Anybody else see Ch 5 report on “knockout”?

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    There was a report last night on Channel 5 about pieces of [censored] posting “knockout” videos on YouTube. This new fad involves gangs of kids walking down the street and then sucker punching someone at random to see if they can “score” a knockout.

    So, of course, what’s going to happen here is totally predicatble. These POS gang members are going to sucker punch someone who’s got a conceal carry permit or is with someone who does. And then he’s going to get up and play a little game of “knockout” using real bullets and some pieces of crap are going to get what they deserve.

    And then it’s going to be Travon all over again. Race baiters will flock to the scene saying this was racially motivated, blah, blah.

    So far there are no reports of this happening in the Twin Cities. I wonder if it’s just coincidence that the states with the most restrictive carry laws have the biggest issue?

    We need to press for laws that allow anyone who witnesses an assult to intervene with whatever force is necessary to protect not just themselves, but others.


    Posts: 1899

    Not to be a contrarian, but having a gun is going to do nothing for you if someone comes up behind you, blind-sides you, and knocks you out cold on the pavement. These aren’t brave street fighters who will let you see them coming. They’re cowards and weaklings who only approach from your blind spots.

    Your best defense is to never travel alone, be alert and aware of your surroundings, and to not go to places where these pieces of excrement tend to hang out.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I would have to agree with the ice guy.

    Deadly force is the last resort and there’s many many things a person can do before the thought of popping someone even needs to enter the picture.

    On the other hand… sucker punch at your own risk.

    Posts: 1899


    I would have to agree with the ice guy.

    Deadly force is the last resort and there’s many many things a person can do before the thought of popping someone even needs to enter the picture.

    Maintaining a diet of 2 cans of Spam daily will create a nearly impenetrable rear-facing force field that should keep you safe.

    Posts: 3010

    or make you thick skulled enough that it will be nearly impossible to knock you out with one punch

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    All I can say is that these perps are playing with fire and I hope they get burned real bad.

    Problem now is that there is a whole generation of feral kids that have raised themselves and completely believe that they can do whatever they want and nobody can do anything to them.

    Sooner or later some of them learn the hard way that that isn’t true. I just hope a few of these pieces of [censored] playing “knockout” get what they deserve.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    My wife was talking about a report she saw on this. They pulled it on a guy waiting for his kid to get off the school bus, and as you predicted, the perp became the victim of a few bullets from the gun of the guy he tried to knock out.

    Posts: 7348

    I will be fabricating and selling these rear personal protection clip ons that are adaptable to any brim. Can’t put a price on safety so they will go for $125 a piece, never waste a good histeria outbreak.

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193


    All I can say is that these perps are playing with fire and I hope they get burned real bad.

    Problem now is that there is a whole generation of feral kids that have raised themselves and completely believe that they can do whatever they want and nobody can do anything to them.

    Sooner or later some of them learn the hard way that that isn’t true. I just hope a few of these pieces of [censored] playing “knockout” get what they deserve.


    One of the reasons I work so hard to help give parents skills and strategies to be effective with young people. This “knockout” class of games isn’t new. Stuff like this has been around for a long time. Media brings it to the forefront. There will be a bunch of copycats. And as far as the “type” of kids doing this…don’t waste your time trying to classify them. These type of activities know few boundaries.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    heard about this on the KQ morning show this am. supposedly happened up in st cloud a while back.

    Posts: 3681

    They say it’s not a race thing yet.Its black kids targeting whites.Wait until someone turns the table on them and see how fast the race card gets pulled out.
    Five have been killed so far in the states that have reported incidents and yes one of the states that is is happening.

    Posts: 412

    You wanna play the “knockout” game with me? Better make the first one count.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Five have been killed so far in the states that have reported incidents and yes one of the states that is is happening.

    5 perps or targets? The more perps that die, the better.

    How about those flash mobs now robbing stores?

    Posts: 3696


    heard about this on the KQ morning show this am. supposedly happened up in st cloud a while back.

    My son played soccer in high school at Orono with the guy that died from St. Cloud. Stellar kid, from a stellar family, senselessly ended a high potential person’s life. I think the perp only got like 10-12 years in jail… hard to believe that’s the price of the guy’s life.

    Posts: 3681



    Five have been killed so far in the states that have reported incidents and yes one of the states that is is happening.

    5 perps or targets? The more perps that die, the better.

    How about those flash mobs now robbing stores?


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Somebody put a call into Charles Bronson, he will get the streets cleaned up.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661


    They say it’s not a race thing yet.Its black kids targeting whites.Wait until someone turns the table on them and see how fast the race card gets pulled out.
    Five have been killed so far in the states that have reported incidents and yes one of the states that is is happening.

    this actually was a ‘white’ tactic in the early 2000s out west, where groups of white teens in richer neighborhoods would attack older minorities and force younger minorities to fight each other on camera for their own amusement or get repeatedly sucker punch knocked out. it lasted for a couple years until they disformed a kids face with a rock as he drove past in his vehicle. its a whole lot more then blacks attacking whites, and the graffiti at the mn state fair near any of the animal barns indicate that clearly.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896



    heard about this on the KQ morning show this am. supposedly happened up in st cloud a while back.

    My son played soccer in high school at Orono with the guy that died from St. Cloud. Stellar kid, from a stellar family, senselessly ended a high potential person’s life. I think the perp only got like 10-12 years in jail… hard to believe that’s the price of the guy’s life.

    SORRY TO HERE THAT. ST CLOUDS 15 MILES EAST OF ME. hell cold springs starting to get that way.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    This kind of stuff has always happened. The battle is keeping it in check. Political correctness and rampant welfare are not helping. I like the comment about feral kids!

    Posts: 13

    NHAMM, do you offer volume discounts?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Me thinks it may be time for a total ban on all arms!

    Posts: 3010

    this is the one case where I’d be in favor of taking a citizen’s arms
    i.e. anyone caught playing this game gets his arms cut off

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    this is the one case where I’d be in favor of taking a citizen’s arms
    i.e. anyone caught playing this game gets his arms cut off

    Would that be considered a hands off solution?

    Posts: 7348


    NHAMM, do you offer volume discounts?

    I’m working the back channels to get a gov. subsidy so they might be free, or mandatory.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    One of the reasons I work so hard to help give parents skills and strategies to be effective with young people. This “knockout” class of games isn’t new. Stuff like this has been around for a long time. Media brings it to the forefront. There will be a bunch of copycats. And as far as the “type” of kids doing this…don’t waste your time trying to classify them. These type of activities know few boundaries.

    Amen cpetey- truth right there-

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    St Cloud Murder

    That puts a little different perspective on it than just a random unprovoked punch.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    What about the let’s do it again statement pug?

    Posts: 630

    I used to like to go downtown once in a while, only go now when it is cold outside. Too bad we decided to let the trash have the nice part of the city.

    The good news is; I never run into gangs of feral youth on pool 4.

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001


    I used to like to go downtown once in a while, only go now when it is cold outside. Too bad we decided to let the trash have the nice part of the city.

    The good news is; I never run into gangs of feral youth on pool 4.

    “Kids that’s hunt, trap, and fish don’t rob little old ladies” read that on a bumper sticker once… Think that applies here.

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