Best / worse Football announcers

  • FryDog62
    Posts: 3696

    yes, Paul Allen is the worst…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Come on, Costas is an intellectual. U geyes r just haten cause he is.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    Pat summerall was great, Max Mcgee also. Wayne Laravee is good, for college Keith Jackson

    Posts: 308

    Joe buck is horrible

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 88

    x100 Joe Buck is the worst announcer ever!!!!!!!! sorry couldn’t resist…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22897

    Joe Buck only is in the biz because of who his dad was…….PERIOD. He has no personality and has a worse mancrush on Aikman, than Madden had on our beloved Favre I don’t mind PA… look at the team he has to work with… he interjects alot of excitement where there is none I really liked listening to Pat Summerall and gotta say Howard was a legend and I do remember what came out of his mouth that cost him his job and then there was Jimmy the Greek

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1912

    Joe Buck is absolute garbage.
    I like PA as an announcer, but his radio show he always sounds like he’s trying to hard. Stick to calling horse races and football games.

    Fosston, Mn
    Posts: 63


    How many remeber Howard Cosell and Monday night football?
    He made one famous remark that ended his career. I still remeber seeing it like it was yesterday.

    I remember him and never could stand him lol.

    Hastings Mn
    Posts: 45

    Buck and Aikman have got to be the worst with Collinsworth right behind. Brad Nesler even though he is a local guy isn’t much better

    Posts: 214

    Is there any way we can get John Gillespie to over for PA?!? Imagine the “get the net” screams every time a receiver or RB was getting some yards.

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