Question regarding leaking rivets. I have a 93 Sylvan 17′ and have kept it in good shape replacing carpet, seats etc. but it has always leaked. I installed an automatic bilge pump and never gave it much thought until this last fall it seemed that the bilge ran noticeably more often. I saw a boat repair shop advertise a winter special where they repair the rivets from the outside and do not have to take out the flooring. I thought I had maybe 5-8 loose rivets under the driver side console and brought it in for an estimate. They came back with 16 loose rivets and a $ 1200 repair price. My question is first off, $1200 seems pretty steep, 2nd if I have 16 loose rivets maybe I have a bigger issue going on where a stringer broke or something like that and I should take up the floor to see what is going on. 3rd, I have been looking online and some say to use screws and some say just use some sort of sealant. What in your opinion would make the best repair? I would be interested in hearing anyones thoughts on the matter.