MLXF + mono?

  • iowaeye
    Posts: 160

    I know the consensus is MXF for mono and mlxf for braid. I’m pitching jigs /w the xtreme 69mlxf and 6# braid. i’m looking at trying mono and obviously don’t want to buy the 610mxf xtreme(i think thats what the new one comes in) if i don’t like it. will there be a whole lot of a difference if i’m using 6# sensation on the 69mlxf? i’ll be using it in around the 2ft-14ft range on rip rap/sand etc.

    Posts: 7348

    Whatever you do with 6# you can do with 8#, plus a little less stretch. Recently switched a 610mxf from sensation to Powerpro and very happy so far, but with the cold coming will be going back. I think if you like braid or mono the ml/m f/xf can be pretty versatile to either and whatever you are comfortable with.

    Posts: 4033

    I used sensation all last fall on my 6’6 MLF for saugers and walleye. I used 6# orange. Caught a lot of fish and never felt underpowered fishing in riprap from 8′ down to 28′

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I would go with the 8lb. I personally think there is a lot less stretch than 6 lb. I will have to say this was done in mid July. May be the cold water/temps will cause each test line to be less stretchy.


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I am basically a mono guy who fishes jigs a lot in sub freezing weather…tried every mono out there… My favs for strength and low stretch…
    1) 6# Cortland endurance in hot tangerine (not easy to find)
    2) 6# Sufix Siege in HI Viz Orange
    I also fish 4# of the above w/o reservation…they are very strong lines…never needed any weight over 6# for Eyes…and I have caught a few

    But I would recommend Sufix Ice Braid on the MLXF for plastics’. It has a soft tip and braid is very helpful for solid hooksets … I test drove both the new 610 Extremes, MXF and MLXF… That new grip is cold in the cold brother! I’ll keep my cork EX 69s for now

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    “… I test drove both the new 610 Extremes, MXF and MLXF… That new grip is cold in the cold brother! I’ll keep my cork EX 69s for now



    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    will there be a whole lot of a difference if i’m using 6# sensation on the 69mlxf? i’ll be using it in around the 2ft-14ft range on rip rap/sand etc.

    Verical jigging you will be ok…but come pitching time on long casts,heavier jig weights and BIG fish hard mouths you may find yourself a bit dissapointed in your hook up percentage. A 68mxf is my ideal mono rod, but a 66mf or 70mf will do nicely as well.
    Good luck fishing !!!!

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