So I fly back into town, sit down to watch the news and I have no signal. Call comcast and come to find that they now encrypt the digital signal and that if I get their adapter for 4.95 /month that I can then see my channels again.
I am not about to pay them 45/year to rent one of their adapters for basic stations when I am only at my house for maybe 60 nights per year.
What have others done? Is there an adapter at places like Best Buy or Target that will do the same thing the Comcast box does?
I have been toying with the idea of getting some sort of sattelite dish for the camper where I spend most of my time when I am in town. Is there something that allows me to move my sattelite package from house to camper when I want to?
At this point I am about ready to go back to rabbit years for TV and use my phones hotspot for internet.
Any input or advice is appreciated.