looking for a fishing trip – Anna Maria Island, FL

  • JoeTornado
    Posts: 15

    I am going to be on Anna Maria Island the last week of March, and a couple of us are looking for a guided fishing trip.

    myself, i would prefer to try flats fishing, but does anyone have knowledge of the area?

    For the time of the year and location:

    Is one type of trip better than the other? Flats vs Offshore vs backwater, etc.

    What should I expect that time of year for that area?

    Any guide recommendations?


    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    I go down there every year at least once.

    There are a lot of guides out of Sarasota. I’m an offshore guy, so may not be much help for you. The LT’s and kingfish are plentiful that time of year and are a riot. Off of Cortez Road just before the bride heading west there is a guide business on the left. Forget the name but they fish the flats a lot.

    Ive gone inshore for reds etc but didn’t enjoy it very much.

    Posts: 15

    i’m not set on fishing the flats.

    Tarpon fishing looks fun!

    I will gladly do whatever trip is best for that time of year, whether its offshore or inshore.

    what would you suggest doing that time of year, and what guide(s) do you use?

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    Just like IDO, I find Florida sportsman to be a great resource. I fish the Ft.Myers area, probably outside of your itinerary.

    Jerry Austin
    florida, minnesota,lake pepin
    Posts: 1

    Here is a excellent sight for what you are looking for
    [email protected]
    I live in Cape Coral in the winter time. Hope this helps
    Jerry Austin

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I know a fantastic little restaurant there but cant remember the name. Ate there in August.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786


    i’m not set on fishing the flats.

    Tarpon fishing looks fun!

    I will gladly do whatever trip is best for that time of year, whether its offshore or inshore.

    what would you suggest doing that time of year, and what guide(s) do you use?

    Tarpon start hitting hard in Maya nd june when it’s warm. Although you night find a few lurking. We did on my first trip in Sanible years ago. They where a blast but never did get one in the boat. I was pretty young and they always would shake off in the air on my from not keeping the line tight enough.


    Here’s the guy my uncle used down there he seemed to like him.


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