Well I am on the hunt for a Ranger!
But I made a mistake I went to Al’s In Rochester WOW worthless, useless, lazy people!!!
I sat there for 45 minutes while a salesmen says hes going to help me in a minute, which is fine with me I do have patience. But this guy says this, then sits in his office for 20 min, then helps 2 other people that came in after me while im sitting there then walks up says Ill be right there then helps another guy. Only one salesmen on? Ok I understand… Hes doing what he can…
Im standing there next to the front counter while two other people are stand there behind the counter with there thumb in there _____ then finally a very nice lady working there asks me what I want.. Well I want to know the price on the new 619 sitting outside the door, so she goes and asks the salesmen and he says 39,000 comes with a 200 evinrude and a t8 kicker?????
Heres my? Why the heck would you spend $40 g’s on a brand new boat and not get matching motors, they do sell evinrude and yamaha???
But he says no you dont get a matching (johnson) kicker you get a yamaha and thats how we sell them.. I walked out the door and will never return!!
Am I mad for a dumb reason? Or are all boat dealers like that?? Is $39,000 just pocket change to most???
Al’s can lick me right here