What have you lost over the side of the boat?

  • nick
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yeah I’m bored, just wondering after reading some shouts
    What have you lost over the side of the boat??? To date I haven’t lost anything of real value, Worst being the time the GF knocked my hat off my head and into the river… OK it flew off, and of course a lure “or two” I’m sure My GPS was mere inches away from going in the drink this past weekend, It would’ve bummed me out big time, but I do want a new one…

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 479

    somethings i have lost over the boat are my hat will grabin a fish it went down so quick then one time my dad was like 4″ from goin over on settin a hook on a fish and i was tryin to flip a bass rod under a over hangin tree and it came out of my hands and its at the bottom of the lake and a few jigs here and there

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    My nephew Gram lost his fathers brand new Oakleys when he bent over the gunnel to look at the fish we were netting.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    My Pride

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    A net a couple weeks ago, couple rods but dove in after one. I lost a globalmap 3000 from running sloughs to close to tree limbs. I lost a fish formula, misc baits, couple sets of clipers and Dan tossed my pliers in one afternoon. Funniest thing is when a guy has excess line in one hand and pliers in the other and you just know line doesn’t splash like that. I almost lost Tom one afternoon, good thing the treble hooks kept him in the boat. I have fallen out a couple times. You ever notice how you are always trying to get closer to the fish without touching the trolling motor. From there I have lost sunglasses that were dangling around my nect at WOT and you feel a quick thump and realize what just happened. I once had a fish jump out of the livewell and land in the water. Heck, I even had the hood of my merc comscreeming into the air and splash from hitting a stump. The trolling motor deployed once and took a swim. Good thing the cords kept it close by. I can honestly say that there isn’t anyhting I haven’t had fly out of the boat at one time or another. My buddy lost a motor down on pool 10 2 years ago. Ever try lifting a 200horse merc in to the back of a pickup. Aint fun.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    My wife kicked one of my rods overboard while netting a big smallie for me. Got the 21 incher in, and then after 20 minutes of casting a modified Carolina rig with a BIG treble on it, also caught my rod by the cork.

    Also, my hat at WOT, my brothers hat twice in the same day, and a donut out of my mouth on a hook set once.

    I dropped someone’s pliers over the side once too!!

    Posts: 122

    A stringer with 3 walleyes and 2 nice crappies went over when we realized we hadn’t reattached it to the boat after we repositioned it. I also lost a mouth spreader which was still in the northern’s mouth, I threw the fish back in without removing it. I just lost a knot tyer. A map of Prior Lake, it went into that same lake so at least it will be helpful if someone finds it. It’s supposed to float but I needed radar because I was running wide open.

    Posts: 517

    Age 14. Had taken off a gold chain and put it in my pocket. After eating a bunch of sunflower seeds went to throw the handful of seeds in the water. Put my hand in my pocket.. “what the heck — more seeds” next thing I see myself throw a crumpled gold chain into the lake…

    it gets better…

    Posts: 517

    Age 22. Friend of mine nicknamed “watch” for what he might do next goes fishing with my uncle and I one evening. Watch never really fished a lot but wanted to get on the lake and try it.

    First cast I watch my uncle’s pole fly out of watch’s hand and into the lake.

    Before I can react I watch watch follow the rod and reel into the october water. Yikes.

    He manages to get the rod and reel.. soaked and freezing we pull him back in and end our night early.

    but watch isn’t done yet….

    Posts: 517

    Age 25. Four friends, including watch and I, take a week in the BWCA. Of course I get stuck in a canoe with watch. As we leave the landing I notice the $300 pair of brand new oakleys he BOUGHT FOR THE TRIP. We told him 100 feet from shore to leave them in the truck… par for the course he doesn’t listen even though he was offered a loaner pair.

    3 days later we come around an island mid day and he says.. “man i’m hot” and whips off his sweatshirt. Next thing I hear is a “holy shizzle.” I look up to see him, wearing his pricey sunglasses, but with only ONE LENSE.

    I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing — but it didn’t help the situation. He was all broken up.

    To be the friend I am (and knowing full well there wasn’t a chance in hell) I offered that we canoe back over the 15-20 foot reef and look for it… afterall, the water’s clear right?

    Anyways, after 2-3 passes I say “watch, I think I see it!!” I was more amazed than anyone. It landed reflective side up flat on the botttom. All I can think of is “Impossible!!”

    In true watch fashion he’s again in the water before I can say anything over the edge of the canoe which about threw me and the gear out. I watch watch’s yellow teeshirt sink into the depths until it’s just a blur.

    After what seems like a full minute the yellow blur begins to again take shape and with a gasp of HUGE rush of water and gasp of air I see a FIST HOLDING THE LENSE explode through the water’s surface!!

    “Impossible!!” I thought again!!

    The look on his face was priceless.

    He popped the lense back in and we were on our way.

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 326

    While fishing with my wife in our canoe I asked her for a sandwich. She turned sideways laid her fish pole on the water and reached back to get the sandwiches. (Gong) She realized what she’d done and then screamed… I did finally snag the pole and reel it in.

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    This year alone, I have lost 2 cell phones out of my sweatshirt pocket. One into the river while boating a fish, and the other while putting the boat into the water. The misses finally went and purchased a belt clip. So far so good.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    When I had my old Lund,which did not have a bait well,I lost many plastics minnow buckets over the side.I finally put a sign on the dash that said “minnow bucket” so I would not forget again.
    A few years back we were on the Red River in October jigging for eyes when I had something just rip the rod and reel out of my hand.So we all put on daredevils and try to re-snag my outfit but no luck.Later in the day I have accepted my rod was long and gone.I get a good fish on and say grab the net,it is my set-up minus a fish.But I got it back and still fish with it to this day.
    I have seen a guy throw in his fish finder,that was funny but I did not laugh as he was not having a very good day.
    We need to start a post on what we have snagged and brought in the boat.
    Ryan Hale

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    My son swung at a bug with his hat…that had the pair of sunglasses I had just bought him…and well…you know the rest. Mom’s pole went flying into the water once on Leech, man was I mad. I didn’t talk to her until we reached the dock. She asked me why I was so upset over a dumb old pole (which it was). I explained that it wasn’t the pole I was mad about, it was the 35 inch northern that jumped out of the water with her line in it’s mouth . I’ve had quite a few things fly out of the boat when traveling – my hat, cans, maps, the usual stuff. I dropped a walleye in the boat that then flopped into the water. My buddy fell in. And I’ve dumped (or my “friends” helped me dump) a canoe too many times to mention, lost a little smokey joe grill this way .

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    Good post. Let’s see; kicked a pole over the side, lost a pair of sunglasses, bounced a large umbrella out at speed, lost another pair of sunglasses, blew off about a 1/2 dozen hats that sank before I could get back to them, more sunglasses, another pole, three pairs of needle-nose pliers, a fish basket, a dip net, a cooler, worm bait box, a shoe, and there is still time to be spent on the water!

    Posts: 1531

    Two pairs of prescription sun glasses; I use the bow-and-arrow maneuver to pop lures out of rocks. Occasionally I get the line too close to my head and catch the glasses. It’s amazing how far they will fly. I even lost a pair when I had a strap on to secure them.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    The wife…..OK not really, but it sounded good. Sometimes I would like to toss… Well, you get my point

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I am with the rest of you, lost rods, sunglasses, tools, a trolling motor once. The best was when I lost the keys to my truck,house,office,ect. But had cell to call the wife to bring me the xtra set. 1 1/2 hour drive for her one way!

    That meant an xtra 1 1/2 hour of fishing for me

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    Sunglasses, Hats, 1 Cup holder, 3 Can coolies, 3 pliers, 1 nice screwdriver, a stringer full of White Bass (8-10) One time I made a run from Wabasha up to Lake Pepin and my motor quit (25 hp) I had no idea why??? I removed the cover, pushed the start button, and parts went flying. Talk about a good laugh!!!!!! What else can you do? It turns out I had a bad prop which caused excessive vibrating which caused a whole bunch of parts to come loose. I have never lost a pole, but never caught one either. I would be willing to bet a half dozen have been caught out of my boat, but never by me. I guess I should make a rule that anything other than fish caught out of my boat belongs to me. Same should go for lures. “I don’t care who saw it first, it was found in my boat, and in my boat it stays

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    2 Rod Reel Combo’s, Sunglasses. I almost threw myself out once…does that count?

    Posts: 4179

    As a graduate student about 10 years ago, I took many camping trips with friends up in the arrowhead region. On one such trip, my best friend, who would later become the best man in my wedding, asked “would you drop me off at the McDonalds just off Hwy 61 in Duluth? My sister has set me up on a blind date with one of her friends. I’ll go on the date and meet you guys at the campsite tonight.” Well, my friend, let’s call him Chopper, was always on the chase , usually with a reasonable degree of success so I reluctantly agree to his plan.

    Fast forwad to the campsite that nite. The remainder of the group sets camp, gets the first few fish in the boat, cleans ’em up, has a nice fish fry, and builds a fire. No Chopper. It starts raining, hard. Still no Chopper.

    Next morning. Chopper appears. Date in tow, big smile on Chopper’s face. He had a nice warm bed, hot breakfast, and apparently some reasonable “companionship”. We didn’t appreciate this all that much, given the dampness of our current situation. Eventually, the date leaves temporarily, and Chopper says “Ok guys, let’s hit the lake”. Hit the lake indeed.

    So, we motor out into a shallow bay, across the lake from the campsite. We cut the engine, Chopper starts digging for his gear, with the rest of us in the boat giving him a nice glare. As he starts tying up, the rest of us rise as one, and say “Ok Chopper, we’re going to give you a chance to take your watch off and get your wallet out of your pocket.” Chopper is of course clueless, apparently because of lack of sleep , but eventually he stood up and took his punishment like a man. So, I guess the most unusual thing I’ve lost over the side of a boat is a 130 lb, 6′ tall blond Norwegian, who was not lost but rather tossed in.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    A bag with about a dozen bombers flew out of the boat as I was heading home on 35E just north of down town St Paul. This was about a month ago. Keep a eye out for them guys. They are most likely still there.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    took his punishment like a man

    Man! I’m going to print out this thread for future referance in case I’m ever fishing with some of you!!!!

    La Crosse, Wi
    Posts: 177

    About ten years ago, we took a family vacation to a lake up north. Before going I went out and bought my wife and both kids new rod and reel combos (Zebco 33’s and Berkly rods). while fishing with a freind and his son and my son, my son, about 6 y/o, “casted” his pole over the side of the boat. This is of course after I had told him to be careful and hang on to the pole with two hands ! Well, seeing as we were only in about 5 feet of water,I went in after it and found it with my feet, dove down, and with a great sense of pride handed it back to my son . After warning him to be more careful, I started to climb back into the boat. About half way in, I thought @#$*! my wallets in my back pocket ! When I reached around to get it, it was gone! Now here’s the kicker, every penny we had for our vacation (we were about 2 days in) was in that wallet. About $350! Not to mention the credit cards and licences and such. So, here we were, 3 hours away from home, hadn’t paid for the cabin yet, not enough gas in the truck to get back home, and no money! Back in I went. My buddy, after a half hour, decided to take the kids back to the cabin and get some goggles. I stayed behind to drag my feet along the bottom in the hope of kicking my wallet. An hour and a half later, with the help of a much higher power , I kicked it, dove down and got it and surfaced with a jubulent “YES!!” . To which the three or four other boats who had motered in and were wondering “what is the idiot doing wadeing around in the water in the middle of the lake” broke into applause and cheering . To this day, that bay is known as “Wallet bay”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Lost my 50 pound, never used digital scale today in the Vermillion.

    Posts: 96

    I have a whole list, which might suggest I stop fishing, but no not me. I will continue to take my punishment. My most recent loss was $60 in cash that blew out of my wallet, which had fallen out of my pocket. I have lost 2 fishing poles, my wife lost my favorite life jacket, an anchor (rope broke) numerous pairs of sunglasses, 3 cooler covers, a watch, maps, hats, etc. I went over the side during a rafting trip in Colorado(scary but I survived). I’m sure there is more and the one thing I have learned is you will never learn. I check everything before I take off from a spot, but you almost always forget something when you fish alot.

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    In the last 12 months.I’ll do it like that so the list will be short.
    1-complete set of keys to everything i own
    2- 2 cell phones
    3- 1 pair of 5month old pre glasses.slop had to retie for me after that one
    4-pinnacle reel & avid rod

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    wow, after reading this post, I will consider myself lucky. I have only lost 2 maps and a minnow bucket. that is it so far. I guess i don’t fish enough!!


    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992



    Umm, sorry to hear that carpgirl…have you found yourself yet?

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