I took a first time hunter with me the opening weekend. He took a nice doe. After taking care of field dressing we went back to the hit site and found the hole in the ground where the slug went it after passing thru the deer. While I dug for the slug Ed fount the sabot. He’d already pocketed the shell casing. I got a note from him last night that he’s made a simple collage out of these three things along with his deer and him in a picture. Sometimes its the simple stuff that is most remembered.
Get the picture of your daughter and you and frame it so it can be enjoyed together for years to come. Find out where the dink took his deer for mounting and take the broken antler to that taxidermist so you don’t have to deal with the prick. Chances are that a shot off antler will have parts missing and will not work anyway. If the taxidermist says its a no go for his mount, take the antler home and forget the idiot. If by chance it can be used, leave it so it can be pieced together and hope when the dork takes his prize to the bar to show it off he catches the bad piece on the doorway going home and tears it off.
I wouldn’t give someone like this a penny’s worth of my personal time and I certainly wouldn’t want a daughter around anyone with his caliber of thinking.