Done with Scheels

  • icenutz
    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I got the Scheels flyer in the Sunday paper and they had the vexilar Fishphone on sale for $169, $20 off. Tonight I drive 20 minutes to the store and they have none, 30 to 45 days due to manufacturer delay. I think they should of known this in advance and not had it in the flyer or should of placed an add in the paper stating they were not available like other stores.

    That’s just the start of it, I ask the guy working in that department if I could get a rain check for the sale price, he said no but I could pay now and they would order one. Huh I have to give them $180 of my money to have for 30-45 days while I wait until they might come in and I don’t even get to see it first?

    I told him that was stupid and he told me not to take it out on him and go talk to the white shirts. I did not take anything out on him I just told him it was a stupid policy and many other stores Fleet Farm, Farm & Fleet and others offer rain checks if items are out of stock.

    I talked to customer service and got the same answer, well that’s the last time I visit Scheels.

    I feel better now. Where is customer service today?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Scheels Corporate Office
    4550 15 Ave S
    Fargo, ND 58103

    (701) 232-3665

    A letter and phone call may help ya feel better.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Thanks Brian,

    That sounds like a good idea.

    Posts: 169

    That’s too bad it happened. It’s tough to go anywhere else around Eau Claire to get good service. For me Scheel’s has been really good with everything I have ever had problems with. Usually no receipt and they still exchange it for me or do something to fix the problem. To get the best results I usually go during the day, more full time employees working. Until I get burned I will keep going back. I usually like dealing with Dwight or Pat in the fishing dept. They know how much I go there and spend, they go out of there way to help. Like stated earlier it might help to call the corp. office maybe they can change some of there policies. Worth a shot.


    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Some of these ads are planned out months in advance with the manufacture. The blame on this could go both ways. Did vexilar not fulfill orders requested by Scheels or did Scheels just not order enough?

    For someone who shops and is looking for the deal it is frustrating but life will go on. You can still get your Vexilar and the sun is still going to come up tomorrow.

    Personally I have never had a bad expirience at Scheels and I think that their ability to serve the customers is some of the best out there.

    It’s unfortunate that you feel they way you do, if you aren’t happy then speak by taking your business elsewhere. For me, I will be shopping at Scheels tomorrow

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I want that fish phone too. But I knew they were going to be available around Christmas. Sorry you wasted your time and had such poor service. Why they wouldn’t issue a raincheck is beyond me. IDO members should spam their fishing department with calls about the product.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It’s a vexilar product and I don’t think they are too blame. Everything I have seen out of Vexilar is available around Christmas.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t know if I’ve ever spent any money at Scheel’s but the half dozen times I’ve been in there they’ve been more then helpful.

    Dwight’s a good Joe for a walleye guy too.

    Nutz, I hear you on your vent on the specials, but if you want to see a total mess from start to finish, swing on into this area sometime. You will think your sitting on Santa’s lap at Scheels.

    Posts: 615

    The scheels in Mankato had three of the wing shaped ducers for the sonar phone sitting on the shelf yesterday. I almost bought one. Not sure if thats what you were looking for but I would call them up and have them ship it to your local store if thats what it was…

    Posts: 7348

    With gas prices and time is money moto, if the drive is more than 10min away I call first to see if they have stock on the bigger ticket items.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Are you talking about the Sonar or the camera? SonarPhone is the thing I am talking about. Or are you talking the FishPhone? If you are talking about the camera, forget everything I said, those have been out for a while.


    Looks like it was the camera. And maybe Vexilar is at fault, because on their website they don’t list it, you have to search for it. And it says…

    Not Available Direct

    Posts: 6259

    Scheels lost my business with the new expansion that moved everything fishing from the front door to the back door, splitting up the bait from the fishing department keeping the bait as far away from the fishing department as possible and doubling there floor space but not adding one square foot to the fishing department, they deserve all the bad ink they get in my book. Sorry about your big fat waste of gas and time Nut. When we go ice fishing next month while we are hammering the fish we can hammer scheels all day long till we feel better
    BTW if you like to dress like a pretty boy on the ski hill or snow hill scheels is the place for you. Piles of that crap in the store.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    Wow. If scheels couldn’t take care of you, I don’t think anyone could have. They have been flawless with me. The only place that puts the customer first more is dean at ahq- Travis vacek at the Sioux falls scheels is outstanding. I feel for ya still, I have been through that at other chains and its very frustrating.

    Big Rapids, Michigan
    Posts: 163

    As a current Scheels employee in Fargo (hockey dept) but knowing a lot about the fishing dept due to all the money I spend in it, I’m hoping I can help. I’ve rarely seen our fishing department under order, especially for things on ad. I feel that the employee got defensive because, for one, he did not make the no rain check policy, so there wasn’t anything he could personally do about it. Also, vexilar was out of them, and there was nothing he could do about that either. The white shirts are the store managers, and they could have potentially done something for you had you talked to one of them. The people at customer service have the same amount of knowledge and ability to do things about policies as the sales people. What I’ve learned about Scheels during my time with them is they rarely do things for no reason. If you would’ve payed for the item in advance and not liked it once it came in, they would’ve simply refunded your money. I don’t know what is safer than that, you really wouldn’t be taking any risks. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you should shop at Scheels, but since I’ve worked there I have a hard time with customer service pretty much everywhere else around Fargo outdoors store wise. It’s possible that you had a bad experience with a certain employee and it’s very unfortunate that that one experience will ruin your opinion of Scheels forever. Like someone said earlier, our corporate office is always receiving letters of mostly very happy but some disgruntled customers, and that may be a good option for you. I’m not going to say that every policy Scheels has makes total sense, but I feel that overall the customer service is just as good if not better than anywhere else.

    Posts: 331

    Oh great that only leaves Everts, Joes, FLEETFARM, and any Marcum product of course that us IDOers haven’t blackballed.

    Posts: 1748


    Oh great that only leaves Everts, Joes, FLEETFARM, and any Marcum product of course that us IDOers haven’t blackballed.

    short memory — everts was on the list — what a year or so ago

    like the idea of calling 1st — can save me alot time
    being on the web U can not do any place any good bad mouthing them when U do not get your way

    Posts: 6259


    Oh great that only leaves Everts, Joes, FLEETFARM, and any Marcum product of course that us IDOers haven’t blackballed.

    Hey everyone is entilted to there opinion, but the above businesses recieve two thumbs up from me

    Ofcourse there was some black balling going on with Everts not so long ago

    Posts: 4941


    Ofcourse there was some black balling going on with Everts not so long ago

    Wait a minute Is that Bk guy still there?

    Posts: 1899


    I want that fish phone too.

    Me, too. If I had one, I could call them up and tell them just how disappointed I am in them for not biting on my hook.

    Of course, they’d probably just send all of my calls straight to voicemail. Stupid fish.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    IceNutz not sure which model of the Vexilar SonarPhone you are looking for, it appears there are 3, but got an Ice Fishing catalog from Cabelas today they had the SP100 for $129.99.

    Link to the models:

    It’s not the Sonar Phone it’s the FishPhone that is delayed by the manufacturer until December/January. All I asked for was a rain check for the sale price and not have to shell out $180 for a month or more.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Side note, the SONARPhone is in the app stores with a demo mode. Might have to get one next spring for open water fishing.

    Posts: 349

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I have received nothing but goodness from the people of scheels. I have had one unpleasant experience with buying a gun but after informing the right people they went out of their way to make it right. MAybe you should have called before you went there. If there is something I want and I am going somewhere out of my way for it I always call to make sure that they have it and they can hold it. Seems like you kind of dropped the ball on that one. I know they have the ability to order from their other scheels stores as that is how I got my honda auger from them 2 years ago. I did have to pay up front for it and I got it a weeks and a half later I believe. I paid for it because I wanted it. Not that hard of a concept. I understand that we all want to feel appreciated, but I believe as a whole scheels is great and after reading what you defined as a reason to never go back could be pushed back onto your own fault as well.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Its been a month. I think we are all over it.

    Posts: 605

    This is a little bit of a bummer for me. I just heard a Scheels is coming to the mall in Rochester. Im hoping with a little more competition, gander might have drop its prices 20% to bring it down to a reasonable price.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Well I have to give an update to my issue with Scheels. I took the advice of one of the posts in this thread and emailed their headquarters. About 3 days later I received a call from the manager of the Eau Claire Scheels. Not only did he apologize for my not getting a rain check for the sale price, he asked for my address and sent me the raincheck and a $10 gift card

    I was very impressed that they actually called and were very nice about the problem. The manager said he was going to look into why it was not handled properly to start with.

    Looks like I owe them an apology and a second chance.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Now that was worth someone pullin’ this one out of the archives SCHEELS

    Posts: 349

    I guess I didn’t see a time limit, or expired date on the discussion. Next time I’ll ask your permission to make sure I don’t break any unwritten rules!

    Posts: 349

    Glad to see they handled their issue to your satisfaction. I haven’t heard much for horror stories there, but when I have they usually make up for it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I guess I didn’t see a time limit, or expired date on the discussion. Next time I’ll ask your permission to make sure I don’t break any unwritten rules!

    That would be appreciated.

    I was just having a little fun.

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