never hole to pole!!!!!
Tough. He’s as much the show as any other individual and now that I know how his draconian cracker mind works I have lost some respect for the whole shebang. He makes millions off of the public and leads a prayer at the end of every show then publicly condemns large segments of our society? *&$# him and the chariot he rode in on.
Making millions off the public?
Last time I heard, he never put a gun to anyone’s head to buy one of his products!
…I know how his draconian cracker mind works I have lost some respect for the whole shebang.
I respect how you feel. I respectfully disagree. Like you said, we’ll see how it pans out.
As to the guy who said we should all go fishing, I know I don’t discriminate!
I have always believed in the saying- Hole to hole, pole to pole, and never hole to pole!!!!!
Not sure if I’m picking up what your laying down there?
I’m a little old fashioned but my first thoughts on your comment were not good
I have always believed in the saying- Hole to hole, pole to pole, and never hole to pole!!!!!
Not sure if I’m picking up what your laying down there?
I’m a little old fashioned but my first thoughts on your comment were not good![]()
BTW I won’t be bending over to pick up anything based on how this thread is going…. Just thought I better put that in before I get heckled by you guys
This is exactly what is wrong with this world today. Who gives a flying pigs feet as to what ones person’s opinions are about a subject. We are so caught up in Political crap mess that every time somebody says something it results in this drawn-out emotional tirade. If I want to say what I feel as my opinion, why should that impact you and why should you even care. As long as Phil is stating his opinion have your own opinion stated and get over it. Everyone needs to quit blowing this stuff out of per portion.
We truly are going to a road that I think we can never come back up, this is ridiculous. We all as a society should be embarrassed if we really listened to ourselves.
I love the show and this won’t change the fact that I watch it.
I won’t bore anyone with my beliefs but who gives a what Phil stated about his. Last time I checked Phil does not live with me or my family and it does not change the entertainment of the show, what I believe in, or what I will do with my day tomorrow.
I am sooooooooooooooo sick of everything everyone says offending everybody. Political correctness is so over the top on everything that no one dares speak their beliefs any more.
I am not about putting any group of people down for any reason but I don’t really give a flying what other people beliefs or if they want to express them.
Get over it and go ice fishing.
I feel it is his right to speak what he believes in. After all isn’t that one of the freedoms our vets have fought for? Personally I don’t watch the show cuz its all scripted fake stuff. As a young man in my late teens and early 20’s as a budding waterfowl hunter I fell in love with the duck commander videos. I prefer to remember those guys in that setting. I personally believe they are all sellouts now. Just my 2 cents and opinion.
I have always believed in the saying- Hole to hole, pole to pole, and never hole to pole!!!!!
Not sure if I’m picking up what your laying down there?
I’m a little old fashioned but my first thoughts on your comment were not good![]()
He’s saying homosexual sex is okay but heterosexual is not. Either wrote that backwards or is trying to be funny.
The saying goes pole to hole, hole to pole, but never pole to pole.
Well, they suspended him. I predict that this will be the last season of DD. It will be interesting to see what the kids do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they show support and fold the series.
We all knew it was coming… A&E can’t let that slide. That’s it for DD, the family won’t film without Phil that’s for sure.
I’ll still be watching if they continue to film. Stay strong Phil. Nothing wrong with stating your beliefs. I think it’s known as Freedom of Speech. Thanks Phil.
I have always believed in the saying- Hole to hole, pole to pole, and never hole to pole!!!!!
It is a joke. A lot of my military friends say that is the safe way to sleep if you are ever next to another guy.
If they do get dropped there will be 10 other channels ready to pick them up. Cuddos to Phil having a spine.
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