Buying a new boat

  • b_sander
    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Well I am on the hunt for a Ranger!

    But I made a mistake I went to Al’s In Rochester WOW worthless, useless, lazy people!!!

    I sat there for 45 minutes while a salesmen says hes going to help me in a minute, which is fine with me I do have patience. But this guy says this, then sits in his office for 20 min, then helps 2 other people that came in after me while im sitting there then walks up says Ill be right there then helps another guy. Only one salesmen on? Ok I understand… Hes doing what he can…

    Im standing there next to the front counter while two other people are stand there behind the counter with there thumb in there _____ then finally a very nice lady working there asks me what I want.. Well I want to know the price on the new 619 sitting outside the door, so she goes and asks the salesmen and he says 39,000 comes with a 200 evinrude and a t8 kicker?????

    Heres my? Why the heck would you spend $40 g’s on a brand new boat and not get matching motors, they do sell evinrude and yamaha???

    But he says no you dont get a matching (johnson) kicker you get a yamaha and thats how we sell them.. I walked out the door and will never return!!

    Am I mad for a dumb reason? Or are all boat dealers like that?? Is $39,000 just pocket change to most???

    Al’s can lick me right here

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    So if I read that right, and if I may make this suggestion I think you need to open up and tell us how you really feel so we aren’t left guessing, you aren’t too terribly thrilled with your experience boat shopping today?

    No worries… there’s lots of places to buy a ranger.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    You want a kick @ss Ranger? Better put some $$ down on this dog; web page

    This boat is discounted big time She will be gone by this fall……

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    My bad, I should have gone to Crystal-Pierz in the first place!

    But man oh man I think im going to put I love ford on my chevy

    Oh oH oH now im thinking If I have a yamaha and a Evinrude will I get both bonus bilz if I qualify in the RCL??

    I would love to have Scotts boat but if Im going to spend over 30 Im getting a Brand new boat!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    I had a similar experience at a Ranger dealer here in Iowa. I was towing a friends boat, (Bullet) to a prop test run on the Mississippi. We stopped at the dealer because I was thinking of buying a new 521 with a 250 Merc, GPS and all the goodies. I had priced one at a diffrent dealer and it came out to $50,000. I told the sales guy what I was looking for and he said he had a 522, I told him it wouldn’t fit in my garage so I wanted a 521. He asked my friend what we were doing down there and he told him testing props on his Bullet.The sales guy left me standing saying he wanted to see the Bullet? I waited inside for maybe 50 seconds. As I walked out, I met them coming back into the building. the sales guy said, “are you ready to talk about that boat now, I said, “hell no [censored], stuff your boat up your rear, I will buy one somewhere else!”
    We drove away.
    I sent an e-mail to Ranger and described it to them. I got a note from the district manager and would have loved to watch how his conversation turned out at that dealer.

    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 151

    They must have already been up to their eyeballs with people willing put down $30,000 plus for a boat that day. I’m sure Al’s will certainly appreciate the testimonial. Bad press is better than no press at all, right?

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    i think as the consumer, we should be able to buy any motor that we want for our boats. I think that ranger would be fine with this, it is just the dumb sales people that will not take what they already have put on to change it around to make the consumer happy. busniness isn’t done anymore with a smile and a handshake. i sure wish it was though.


    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Sounds like a bad deal at Al’s. Thats too bad. I had a buddy that used to take his boat there all the time. Not sure if he does anymore though or not.

    One thing to consider when buying a boat like this is the cost. If you do not have a deal or sponsorship lined up with a dealer the costs of the brand new boat is going to be expensive to say the least. Then you start adding all the goodies on the boat and you will be up in the mid to upper $40K when you are all done. I would consider looking for a 1 year old boat all rigged and ready to roll. IF you do your shopping right, you will find a pacjage with very little time on it and a guy that is itching to get rid of it so he can put money down on his new one. Finding one rigged with the accessories that you are interested may be a little tedious, but I guarantee you will be pleased in the end. A year old rigged boat will run you about $35K-$37K.
    Definately cheaper than spending the money on a brand spanking new, besides most all the used rigs will come with a good warranty left on the package as well.

    Just my 2 cents!
    Good luck in your hunt! Definately the best boat I have ever ran in my life. As of right now, I will never buy anything else!

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    Crystal-Pierz all the way baby!! I did not buy my boat there, but I will buy my next one from them. Had an experience last year, where my live well pump went out. Called Everywhere even the place that I bought my boat from 2 months eariler to see if they had it in-stock, and when could they put it in, due to warranty reasons I didn’t want to put it in myself. No one could do it for at least month. Jeez. I called Crystal-Pierz in shakopee, and they did it that day. I will gladly pay the money, to someone that will give me service like that any day.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Brian, Crystal Pierz is having a boat show next weekend (the weekend after the 4th) at their St. Cloud store. There will be lots of boats available to look at. If you want to talk price, this is the time to do it. Mid Summer deals are usually VERY good, as the 2005 boats come in this month.

    I will be working the show for Ranger so if you are coming by, let me know.

    Crystal Pierz Marine is the only way to go! Price, Quality and Service to back it up. You will have a hard time beating the service you get at the St. Cloud store.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Steve is right.. Not to mention saving on sales tax when buying used. You can put the saved $2k into electronics or whatever.

    But if you still want new, CPM is the place to go..

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Brian.. I just read your last comment in your original post.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I got an idea from a picture I saw on another site, custom paint the motor to match the big motor. It was a T-8, with Evinrude painted on it. Kind of funny to see the electric tilt etc, along with the big white prop. Good luck in your search!!

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    I would have to say all boat dealers are the same. Its just plain luck if there good to you or not. I purchased my 620 from crystal pierz marine. No other dealer could beat there price not even come close. The closest I could come was 5600 or so. My boat is identical to scotts and I love it. 35,000 will save you about 10,000 and you get to step up to the 620. 619 vs the 620 wich I thought was a big differnce in ride.

    As far as crystal pierz goes there price was unbeatable. I have not been satisfied with there service dept but for 6000 in savings I can deal with there stupidity. Most of it is just plain comon sense issues. I would recomend them but be cautious about there service dept. On the good note they get my boat in and out right away so I dont miss any days on the water but I usally have to bring it back a second time for the same problem.

    As for the evenrude with the t-8 kiker. If I had my way thats the set-up I would want. The t-8 is a great motor you wouldnt be dissapointed at all. I havent herd of anyone with anything bad to say about the t-8. Evenrude makes a great motor and is just my first choice but getting the yamaha with my package I am not disapointed at all.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Remember, the Johnson 9.9 is a Suzuki in disguise. A very good motor in it’s own right. (Taking nothing away from the T-8!)

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Stickboy, I am referring to the service at the St. Cloud store. I believe their service is second to none. I heard the crystal store went through some changes and I have also heard things are better down there now. This is second hand information though.

    Give the St. Cloud store a shot, I think you will be very satisfied.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Brainerd service has been great for me.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Thanks for the advise Guys!!

    Hopefully SOON I will find what Im looking for.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    On the kicker issue, I thought there was just a thread in here about how superior the yamaha kicker was to all other kickers? Personally I’ll take the better kicker, and I like the idea of painting one, why not, if it for looks, custom paint always looks nice.

    Either way I just see it as them putting the best kicker on awesome boat.

    I feel the same about all salepeople as you do about al’s, just about everyone I’ve ever met, (sold me something) can like my too. I just keep myself same by thinking “business, never personl” and live buy that motto, when spending big coin.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Im not trying to say the yamaha is bad! But why not a yamaha 200 then… Why two differnt motors it just doesnt make any sence to me especally when buying brand new. Painting the motor I bet would look cool but why should I have to do that? ” thats the way they do it though”

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    You are correct I should have said it is the crystal store I have issues with. From talking to you st cloud does a great job. If I were closer I would take my boat there instead.
    The crystal store is not horrable in any means and they did go through some changes I just havent had much luck with them. I do no of several others that have had great service and no problems, it must be just luck of the draw. I will give them another shot when it comes time to buy the next boat.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    They are selling what they have on hand and wanting to get rid of the inventory.

    A good dealer will get you what you want with a phone call or two.

    This salesperson was just lazy or listening to much to the business manager to get you what you want.

    You do see a lot off mismatched motors though.

    Why a Ranger????

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    As I was standing there at the counter I was leaning on a 9.9 Johnson so they had them in stock!

    Why Ranger—-Because I want the best boat money can buy!

    And RCL

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