plow will not go down.. or extremely slowly..

  • smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    okay guys.. my men of knowledge.. I got in the plow tonight.. and every other time, it would do what ever I wanted.. but not tonight.. it will turn right , left and go up but put the joystick in down.. and no go.. or EXTREMELY SLOW..please assist me.. its a meyer plow with a joystick..thanks a bunch

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Possible moisture in the valving that has froze or weak motor, it takes a stronger motor to lift than to go side to side.

    Can you get it inside and warmed up at all ? if so try to see if better, if so change fluid out and use snowplow oil not transfluid.

    Possible worn brushes in the motor.. hard to tell with out seeing it first hand.

    Hope this helps some.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    sticking solenoid valve. when you say down, do you mean under power or I am not sure, but I assume Meyer Plows have a “float” position too.. is it slow when the stick is in either position ?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    After re reading your post I see you have slow down issue..

    Make sure the cable/valve is moving the full stroke thus opening the valve all the way .

    There may be also be an adjustment screw to regulate the drop speed.. first I would make sure the cable is opening the valve all the way open.

    It should have a cover on where the cable ties into the valve,take it off and stand behind the blade and have someone push the down position and see if the valve is moving all the way.If you see a full stroke then I would suspect out of adjustment or possible freezing of the down valve.

    When did this issue start ? did it gradually start down slow going or do it all of a sudden?

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    this just happened suddenly..
    it has always worked well before.. and it goes up in a heart beat..

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    this just happened suddenly..

    it has always worked well before.. and it goes up in a heart beat..

    I would look at the cable first then,making sure it’s moving a full stroke.

    Then if good ,possible partially frozen down valve, warm up the plow and change out fluid. See what happens.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I would go for a flush and fill, sounds like moisture as others have said. It would be best if you could get it above freezing when you do this, make sure to manually pull the blade side to side to get the fluid out of the turning cylinders. Use 5606 fluid when you fill it back up, it’s a low temperature aircraft grade hydraulic oil that most snowplow shops use. Meyers are not as easy to take apart as others out there.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    Stuck valve or electrical connection is my guess. Im not familiar with that brand but the basics are all the same.
    Also trans fluid will work just fine.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Trans fluid does not work well in the cold weather that we have been having, gets to thick and is hard on pumps.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031


    Trans fluid does not work well in the cold weather that we have been having, gets to thick and is hard on pumps.

    i have 15 plows out front that says otherwise. When i would loose a hose in the middle of the night and ran out of “plow” fluid i used transfluid. Now i cary a quart or two of plow fluid but most of the time its transfluid. On top of that transfluid runs my live hydrolics on our spreaders.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    It works, just not very well in cold weather. I was warranty manager for nearly every Western, Boss, and Meyer sold in the twin cities and got to see what did and did not work, 5606 works 100% better than trans fluid. 15 plows is such a small sample size compared to what we and my distributors dealt with on a daily basis it would be hard to tell. If it works go for it.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree.
    Under a warranty situation Boss, western ect will use any excuse to not pay for a product that failed. Seen it been thru it just another way to make money off the public.

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    I put the plow on a battery difference.. however.. using the joy stick.. there is NO DRAW on the battery in the “down’ position.. I am wondering if its a bad joystick.. the joystick seems to stay “stuck’ in the down position.. and just like a ninetendo game, is the stick bad? how can I tell?
    you can see a draw when you turn or go up..

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    That plow should have a float down NO power needed, I still think it has some frozen moisture in it or a problem with the cable

    Possibly a bent cable ?

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    down should have no draw on the battery. Plows do not have down pressure. When you hit down the motor does not run its just an electrical connection that opens a valve. either the valves are clogged or worn out. Clean all connections.

    When you say joystick I assume its not a hand held remote. How old is it. Im not real familiar with the brand but like I said before the concept is all the same. Staying stuck in the down position is your float option. 99% sure problem is in the plow.

    Take your valve assembley apart and clean them reinstall see if that helps

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    Where are you located??

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    between LaCrosse and Rochester in Minnesota..
    there are no cables to bend..none..

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    I would say that its at least 15 years years old.. if not older..maybe 20…

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031


    between LaCrosse and Rochester in Minnesota..
    there are no cables to bend..none..

    Not close enough or I’d come look at it.
    I figured there were no cables as that was long ago.
    Take the coils off the valves clean those up. Then take the valve out clean those up. Look at vlaves for bad O-rings put it back together see if it works. should only be 1/2 hr job in a warm shop. Other wise it will be electrical. A partialy broken wire or severly corroded wire will not let enough current thru to open the valve all the way Not sure if meyer has a adjustable down or not if it does you could adjust that but why would that have just come out of adjustment. To me that wouldn’t make sense.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    I think there should be 3 valves one for left one for right and an up/down. A diagram will tell you which one is down/up. You should be able to find that on Meyers website. Concentrate on that valve and follow those wires

    Posts: 3010

    OK, I can’t hold back no more … I’ve been tempted myself for three days now, but waitin’ to see if some one else would come up with it

    no-one’s made a “lay off the Viagra a while and see if it clears up” comment yet ?

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    okay.. here is the bottom line.. I have applied heat, in one form or another and guess what.. the plow works like brand new.. I also was in formed that last year it was overhauled.. so take your sides and form your conclusions.. I am just happy that its working.. thanks for the deep seated advise..

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