The Cost of Venison

  • moxie
    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I am amazed at the price of venison online. With my mom coming up for thanksgiving I thought I’d be exotic and make venison..omg it’s $40.a pound.
    You guys that deer hunt are lucky and eating like kings!

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    If you lived closer, I’d be happy to give you a roast.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Haha. I wish mine was that cheap.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    He gets 50 pounds of meat out of a deer? Must grow big in “Redneck” land!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    moxie, I don’t deer hunt down here, but I do have the chance to get some venison. Let me know and I’ll see what shows up. Also PM me your phone number or e-mail. It’s almost ice fishing time and can show you a few public places to start fishing at.

    Posts: 6687

    The most expensive meal i’ve ever had was the last meal of fish i ate

    Last week when i was going to buy one of the best climber stands on the market i told myself “It’s already going to be the most expensive deer you shot…Take a break from spending and just go enjoy it”…So yeah – I don’t do it for the cheap meat

    Funny video for sure.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Moxie if you don’t mind cleaning a deer, call the sheriffs dept. and ask them to put you on a list and when they go to a call where someone has hit one, they might call you to pick up the salvaged deer, its free and there’s alot of road kills right now and if theres not too many on the list you might get a call right away, like in the next few days.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Wow, I just made a $80 pot of chili? it tasted priceless.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    just figure it the way my brother does. he lives in WI. comes back to hunt up north a lot. his small game license was like a 140 bucks. the first grouse he said was 140 bucks…….the rest were free!!!!!!!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I am amazed at the price of venison online. With my mom coming up for thanksgiving I thought I’d be exotic and make venison..omg it’s $40.a pound.
    You guys that deer hunt are lucky and eating like kings!

    That’s a steal. I have come home from some hunts where we figured it was about $2000/pound.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    You’re paying for the entertainment and therapy that fishing and hunting provide. (Right Randy?) If you golf for 4 hours or fish for 4 hours and the cost is the same… which one do you get a meal out of.

    So I look at it as a cost of entertainment and therapy… the meat is FREE!!!!!!

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    The true cost of venison, $162/lb.

    You should see what it is for bird hunting with dogs…I no longer want to know.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    The true cost of venison, $162/lb.

    Terrible quality, but a great bit.


    Never thought of it that way,

    Mossy that’s funny but I don’t know how to skin a deer.
    Thanks Chomps pm sent.

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