Vexilar wont power on

  • vikefanmn77
    Posts: 1493

    I’ve checked all connections and do have a power source. Do they just burn out? Got a fl8. Anyone have any ideas, or know how much Bloomington will charge to fix it?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Heard of a company that re-conditions them for about $150.00 and can not find who that was. If I find it before I leave today, I’ll put the link up here.

    Vex website–>
    Do you service your older product?

    Whenever possible. We still are able to repair depth finders from the late ’60, but only if the failed part is available. The best thing to do, if you are in need of repair, is to contact us before you send the unit in (952-884-5291). Have ready the model of the unit and a description of the problem. We should be able to give an idea of its problem and possible repair.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    If you have not yet, I’d double check the power with a meter.

    Can the battery or power source provide an actual current that is measurable? Momentarily reading 12-13 volts really doesn’t tell if it is useful.

    Checking connections for tightness, corrosion and mechanical failure is a good next step. As a final step, probe the business end of the power plug while it’s hooked to the battery.

    If that’s all good and there’s not a fuse, it’ll need to be opend up.

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001

    Is there any sound at all when you turn it on? If it makes a running noise but doesn’t show any lights, then you need a new battery even if your battery is “showing a charge.” Almost every time I have looked at a “broken” vexlar it has been the battery.

    Posts: 4033

    Do you have voltmeter? Grab an alligator clip charger/adaptor with 12V output and see what its reading. If it reads below 13.7V then hook it straight to your unit and see if it works. Don’t try it if its putting out more than 13.7

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