Lowrance Customer Service…Good or Bad? Long Post

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I guess I’m looking for some thoughts on if I should be happy with Lowrance Electronics or not. Here’s the deal:

    Last winter I wanted a new sonar/gps combo. I did a lot of searching and posted questions about units that IDA members had. One of the questions was wrapped around service.

    What I got out of the responses was everyone likes the unit they have…unless they had problems with it. This is where the service question came in.
    From personal experience and everyone I talked to or responded agreed that Vexilar has by far the best customer service…hands down. Examples: 6-year-old second hand FL8 repaired and upgraded at no charge. Tech went out to a fisherman’s boat to solve a problem.

    Garmin was a close number two. Example: 12v power cord for a handheld GPS didn’t work and out of warranty. Was replaced at no charge.

    Far down at the bottom of the list in third place was Lowrance. It seems…in my opinion. That “many” people that had issues with their unit walked away from the customer service they received with a bad taste in their mouth. I am going to stop here and say that everyone that I talked to that had a working Lowrance unit…LOVE it.

    I ordered a LMS 480 sonar/gps. When I took it out on it maiden voyage this unit locked up (screen freeze) on me 3 times in 6 hours. Once you realize it was locked, you turned the unit off and on again and were good to go. My problem was, if you are looking for shallow water at night or finding your way home from a cat spot and you didn’t realize that it was froze…well at the best it would be frustrating at the worst……

    In an email response from Lowrance, well here it is.
    Dear Sir
    Thank you for your query. There are a few of the LMS-480’s that have exhibited that freezing for reasons that are as yet unknown. These are a very few units. If you will please contact our customer service line at 1-800-324-1356, we can arrange to replace your unit, or if it is more convenient, then merely exchange it with your dealership. We humbly apologize for this happening, and assure you that this is not the norm, with the LMS-480, or with any of our products.

    Thanks for supporting Lowrance Electronics.
    End of Quote.

    Called the number and a new “head” was shipped. Once installed…same thing…lock up. In the mean time, I was talking with other 480 users and they were all telling me the same thing…lock ups.

    I asked Lowrance support what the cost would be to up grade to the next model along with letting them know that locking up was unacceptable.
    Dear Sir
    Thank you for your email. The reason for the freezing in the LMS-480’s is a small glitch in the software. This problem is currently being dealt with. There is a software update that is available on the webpage, or should be within a day or so that will deal in part with this problem. The unit will still freeze momentarily, however it will start working again after a moment. There should be a forthcoming software update that permanently deals with this issue. In regards to your question about upgrading, the LMS-480 is a brand new very capable unit. There isn’t any better units, except in regards to screen size. We hope you will forgive us this small, but admittedly annoying flaw in our unit as we correct it so that you may fully enjoy and benefit from our products.
    End Quote.

    I called Lowrance to find out how to get the update into my sonar since my fish locator didn’t come “internet ready”. They asked me to buy a MCC card reader to fix their problem. I explained to her that this wasn’t going to happen and (after a long while) they sent out a card to me..but wanted it returned. By the way, they told me it was locking up because I was adjusting the “ping rate”. ….I never touched this feature. She couldn’t explain this.
    Ok, installed the “fix”. What this did was detected the unit freezing and restarted it for you.

    At this point, I seemed to be getting nowhere with the normal channels of their service. I sent a “nasty-gram” to their customer service, the president of Lowrance and a couple people in marketing that I found on the web. Two days later I received a call from a very knowledgeable tech. After going through the apologies ect. He offered to solve the problem by upgrading me to the 330c color sonar/gps at no charge.
    I explained my concern about the 330c being lower power and fewer pixels and we agreed to allow me to try both of them for a week.

    The color screen was very nice..However after seeing the crisp clear lines of the 480, the color unit looked “jaggy”…otherwise it seemed to be the same unit as the 480. I decided to keep the color unit when…yup, you guessed it..it locked up and restarted itself.

    In talking with the tech, he felt that I had a problem with my wiring and the unit lost power for a moment. One of his reasons to think this is because I was the only person to ever have this problem.

    After checking the wiring and not being able to find a bad connection, I decided to ether upgrade to a unit that has a track record (the 480 and the 330c are new units this year) or get my money back and go with Garmin. The next unit up was the 19c sonar/gps that retailed for $1800 and some change. For the fishing that I do…it’s overkill…in price alone. I asked the question anyway. They told me for my trouble it would cost me $700. to boot. Although I still question my decision I went with it.

    Turns out that they decided not to charge me anymore and the unit works….wonderful
    Here’s the question: Should I be upset that it took a nasty-gram to get this issue fix, or should I be happy that I am running a locator/gps that I would never buy for myself?

    Your thoughts?

    PS If you have bought a LMS 480, you might want to check with Lowrance. Seems the wire coming from the gps antenna has a tendency of burning out the head when you un plug it or plug it in. They won’t be notifying owners because most people don’t unplug the antenna (until after the warranty has expired)

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I started to reply with details regarding my experiences with lowrance but decided that since my experience sounds remarkably similar to your tale… what’s the point.

    I have a HUGE problem with companies shipping crappy, buggy, unreliable products and then releasing fixes that become the consumers responsibility to implemement. It disgusts me to a degree I can hardly communicate!

    Unfortunately it seems more and more companies are willing to use the consumer as the testing ground for their newest and greatest gadgets.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Hmmmm. I have a LMS 240 and it does seem to freeze once in awhile go blank and then resume normal operation. This usually happens for about 3-4 seconds, but does not totally restart?? I have been wondering / debating on upgrading to the 330c, I might have my answer now ??? Does anyone else have any input on the 330c.

    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    I have heard about the problem with the LMS 480.

    It looks like they did come through for you though. I had a couple of problems over the years with my 15mt’s and 320’s and they always fixed it fast by sending me an upgrade or outright exchanging the unit.

    I guess persistence paid off for you, the 19 is a great unit.

    I would suggest that you get a MMC card reader and card for your PC. That way you can stay current with the software upgrades. I also would suggest that you keep all the upgrades on your PC in a file so you can go back and re-load an older version if you need to.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Anytime I buy new product, especially something in that price range, I expect precision/quality/service. I guess after putting up with that hassle, you got what you deserved. Since you tried multiple units in the original’s price range, still couldn’t find a working unit, I think it’s admiral for lowrance to “step up” like that. However, the long term issue still remains, have they fixed the 480’s yet??

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I would say you got both good and bad service. Of course the old adage holds true: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
    At least you got what you wanted, a nice WORKING locater!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    I’ll add a couple things here. Brian and I have been talking about this problem for a while and he’s been keeping me posted on how this has been going. As I told Brian personally, I’m not fully satisfied with how this went down. Bottom line is you should have a working LMS 480. I’m glad they worked with you but MAN did you have to be persistent!

    Also, we are now hearing that this is happening with some of the 480s. One thing I am suggesting to anyone that has trouble with the unit, call Daryl at Lowrance directly. His number is 800-324-1356 x8811. Some of the customer service people are not so helpful.

    I will also mention that I have not had any problems with my LMS 330C. I have been running it all season.

    Brian, as you already know, I am not happy about the way this went for you. Unfortunately, it’s hard to say if they have this issue resolved now or not. It’s also unfortunate that these problems aren’t only with Lowrance. James made the point about customers testing products and I think that is happening more and more. The manufacturers want to get the new units out and they obviously hit the market before they have all the kinks worked out. Hopefully they’ve got it corrected now.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Oh yes, not just one company and not just one type of product. BOff the top of my head I can think of some boat motors, vehicles and some reels had had some very notorious “oops, released too soon” issues over the last year or two.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Just a note… I just put a message into Daryl at Lowrance to see if he can tell us if the problem with the 480s has been resolved yet. Will post what I find out…

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    You guys are totally correct in you assumption of getting the product to market before it’s ready. I see this every couple of years where I work. The engineers make design changes, improvements, or totally new products, and someone at the top who doesn’t have a clue decides the timeline for release, whether it’s customer ready or not. It dang near shut our operation down a few years ago and we still haven’t won back all of our “loyal customer base”. When word in the field generates bad reviews, that seems to be the only thing top management pays attention to. Then it’s always the fault of those beneath him.
    This is just what I’ve seen from over 30 years in the same place.

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 138

    I have the LMS-480 and its doing the exact same thing – locking up. How annoying! And now I find out the gps antenna has a tendency to burn out the head? And Lowrance won’t notify owners? I am definitely calling Lowrance.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3295

    I know this post isn’t about the 19c but I was hoping to upgrade to one soon. After reading this post, its kind of got me thinking if thats the right thing to do or not.
    Anyone out there have any comments they want add (good or bad) about the 19c?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    JBW…The 19c combo that I’ve been running for just over a month now is “in my opinion” AWESOME! They just upgraded the screen (this is another story and I’ll let the person that had this experiance tell you about it) so that you can see it in sunlight…well you have to remember it’s a LCD but it very good in sunlight. This was a problem with older units and if you are going to get one…have your dealer (hopefully Wade) check the s/n to ensure it has the new display.

    As far as the card reader goes…the 19c has one along with Map Create 6 include (sorry guys…if you need a card reader to keep your unit up to date or to get it working….the damn thing should come with one!)

    Daryl is the man to talk to. Once he was involved things went well and he told me the way it was. Although I respect him for this…I have lost most all of my respect for what I thought was a leader in the marine electronics industry. This isn’t an exact quote, but the 480 wasn’t even tested in a boat on water before it was released…yes other companies do the same…but this IS THE COMPANY THAT DEVELOPED SONAR!

    If you look on Lowarnce’s website you will see a “critical update” for the 480. Once again you will need a card reader to update it…(although I would call them boys and tell them to send you a card …and for the hassle..you want to keep it..personal opinion again)

    To be fair to the 330c, It froze on me once…then restarted. At that point to be honest if it would have churped when it shouldn’t have it would have gone back…

    James, Daryl knows about your issue with your 15. They thought that it was a transducer problem and were replacing them left and right…however it was a software issue. Had you not left your units at the bottom of Lake Pepin, Daryl would have fixed it for you…alais alittle late.

    Time for fish dinner!

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    My experience with Lowrance has been great, I bought a LCX-16ci at Cabela’s in the “bargan cave”, got it home and it would turn on but the screen was just a jumble of lines. I called Lowrance and they told me to send it in…a week later a brand new unit arrived on my doorstep at no charge.
    Just this week I called them to order a new GPS module( somebody thought they needed mine worse than me…too bad they just took the puck and not the wires, ripped them right out and took the puck) !!!!! When I talked to the rep at Lowrance I asked about the magnetic mount that they used to come with, he said he had some around and would send one along no charge ! For me, I’ll stick with lowrance !

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    We’ll it’s all shades of grey, but I really do think this is good customer service, They did help you as much as their faulty product let them, it’s not the fault of the Customer service reps to make a perfect product, it’s their job to make sure you’er happy, and even thought that was a long journey to you “final” happiness, it seems they did a good job. Not perfect by any means, and arguing with people just so your stuff is fixed or replaced right is kind of rough, but I doubt 95% of the companies out there you’d get them same, in part because some people are stupid, and most problems are probably user induced, and in part as wrong as it may sound, to get away with what they can. It sucks to have to complain, I really try not to about things, but unfortenately it usually takes getting upset for most people to really realize you are indeed demanding a satisfactory results. Sometimes nasty’grams need to be sent, I just accept to be how things are.

    Overall, if I get something fixed, and get more than I expected in the end, I’m happy as long as it’s within a “resonable time”. (which of course varies in each situation)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I think I should clarify here.

    I believe the 480 is the best value on the market (I have to assume the software problem is fix). Power/pixals/features/price

    I know I will never buy a grey line locator again. I guess it’s like air conditioning, once you have it, you wouldn’t want to be with out it.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    I think I should clarify here.

    I believe the 480 is the best value on the market (I have to assume the software problem is fix). Power/pixals/features/price

    I know I will never buy a grey line locator again. I guess it’s like air conditioning, once you have it, you wouldn’t want to be with out it.

    That color is nice isn’t it… I haven’t heard from Daryl yet Brian but I am assuming they’ve got this problem fixed in the more recent units. I hope to hear from him tomorrow. After that, I’m going fishing!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    That color is nice isn’t it

    Understatement Wade! While on Winnie, when I had both units I used three anchors to stay over structure. With the color unit, there were fish arches in the structure that stood out like a sore thumb (differant color)…on the 480, I could see them too…it’s just that I had to be looking for them. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have notice the fish IN the structure had it not been for a color unit.

    One other thing that I feel worth mentioning (maybe other brands have this feature too). One of the menu options is “Overlay data”. What this does is allow you to not only have the depth, but speed, water temp, battery voltage, ETA to next waypoint…any many other pieces of info on any screen you select. In any order and with three sizes to choose from.

    The only thing it doesn’t tell me is how bad the Twins lost

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Understatement Wade! While on Winnie, when I had both units I used three anchors to stay over structure. With the color unit, there were fish arches in the structure that stood out like a sore thumb (differant color)…on the 480, I could see them too…it’s just that I had to be looking for them. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have notice the fish IN the structure had it not been for a color unit.

    One other thing that I feel worth mentioning (maybe other brands have this feature too). One of the menu options is “Overlay data”. What this does is allow you to not only have the depth, but speed, water temp, battery voltage, ETA to next waypoint…any many other pieces of info on any screen you select. In any order and with three sizes to choose from.

    The only thing it doesn’t tell me is how bad the Twins lost

    I also use the “overlay data” feature on the LMS 330C. Love it. And you’re right about being able to see more fish in structure with the color feature. They’re there on the monochrome but the color makes it easier on the eyes.

    As for the Twins, I believe the were just swept…

    Dubuque, IA
    Posts: 21

    The following is a timeline of comments from my experience with an X19 Lowrance unit.

    My new X19c Lowrance is almost non viewable in the sunlight. It is awsome inside at Cabela’s or in my garage. I have tried almost every setting. You folks that have color units please advise me on what to do. If this is a trait of these it will be a long time before I buy another one. Some of the advertisements on the box are SUPERIOR SUNLIGHT VIEWABLE, FANTASTICALLY ENHANCED READABILITY!

    Good thing Cabelas has a 60 day money back guarantee. After talking to Lowrance this morning (Pattie), there are some sunlight issues with the X19 unit,she said if I would send it back, they could put an enhanced (updated) screen in it for a mesely $99 bucks. Nice try, the unit is only 5 days old. All the new screens are going to customers for $99. They are not putting them into new units that are still being sold through stores or mail order for another 4 or 5 months.

    Just took my X19 back to Cabel’s this AM. I had the sales person take a new battery outside. We hooked up X19, X18 or 104 to look at OUTSIDE. What he saw was NOT what he was told at the seminar that Lowrance put on last year for the sales staff at Cabela’s. I talked to the service staff at Lowrance yesterday, they said that enhanced screen was the fix. $99 FOR THE UPDATED SCREEN. 200 new units are on order from Cabelas. Are they the new ones or not, they can’t tell. Any other uswers out there, please tell me what you think. Is the vewability what you expected for $1400? I will not pay $99 for something they should fix in the first place. I just wish Vexalar had a compareable unit, what a service Dept!

    I’d like to thank everyone on this forum for the opportunity to pass information from one person to another.
    Sure helps the consumer make a better decision on what to buy and what to stay away from. I especially want to thank BrianK for passing on information on our dealings with the X19 unit.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3295

    Thanks for the updates on the Lowrance 19c units guys.
    Very helpful information indeed.

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