TUCR or Thorne Bros.

  • icemandan39
    Syracuse, NY
    Posts: 13

    Looking to purchase two custom rods. I’ve never used either of these custom built rods mine are St Croix. Does anyone have any prferences they would like to share. We fish in Central NY on Oneida Lake. Walleye, and Perch are the main targets. Any input would be helpful

    Posts: 252


    Looking to purchase two custom rods. I’ve never used either of these custom built rods mine are St Croix. Does anyone have any prferences they would like to share. We fish in Central NY on Oneida Lake. Walleye, and Perch are the main targets. Any input would be helpful

    No point in arguing just buy both.

    But if you wanna hassle over it then get the TUCR Precision Ice for walleyes/perch and the Thorne Bros Quiverstick Stealth for perch/pannies.

    Posts: 222

    I don’t have anything against TUCR or Thorne Bros but look into DH Custom Rods. They are great quality. Perch pounder or walleye stinger are great rods. You can get them with three different guides I believe.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    I don’t have anything against TUCR or Thorne Bros but look into DH Custom Rods. They are great quality. Perch pounder or walleye stinger are great rods. You can get them with three different guides I believe.

    DHCustom Rods are really nice rods as well as the two you mentioned. The new Pantom is on my Christmas list!!


    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I would give each store a call. Talk to a rod builder. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions. For example, What lures and sizes are you trying to present to each fish. This will help them give you the most educated answer. All great rods. Ask each about their warranty and how quickly they can get it to you.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Thorne will be getting ready for the Ice Show and just about all rod production goes into that sales area right now. TUCR and DH might get you filled quicker. All three have super good rods.

    Posts: 615

    I vote for DH as well! fastest turn around time of the three!

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    I’d say TUCR by a long margin. All of my orders have been filled and shipped promptly.

    Thorne Bros makes a good rod, but you have to have more patience than I do. Last winter (early Feb) I ordered another stock Perch Sweetheart. Two weeks or so after I ordered, I get an email back saying that they are back ordered and have no idea when another would be available. I decided to wait. After another week or 2 of waiting, still no ETA so I cancelled my order. All considered, they were never rude about it, and cancelled no questions asked. I just wish they would have let me know right away after placing the order that they were out of stock.

    Posts: 4033

    I got a “stock” noodle from TUCR and it was at my door in 2 days. 32″ white blank, blue wrap. Best quality rod I have ever owned.

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    TUCR from the first phone call will help make your decision. Any issue will be taken care of promptly and they do not waste any time. Like other’s have said, there are lots of good rods out there, but the TUCR are not only great, but the service end of things is second to none. I was in the same position as you last season, I now own about 5 TUCR rods… worth every penny. Truly does make fishing much more enjoyable!

    Good luck fishing.


    South Dakota
    Posts: 238

    I do not have a TUC yet but I do have a couple of TB’s blanks and I will say that as of this point I am really enjoying working on these blanks time will tell on how they perform on the ice. I haven’t had the opportunity to get a TUC in my hands but I did email John a few weeks ago about getting some blanks from him and the polite yet no bs answer was enough to sell me on his rods and his company. I never had a bad experience with TB but once John and the boys start selling blanks I will own a entire line up of rods made with TUC blanks.

    Posts: 1583

    I’m having a rod built by Eric Kruger EKCustoms. he was a handful of bucks cheaper.

    Posts: 728

    I have a Thorne Bros Perch Sweetheart rod that I bought nearly 15 years ago. All my other ice rods since that rod have been Thorne Bros rods.

    Nothing against these other guys but Thorne Bros was making high end custom ice rods before ice fishing “took off” so to speak.

    I’m sure they do their best building these things but they are in high demand.

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